View Full Version : Warping a Mini?

RT Old School
03-24-2007, 10:05 AM
Have any Mini owners given much thought to adding a Warp Feed to their rigs? With the Mini's more or less un-modifiable bottom asa/reg, the warp mount would have to be pretty inventive. I just think that it would really shrink the Mini down even smaller (though wider)

I picked up a 45/45 and the 1.5" freak tip to shrink my Mini and am hoping some inventive minds here on AO can suggest warp mounts.


Nick E
03-24-2007, 10:18 AM
pics of mini?:D and of the asa/bottomline would be great. maybe something like a cradle and mount the warp plate on that?

RT Old School
03-24-2007, 02:48 PM
First is a pic of my y-gripped warped mag.

You can see that the gun extends past the 2 foot ruler I am using for scale.

The next pic is the mini with the stubby barrel and short 45/45 tank.

Next two pics are of the ASA/bottomline.





I've been looking at the gun and warp, and Im thinking that if I created new grip panels, I could create a metal panel with a gasket to keep the gun sealed, and then weld a warp bracket coming off of the grip, thus just using the already in place screws into the frame to hold the warp. (Not being a metal worker I would have to find someone to help with this)

Anyways, I appreciate any comments or suggestions.

03-24-2007, 05:11 PM
Have the warp mount off the front grip? Tap two holes in it?

RT Old School
03-24-2007, 07:06 PM
Have the warp mount off the front grip? Tap two holes in it?

I think not, only because the front grip doesnt seem all that sturdy. It houses the circuit board and comes apart in sections in order to access the board. I dont think it would hold up to the stress that the weight of the warp and hopper would put on it.

03-24-2007, 07:08 PM
Yea, it would have to hold a good 3-4 pounds.

I asume that the asa has micro tubing from the asa into the grip. Drill a hole in the warp mount and run the micro line through it.

03-24-2007, 07:15 PM
Have you considered a Q instead of a warp? it may be a little easier to mount, and it would defiently be lighter.

03-24-2007, 07:27 PM
Have any Mini owners given much thought to adding a Warp Feed to their rigs? With the Mini's more or less un-modifiable bottom asa/reg, the warp mount would have to be pretty inventive. I just think that it would really shrink the Mini down even smaller (though wider)

I picked up a 45/45 and the 1.5" freak tip to shrink my Mini and am hoping some inventive minds here on AO can suggest warp mounts.


If your going to do this,.. you need to take a long hard look at the bottom line and how to mod the warp braket to get the air through it from the ASA to the grip where the internal regulator is.

Ive been on ZDS home page looking at the mini taken all apart and I cant see bolting the warp bracket right on being something you can do without machining.

Just dreaming up a solution: using orings that are soft and wedging them between the grip and the bracket. No telling if it will work.

Edit: Heres an idea if you want to try it.

Look at the bottom of your ASA. I dont know how far the spread is on the warp bracket, but you can try to widen the holes on the warp, remove the screw in the bottom of the ASA, measure the spread on the warp bracket from hole to hole, measure the spread from the hole on the bottom of the ASA to the front or rear of the ASA and see if you have room to fit a new hole on either side of the existing one on the ASA. Drill another hole into the ASA, tap it, and screw the bracket with new screws into the bottom two holes.

Heres another idea that requires less work and does not modify the gun.

Get an older KAPP Drop Zone Cradle or newer CP Cradle (they look almost identical) that bolt around the neck of your tank behind the gauge. Run the cradle rod on the left or right side (your choice) drill 2 holes for the warp to mount to through the rod of the cradle,.. done!

I did this to my cocker a few years ago for this very same setup,.. makes the warp move WAY away from the side of the gun,.. plenty of room for a B2 or Halo.

Good thing is,.. the holes you drill are covered up it you ever want to use it for a bottle again or resale.

Good luck! :cheers:

RT Old School
03-25-2007, 07:48 AM
The ASA/Reg on the Mini is more or less un-modifiable at this time. The tube that transfers the air through the grip is unlike the standard macro line and fittings. The reg is seated in the grip only one way (I tried to reverse mount the ASA to flip the bottle, it doesnt fit)

So, that leaves mounting the warp to other parts of the gun. I like the idea of the KAPP drop. I hadnt seen that product before, I'll have to keep looking for some pics of them. I wonder if I could mount the drop upside down so it would run from the bottleneck, under the grip, then up a bit higher, to position the warp bracket right under the trigger guard. I'll have to do some investigating.

Thanks for the inputs!

03-25-2007, 07:57 AM
The ASA/Reg on the Mini is more or less un-modifiable at this time. The tube that transfers the air through the grip is unlike the standard macro line and fittings. The reg is seated in the grip only one way (I tried to reverse mount the ASA to flip the bottle, it doesnt fit)

So, that leaves mounting the warp to other parts of the gun. I like the idea of the KAPP drop. I hadnt seen that product before, I'll have to keep looking for some pics of them. I wonder if I could mount the drop upside down so it would run from the bottleneck, under the grip, then up a bit higher, to position the warp bracket right under the trigger guard. I'll have to do some investigating.

Thanks for the inputs!

This is the newest one,.. shorter than the one I was thinking of.

http://www.compulsivepaintball.com/itemdesc.asp?product=Kapp+Stubby+Drop+Zone+%2D+Chr ome&ic=10531

But that would work as I described.

The Drop Zone II or III would work as well


Good thing about getting the black dust colored ones is you can put them in a vice and bend them into any angle without making them look like crap.

If you want a really fast, clean, 5 minute install,.. buy the KAPP Drop Zon and go from there!

RT Old School
03-25-2007, 08:55 AM
Thanks for the help.

Someone on PBN had two for sale so I made him an offer. I'll post pics if I get it to come together!

Thanks again!

RT Old School
03-30-2007, 08:01 PM
I got the Mini warped and ready.

Many thanks to p8ntbal4me for turning me onto the KAPP drops.

The drops are a little too large, obviously meant for a larger regulator than my 45/45, but nothing that a roll of hockey stick tape cant handle.

Here is the pic goodnes...





I really prefer the warp left body, but this will work for now. I may try to get a q-loader elbow to lower the connection off the top a bit.

It is super duper compact. I think I am going to really enjoy playing with it this weekend.

I hope everything stays connected :P

03-30-2007, 08:54 PM
What kind of feedneck threads does a Mini take? Rogue makes a vert feed warp adapter with Angel threads. It could cut down on the height of the set-up.


I have one, and it makes for a much tighter package.

<a href="http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4943477"><img src="http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/3/6716440446.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge."></a>

RT Old School
03-30-2007, 09:04 PM
What kind of feedneck threads does a Mini take? Rogue makes a vert feed warp adapter with Angel threads. It could cut down on the height of the set-up.

It takes an Ion threaded feedneck. Im thinking of picking up the Q-loader elbow that is Ion threaded and using that instead.