View Full Version : Andrew’s AGD Chronicles 20070325

03-25-2007, 08:04 PM
I think that I am going to turn this into a running account of playing paintball and also servicing my markers. It should have some useful information, plus it will give me a history to use when looking back. Feel free to post replies or thoughts.

The first parts of these chronicles are here:

Played on 25 March 2007 at the Outdoor Adventures field in Rosedale, MD. The weather was amazing, probably 65 degrees and no wind. The fields were wet, with standing pools of water here and there from the rain we had yesterday. About 16 people were there, but I think the most we had on the field at any one time was 13, split into two teams of 6 and 7. Most games were 5 on 5 or so.

My goal today was to play all woodsball, since I had played a lot of speedball my last time out. Every game we played was woodsball.

I replaced my Lvl 10 o-ring and carrier to try and get a better fit to improve my chrono consistency (it seemed a little tight, but I could not go one carrier larger without leaking). I did the fitting and tuning at home, including firing about 1000 dry fires to break everything in. With the 2.0 carrier and a new o-ring, I was able to get what I wanted when I felt the action by hand with the valve off the rail. I was firing Marbalizer through my Powerlyte Scepter barrel with the .686 insert (good fit). Chrono was good, ranging from 279 to 286 fps over a sampling of about 20 shots.

Had the chance to shoot through a break, which was a first. The field was filled with moderate cover and the other team kept digging in and sitting tight, shooting a lot of paint our way. I was advancing and took cover behind a smallish tree and tangle of bushes. When I fired off some shots at a clump of bushes (that was shooting paint at me) I had a huge mess of chowder fly out of the barrel. I had gotten a small branch partially inserted into the barrel. Too much going on to squeegee, so I fired a sustained volley of about 50 shots at the enemy bush. About halfway through that volley I had a fair semblance of accuracy back. When the volley was over, the other guy stood up with what appeared to be two hits on his goggles. I played the rest of the game without stopping to clean the barrel and the accuracy was acceptable.

I like the Scepter kit so much that I am considering selling my Dye Ultralite and getting another Scepter kit for the MiniTac Pro that is on the way from Rogue.

Not usually the type who tries for the longball shot, but I did have one today that paced out to around 45 yards. I was moving up along the tapeline, looked over and could see one guy’s butt sticking out. Fired a ranging shot with the barrel elevated, then followed with a few more at a slow rate. The sixth or seventh popped right on his loader pack.

During an advance I had one guy pop up from behind a pallet bunker fairly close (he had been hiding and waiting). I was already headed to another pallet bunker and turned my run into a foot-first slide, which was good. He snapped off several shots that went over me, meanwhile I started firing during the slide and made him duck back in. I saw that his pallet had 2-3 inch spaces between the slats, so I kept firing and unloaded on it pretty good. At least one got through and he stood up.

Interesting thing here, the RT Pro is accurate with slow fire, but also able to throw down a heavy fusillade when needed.

I have spent some time practicing snapshooting lately, both from a static position, moving to a new position and then shooting, and even firing while on the run. That has helped a lot. Several times I hit people with my first burst, even at 25-30 yards. A couple of other players remarked about it, because they were hit before they had a chance to return fire or even duck. The marker is light and well balanced, allowing me to keep it up in my shoulder and at the ready.

Still getting between 1000-1100 shots from a full 68/4500 tank. I needed to change my batteries before playing today (light was blinking red). That set of batteries lasted for two days of play, shooting 2 cases (I am turning off the Vlocity when I am not going to use it for a while), total actual playing time about 7-8 hours.

Cleaning up after playing was quick. I get a bowl of warm water with Dawn dishwashing liquid, dip a small piece of cloth in it, wipe down anything dirty with the damp cloth, then wipe it off with a dry cloth. I clean the inside of the barrel with a swab soaked in the bowl, then squeegee it dry. I continue to only use KC Trouble Free oil in the marker. Barrel off, 6 drops in the hose at the quick disconnect to the ASA (I was being lazy and not unscrewing the tank, though it was obviously degassed), then 50 dry fires and done. It took me about 15 minutes for all maintenance/cleaning.

