View Full Version : Some questions about the RT Pro and E-Mags...

01-04-2002, 03:25 PM
Okay, I've been researching the RT Pro and the E-Mag trying to gather some info to help my decision on the next gun I'm going to buy. SO, here's some questions I came up with:

Is the RT Valve Tourny legal? I think it is, but I just want to run it by you guys first! :)

What happened to the gas-thru foregrip on the old RT? I heard they took it out of the RT Pro. Why did they take it out? Can you still get a gas-thru foregrip?

Onto the E-Mag.

Is there anything special about the E-Mag valve? Or is it just a simple RT valve? Anything special done to it? If it is a RT valve, then, in it's electronic mode (not mechanical) does it still have the reactive trigger feature made famous by the original automag RT? Or does the electronic operation take that feature away? I heard that on it's pure mechanical operation, the gun will perform just like an RT. Is that true? Also, I heard that the trigger is adjustable down to 3mm. Sweet!! Just want to run it by you guys first!

Another thing about the E-mag is it's weight. I heard that, with a full hopper w/ warp feed, an air system, etc... the E-Mag tops 10 lbs. :( Is the Extreme E-Mag any different? How much will the Extreme E-Mag weigh in comparison to the original?

What is an SFL E-Mag? Is it like a Extreme E-Mag? What are it's features vs. that of the original E-Mag??

I know these are alot of questions, but I'd appreciate any input alot! Thanks AO!!! :)

01-04-2002, 03:47 PM
I'm not going to answer all of your questions right now, because I'm a little lazy. :D

But one thing I do know (and one of the main reasons I'm going to get an emag) is that the Emag has what is called a hybrid mode.

It uses a normal RT valve, except it says "emag" on the side.

Anyway, the hybrid mode allows for an electronic pull of the trigger with the retro return of the trigger! The best of both worlds. So the pull is super light and short because it is electronic, and then the trigger returns really fast, just like an RT!

You could do a search for "hybrid" on the boards to learn more.

Also, the SFL is "Super Funky Light" (or something like that :D) As far as I know they are an extensively milled extreme Emag.

01-04-2002, 03:51 PM
Thanks! Anyone else care to answer the rest of my questions? I'm really curious about the weight of these SFL and Extreme EMags...


Load SM5
01-04-2002, 03:55 PM
The RT valve is very tourney legal.

They took the grip off because with the air running out of the side of the valve it longer travels internally though the body and grip. The Pro is a cut down no frills version of the RT.

The e-mag uses an the same valve as a Pro.

What deded said about Hybrid. Very, very fun to shoot. On mechanical it's just like an Rt and on electronic it has a very unique(magnets) and very adjustable trigger pull.

10 lbs. sounds about right for all that you've put on it. It's not bad at all if it's balanced right. The extreem is an aluminum body e-mag that is a few ounces lighter, has a removable breech, and will shortly come stock with and anti-chop eye (ACE). They also take cocker barels. The extreem is Shocktech's version that has been milled out and further lightened.

01-04-2002, 04:10 PM
Thanks alot guys! Anything else I should know before I commit myself to saving up for a decked out SFL E-Mag?? :D :) :D

Load SM5
01-04-2002, 04:12 PM
They are the coolest thing since sliced bread. I just ordered mine today. They currently don't come with the ACE installed but you can send it to AGD and they'll throw it in for free.

01-04-2002, 04:19 PM
WOO-HOO! Ace! I like! :D

Also, does the SFL and Extreme E-Mags (heck, even the original) come with a superbolt standard? Yeah, I know they've had some problems, etc... But do they / will they come with superbolts?? Also can you Intellifeed a 12V revvy from the E-Mag's grip? Thanks AO! :D

01-04-2002, 04:38 PM
I can try to answer a few.

From what I've been told the valves are almost identical except the emag has a different on/off. (someone who knows can help me here)

I'm pretty new to the mag world, but in 2 months I've decided 2 things. I will never play without a warp again, and the emag is the sweetest gun I've ever owned.

It can be a bit heavy, but in the game I never notice it because I brace the tank on my shoulder/top of the pectoral muscle. The weight is actually mostly pushing down on my chest they way I hold it.

The trigger is in itself almost worth the grand in my opinion. And whats more, it's actually designed to be adjusted by the user rather than some hack trigger job like so many other guns. Want it shorter, adjust 1 screw a few turns. Lighter pull? Take out all but 1 magnet (very easy). It's very versatile and pretty hard to damage by tinkering with it. The thing I've noticed the most as compared to other guns is that the trigger has a crisp start and end of the pull. This feel is unlike any other electro gun I've tried. Those triggers feel springy, like there's no definate end to the pull because the trigger is pulled against a micro switch. The emag pulls against the screw in the mode adjuster and consequently is something solid to pull against which gives it that crisp trigger stop feel.

I never use RT mode because I'm spoiled. However, the hybrid does have it's runaway sweet spot you can find if you use just the right pressure. IMHO if you try it for a few games, you won't want to go back to something else.

My two cents :)

01-04-2002, 04:39 PM
Sorry, in the time it took me to write that, i got pulled away from my desk for a bit. Some of it's probably redundant.

Load SM5
01-04-2002, 04:51 PM
Superbolts come with the Extreems (when they are released)and the SFL's. They take a different sized bolt than the standard mags/e-mags. The diameter is larger from what I understand.

01-04-2002, 05:21 PM
Thanks alot, guys!!!! :D