View Full Version : any used this air tank

03-31-2007, 06:26 PM
i need a cheap air tank, a guy on a local forum has a 68/3000 aci bulldog, he said it is an adjustable screw in but its out of hydro, hydro is not a big deal to me because it will be for woodsball and we fill off our scuba tanks, has anyone used or know anything about these screw in adjustable regs? i like that fact that its adjustable because i have an rt mag on the way. i'd appreciate any input. thanks

03-31-2007, 06:48 PM
i had an aci bulldog but ive never seen an adjustable one. you should have any tank in hydro, hydro is for your saftey and others around you. hydro is like 25 bucks and its better to be safe than sorry. i had a friend that said the same thing and never had his tank hydroes, well it had a hairline crack in it and it blew on the filed. luckily noone was hurt.

03-31-2007, 07:09 PM
thanks, and i'm not trying to be a wise guy but i'm more looking for advise about whether the tank is any good rather than whether or not i should get it hydroed before playing with it. thanks for the reply though, anyone else have experience w/ bulldog tanks, especially this adjustable screw in?

04-01-2007, 04:23 PM
i've got a 68/4500 bulldog II tank.
not adjustiable or anything.
tank works fine for me.

04-01-2007, 04:27 PM
I've never seen an adjustable one, but the preset ones work pretty well. I've got to go with mclaggan123 get it hydroed.

04-01-2007, 06:46 PM
thanks for the responses, it is $60, i know it needs hydro so i'm wondering if it is worth it? like i said i def want a screw in but adjustable is nice so this seems like the tank for me?

04-01-2007, 07:58 PM
$60 + $25 for Hydro (this is not optional btw). So you're paying $85 for a 68/3k tank. Yea that's ok. It's not a fantastic price, it's pretty average.

Also, don't shrug off people telling you that you need to hydro it. I really don't care what style of paintball you play or how you fill your tank. A young man was killed in the past because the owner of the tank he was filling failed to hydro it. The tank had flaws that an inspection would have detected, and blew up, sending shards and ball bearings from the regulator into the man. Anyone who puts themselves and those around them in that kind of danger to save a measly $25 deserves a kick in the throat. Sorry if it seems like I'm being a wiseguy btw :rolleyes:

04-01-2007, 09:25 PM
no worries, i know you're not being a wise guy and i understand what you guys are saying but there is no need to start kicking anyone in the throat just yet, i just wanted some more advise/ opinions about the topic i posted, again and as always no disrespect is meant in any of my posts. thanks for the replies guys.