Interesting thing, though I shot cottage cheese out the barrel from the broken balls caused by the branch, the ports on the Scepter were free of paintball fill when I cleaned the barrel.

Total shot count for this marker now about 11,000. Lvl 10 o-ring changed at 8,000.

The setup:
X-Valve with Lvl 10 (2 shims, 2.0 carrier, red spring)
CF ULE Mainbody
Tac Rail
ULT Trigger Kit (2 Lvl 10 and 2 ULT shims)
Double Trigger Intelliframe
Hogue .45 Grips
Viewloader Vlocity
CP Razor Drop
RT Pro Front Grip
Shrink-wrapped Hose from The Mag Smith w/Quick Disconnect
68/4500 High Pressure Crossfire Tank
12" 2007 Powerlyte Scepter Kit w/5 backs: .684,.686,.688,.690, and .692.

03-26-2007, 02:14 AM
I play mainly speedball too, but every now and then i feel its good for my game to get out there and play some woodsball. it's tough adjusting at first but every time i go woodballs and then play some speedball, my snap shooting has improved and how i move is much more patient and strategic.
i recently upped to some e-mag lowers, but there was a time where i had a full out mech with an rpg chimera. playing mech is really good for practicing your snapshooting, or just NOT flinging lots of paint. either way i feel every now and then getting back to basics (even playing with a pistol, or even a pump :eek: ) is an important part of having a well rounded game, and working the rough edges of the weakspots in your game out. it's nice to hear some good paintball stories, its a refreshing break from the usual complaints about cheaters and ramping :tard:

PS it's nice to see someone else has good taste in paint (marbs for the big win :headbang: )

03-26-2007, 10:59 AM
Thank you and also for giving me another idea of information to track: how much paint I am shooting. Marbalizers have always done pretty good for me. The ones I was shooting were breaking pretty well and shooting straight. I did have one unfortunate bounce during an advance. I was prone, on my left side, behind a low clump of logs and trading fire with a guy taking cover behind a tree. I could see a tiny bit of his hip and watched for the shift that signaled he was popping out. When he did I put three balls dead into his chest - not one broke. I watched them fall away from his loose camouflage blouse. His buddy finally managed to get an angle on me and bounced a shot off my boot that broke on my knee.

I shot around 1800 paintballs while playing. That means my average was 150 per game. The most I used was about 450 during a game in the field with moderate to heavy brush cover, because I was literally shooting at bushes that were firing paintballs at me. The least I fired was around 10, playing my first game on that same field. Couldn't see who was shooting at us (again, they were shooting out of thick tangles of brush) and I took off at a run for a large tree to get a different angle. One guy hit me on the hip just before I reached safety behind the tree.

Busted up my shin and knee pretty good on that same field. Two of the other team were prone under some bushes were we couldn't see them, but were putting out a lot of paint (I swear, on that field the other team loved to dig in and hose paint). I ran laterally, finally got them into view, brought my marker up to shoot, and tripped over a branch about 3" in diameter - which caused me to stumble into a log I was planning to jump over, resulting in a true "garage sale - everything goes everywhere" tumble. The guys I was charging were kind enough to put me out of my misery with a single shot on the goggles as I flopped around.

03-26-2007, 02:05 PM
Thats very true, knowing how much paint you're going to use can help you alot. i used to have an empire tank cover that had a pod holding thing under it, it was really nice. considering when i played mech i barely ever used a hopper, but knowing that i had an extra 160 balls that DIDNT add anything to my profile was very reasuring.
now that i've got some e-mag lowers i've upped the amount of paint i carry, tho i've always been against packs. i found that specops paintball has a nice 3 pod pack (even comes in 2) that attaches to your belt, i keep it at my hip. i just feel like packs weigh me down, and add to my profile... so this belt pod pack is really a great alternative. pod when you can, not when you have to.