View Full Version : I searched but didnt find my answers

dark wolf 0982
03-31-2007, 08:53 PM
The RPG Pro Custom is going to be my next gun and the agd guns really have intrieged me into getting one so here are my questions.

1. Is it easy to maintain and do you have to oil it everytime you play or is it just fine to let it sit for a month or two after playing with it and then lube it?
2.Is it worth the price?
3.I got a choice on the themagsmiths.com where i am goin to buy it, level 7 or level 10 bolt. Whats the difference and whats better?
4. I heard theres a mag that you can use co2 on, is the RPG Pro able to use co2 even though i do have air? Just wondering.
5.This is a question about the website. Is themagsmith.com a very good site to buy from?
6.Anyone have one and not recommend them for a first AGD gun?
7. Any videos of them shooting?
8. I also have a choice of the exile or paraih body. Which is lighter? It looks like the paraih but i want a answer from you guys.
9.I got a Vl Vlocity,pulse and revy whats better to use on it?
10. Whats the bps is can go up to?
11. Does the stock barrel have great accuracy? I dont want accuracy like a VL gun. LOL If you have used a VL gun then you know what i mean.

03-31-2007, 09:20 PM
The RPG Pro Custom is going to be my next gun and the agd guns really have intrieged me into getting one so here are my questions.

1. Is it easy to maintain and do you have to oil it everytime you play or is it just fine to let it sit for a month or two after playing with it and then lube it?
2.Is it worth the price?
3.I got a choice on the themagsmiths.com where i am goin to buy it, level 7 or level 10 bolt. Whats the difference and whats better?
4. I heard theres a mag that you can use co2 on, is the RPG Pro able to use co2 even though i do have air? Just wondering.
5.This is a question about the website. Is themagsmith.com a very good site to buy from?
6.Anyone have one and not recommend them for a first AGD gun?
7. Any videos of them shooting?
8. I also have a choice of the exile or paraih body. Which is lighter? It looks like the paraih but i want a answer from you guys.
9.I got a Vl Vlocity,pulse and revy whats better to use on it?
10. Whats the bps is can go up to?
11. Does the stock barrel have great accuracy? I dont want accuracy like a VL gun. LOL If you have used a VL gun then you know what i mean.

1. yes
2. yes
3. LX for anti-chop goodness.
4. NO Co2!
5. yes, so is Tunamart.com
6. doubt you'll get a biased answer here, we're grazy for Mags!
7. search, foo!
8. they are effectively the same, and neither are in stock
9 I like Halo's, and have no experience with anything other than Revy's
10. 12-ish if it's tuned, and your trigger is very reactive. that's how fast my RT valve shoots
11. edited... :tard:

03-31-2007, 09:34 PM
i dont beleive they come with barrels...

04-01-2007, 09:29 AM
The RPG Pro Custom is going to be my next gun and the agd guns really have intrieged me into getting one so here are my questions.

1. Is it easy to maintain and do you have to oil it everytime you play or is it just fine to let it sit for a month or two after playing with it and then lube it? Yes
2.Is it worth the price?Absolutely, I just a bought a paradigm from Rogue and I couldn't be happier
3.I got a choice on the themagsmiths.com where i am goin to buy it, level 7 or level 10 bolt. Whats the difference and whats better?Level 10 is the anti-chop, highly recommended IMO
4. I heard theres a mag that you can use co2 on, is the RPG Pro able to use co2 even though i do have air? Just wondering. This valve is not designed to work with CO2, some say it is possible, but it is not recommended
5.This is a question about the website. Is themagsmith.com a very good site to buy from?
6.Anyone have one and not recommend them for a first AGD gun?Like I said earlier, I just purchased a marker from them and couldn't be happier. Excellent customer service. They were even willing to do some additional work with the gun before sending to me. Basically they built a marker to my own personal specs.
7. Any videos of them shooting? Dunno, never looked
8. I also have a choice of the exile or paraih body. Which is lighter? It looks like the paraih but i want a answer from you guys. From what I can tell, it depends on what rail you want. I went with the Pariah body and Dallara Rail. The body is shortened from the standard ULE body. Extremely Light Weight!
9.I got a Vl Vlocity,pulse and revy whats better to use on it? This is just your preference and how fast you shoot. I have used a revvy and a Halo but prefer the Halo because is sits a little higher and gives me a better sight line.
10. Whats the bps is can go up to?As fast as you can pull the trigger. This is again preference as you choose whether or not you want the ULT
11. Does the stock barrel have great accuracy? I dont want accuracy like a VL gun. LOL If you have used a VL gun then you know what i mean. It does not come with a barrel. The breach is cocker threaded.

Here is a photo of the one that I purchased a couple weeks ago. As I said, I love you. Yes, I may have paid a good amount for it, and could easily have purchased other nice electros for the same price, but I personally do not like electronic markers. As far as mechs go, this is about as good as it gets IMO, right along side some of the nicest cockers out there. Good luck!


04-01-2007, 09:54 AM
As far as mechs go, this is about as good as it gets IMO.

I wouldn't disagree with you there. I do love your marker every time I look at it I decide I want one.

04-01-2007, 11:39 AM
I picked up a custom pro (red w/matching 10" cp barrel) from Rogue. Could not be be happier with it.

Nate129 has one for sale in buy/sell forum worth taking a look at. He has it at a very good price.