View Full Version : 68 Classic

03-26-2007, 07:03 AM
So. I came accross a 68 Classic Automag... it has no hose, no asa, no barrell.... and that about sums it up. I am looking to spend about 200 - 300 to fix it up.... can anyone give me suggestions as to what to buy

03-26-2007, 07:28 AM
ULE body, CP barrel, a regular ASA works fine (i dont like on/offs personally), and stainless steel hose.

03-26-2007, 10:02 AM
a macro kit, an asa. play with it.

03-26-2007, 11:22 AM
I recommend an ASA, a hose, and a barrel.

03-26-2007, 11:45 AM
i also just picked one of these up, and it came with a J&J barrel. aside from the fact that it's ceramic, I love it. It also has the level 10 bolt upgrade, and coming from a spider that got breaks depending on the temperature, velocity, or the paint, i can say this makes a world of difference. It's a MUST HAVE!!!

03-26-2007, 04:57 PM
here is all the current barrels that you can get new for your mag

i would recomend getting a cheap asa and steel braid hose (if your using co2) and the lapco barrel

03-26-2007, 05:12 PM
So. I came accross a 68 Classic Automag... it has no hose, no asa, no barrell.... and that about sums it up. I am looking to spend about 200 - 300 to fix it up.... can anyone give me suggestions as to what to buy

First question does it work? What type air source do you own & do you have an electric hopper? If so , buy what you need to play, barrel asa & a hose. I always recommend buying a parts kit for each type marker you own.

03-26-2007, 05:28 PM
1) Vert ASA off this board ($10-25)
2) Rebuild kit ($20-30)
3) level 10 ($60-80)
4) Barrel - pick your poison ($20-100)
5) Hose - macroline or steel braided $(15-40) *go steel braid if you are running CO2.*

$125 - 265 for the must have's

After that, I'd think about an Intelliframe and a ULE body but these are "nice to have's"