View Full Version : Remembering when and the changing POV

03-29-2007, 04:07 PM
When I started playing paintball the electro marker was unheard of. Heck a decent Semi auto was all anyone thought they would ever need.

A time when venturi bolts and low pressure were (supposedly)enabling godlike accuracy to our imperfect spheres of gelatin.

When cockers had magical powers and shot farther and more accurately than anything else. When actually being able to time one was considered a black art.

HPA was outrageous...who would be stupid enough to hold a 3000PSI bottle in their hands to play paintball. Wasn't a 20OZ CO2 enough for anyone?

The All American barrel was the end all be all in accuracy. There was nothing else to those "in the know".

The Spyder One came out and cost nearly $300. Who had THAT kind of money? .....a little later came the Boo-Yah for the cheaters....lol

The Diablo Matrix had all of our jaws dropping, wondering how we were going to feed that beast with our measly 9v revi's....those of us who "had it like that" and weren't using shakers anyway....and the "rich elite" with their Angels. The Ark of the Covenant.....The first guy we knew lucky (or unlucky) enough to own an EM1 thought he would rule the world....and the rock and cock boys were standing in awe watching the waste of paint.

My how things change, and remain the same. Ah, I ramble on.....

Zone Drifter
03-29-2007, 04:30 PM
Unfortunetly, i skipped all the fads and "must get" items in paintball. I started in my woods with brass eagle pump guns, where semi auto was the latest craze. Of course, our parrents wouldnt buy them for us, because god forbid i have a paintball gun. It was as dangerous as a real gun in my parrents eyes.

Well, after the pump guns got old, and someone showed up with a stingray, our game evolved more to low end mechanical semi markers. I think thats as far as i got before i left for the air force. However, they had a speedall couse on base, and the world of paintball blew open for me.

Not only did i play speedball with my old JT Excellerator 3.0 (and still did rather well) but i also got into scenario games with the other crowd and couldnt shift to either game completely.

HPA, Co2... everyone had their preferance, but i couldnt make up my mind. One game demanded performance, speed and looks while the other demanded steath, skill and intimidation with what real life gun yours looked like. At that point i almost wished that everyone used pump guns again, to liven up the matches and get people to be more eccentric in how they go to you first.

Now, i own a Tiberus 9, an RT pro, and still have the old excellerator. I jump into speedball matches when i can, and play tactical with friends. This game rocks, who cares about the fads? Find what you like, and stick with it, and if you cant decide like me, then do it all!

03-29-2007, 04:58 PM
Yeah I used to look at electros and say what a waste...only people with out skill need that rate of fire. Eventually I fell to the dark side and craved the power!!! Well I still play rec and I still just aim and fire a burst of 3 (just to be sure since 1 or 2 will drift off target) at my target with my classic mag. Hell I still aim and fire a burst of 3 when I am using my x-mag in rec (warp feed and all) :bounce: