View Full Version : Wheres that pod

04-02-2007, 11:17 PM
Just came across this over on PBN in someones sig. thought it was pretty nifty..it's like the whole where's george thing or whatever , but with pods..

I might print a couple up and take to MAO with me, should be interesting where those end up, if the person enters the info..well anyway check it out.


04-02-2007, 11:48 PM
I have all my pods registered in this site. It's pretty cool.

04-03-2007, 12:43 AM
haha, that's a great idea. :bounce:

04-03-2007, 01:09 AM
Rick from TC paintball once said somthing along the lines of

"when you pay for a pod, you don't own the pod, you own the rights to the pod"

you lose them, you find them, usually you end up with the same amount of pods.

i know my pods when i see them because i've only seen about 20 of them in my life.
i use APP pods and they seem indestructiable and are 2peice.

04-03-2007, 10:58 AM
I think the pods I have right now I have had the longest of any pods mainly because me and my team are the only people with them in the areas we play. At MAO Doc gave us an *** of raiders pods, so someone takes it, Im like uhhh ye that's one of ours..all though one did get broken this weekend....saddened me.

04-03-2007, 11:25 AM
This is a cool idea. I dont see my pods going anywhere to far but I can imagine some being picked up at large tourneys, scenario games, ao days and making some pretty good distance :rofl:

My pods have been added :D

04-03-2007, 12:51 PM
Ha, I should enter each one of my 10-round tubes... :rolleyes:

04-03-2007, 01:16 PM
They do something like this with money. I got one the other day with stamps on it from a website called "where's george". The thing is, people are boring and don't get into things like that. I registered my dollar bill and it had been first registered in Pennsylvania 4 years ago. So in 4 years everyone who had this bill was too lame to check out the site.

RvB Caboose
04-03-2007, 04:57 PM
That's really clever. It's just like www.wheresgeorge.com. Too bad I've never onwed a pod before :( It's all 10 round tubes or hopper ball.