View Full Version : teenage? mutant ninja turtles

03-25-2007, 12:50 AM
i know quite a few of you are ninja turtle fans, so who of you have seen the new movie?
i just saw it and it was ok.
story was decent, i think it had a plot. most of the characters were good.

i didn't like sara michelle gellar as april and patrick stewart as the main bad dude. also the bad one liners during a fight made me cry. :cry: and you could really tell when they were trying to appease older people and then the younger group.

oh wellz, nice to see them on the big screen again.

/go ninja
//go ninja go

03-25-2007, 01:36 AM
So... out of 10, for an 18 year old, you would give it a what?
/seeing if it's worth the $10 for me...

03-25-2007, 05:53 AM
I hope to god vanilla ice is in this one too... I mean what would a ninja turtles movie be with out vanilla ice!!! :dance:

03-25-2007, 06:17 AM
ninja, ninja rap
ninja, ninja rap

go ninja, go ninja, go!

I love vanilla ice

Dark Side
03-25-2007, 07:54 AM
I mean what would a ninja turtles movie be with out vanilla ice!!! :dance:

Or a dopey storyline

03-25-2007, 11:09 AM
old ninja turtles > new ninja turtles

03-25-2007, 11:29 AM
Actually having been a fan of the beer guzzling turtles (before pizza), I actually liked this movie. They did a good job of creating a new story line while giving throw backs to some of the original stories. I still prefer the original Casey Jones to the new one ... the new one is just to toned down for my likes.

In the end of the movie check out Splinters shelf where he puts Max Winters helmet ... there is a TCRI ooze canister there, along with Shredders helmet, and the scepter from the third turtle movie.


03-25-2007, 12:25 PM
what happened to casey jones?

how'd they tone him down?

03-25-2007, 03:01 PM
Well he has been toned down ever since the Turtles went main stream. The original Casey Jones was envisioned as a person that spends every waking moment working out or training in front of several banks of TV's all tuned to various cop shows and what not. In his mind jay walking and serial murders were equal crimes. Very Punisher in style although never ending in actually killing someone, aside from one story line in the early comics where it was accidental.

They started to get it right in the first movie, the meeting was almost frame for frame from the comics in which he was introduced. But they mellowed him out quickly in the movie.


03-25-2007, 05:37 PM
Well he has been toned down ever since the Turtles went main stream. The original Casey Jones was envisioned as a person that spends every waking moment working out or training in front of several banks of TV's all tuned to various cop shows and what not. In his mind jay walking and serial murders were equal crimes. Very Punisher in style although never ending in actually killing someone, aside from one story line in the early comics where it was accidental.

They started to get it right in the first movie, the meeting was almost frame for frame from the comics in which he was introduced. But they mellowed him out quickly in the movie.
