View Full Version : Archon's NEW Revolutionary 200 Round Gravity fed hopper

04-03-2007, 06:13 PM
Has anyone ever tried one of this hopper before. This is mainly for slow woodsball games, around 10bps. I would like to know if this really works or is it just hype. I have 2 Halo B's, 1 Empire B and a Empire Reloader. I want something that I don't have to stick batteries in.

04-03-2007, 06:31 PM

04-03-2007, 06:54 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/Archons-NEW-Revolutionary-200-Round-Gravity-fed-hopper_W0QQitemZ130096447184QQcategoryZ71157QQssPa geNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Sorry about that.

04-03-2007, 07:00 PM
Now instead of one hole to jam, there's 3! Revolutionary!


Doesn't look like it will work very well.

04-03-2007, 07:02 PM
cant change gravity.. the balls will onyl fall so fast on their own no matter what you do

04-03-2007, 07:07 PM
And, these things dont work any better than any other gravity feed hopper. Good idea, but just doesnt work that well.

04-03-2007, 07:23 PM
Now instead of one hole to jam, there's 3! Revolutionary!

Exactly. People of have tried feed channels before. They never work, and the way that thing is made, both feed channels will go right into each other over the hole, getting two balls jammed there. Since there's a piece of plastic over the feed hole, you won't be able to shake the jam out very well.

Get a normal hopper.

04-03-2007, 07:26 PM
God, that guy on eBay NEVER shuts up.

04-03-2007, 07:33 PM
This thing is not new. Almost a year old. I run one of my epic, works nicely for any slow mech.

04-03-2007, 08:18 PM
I would go with a ricochet apache for woodsball. yes it takes batteries but if you run out of batteries its the only elctro hopper that will still gravity feed. just my 2 cents

04-03-2007, 08:29 PM
i run my 98 custom with that hoper and its pretty cool. i mean i cant really tell a difference from my normal hopper but it worked fine. the double feed doesnt speed the balls up, the theory is that the plastic guard inside is to prevent balls from shooting back up into the hopper from blowback.

04-03-2007, 08:42 PM
I would go with a ricochet apache for woodsball. yes it takes batteries but if you run out of batteries its the only elctro hopper that will still gravity feed. just my 2 cents
You can wind up the spring on a rip drive halo for a guaranteed 16 balls. I like that better than shake and bakes...Although I've never used an apache, they might actually feed better in gravity mode than those vl200s.

04-03-2007, 09:32 PM
Bottom Line: Wether this perform as advertised or not it will still be an imporvement over the standard VL200 for the same price. I might use it on a pump, but I think the problem is most of us will have a marker that needs a fast loader anyway, which we may aswell use on every other gun we own....

04-03-2007, 09:41 PM
hopper works better than my halo! thanks guys!

Yes, I'm sure those feedback notes are so not him or his friends.

04-03-2007, 09:44 PM
I've got two of them. Got them for about $8 each so that's why the two.

I've used them for all but my first day out. They work as claimed and I have not had a single feedneck chop yet even when using them with my electro Pilot and EVO despite rattling off some pretty decent looking 7 to 8'ish bps strings.

When I first got them I "raced" one against the VL hopper. The Archon won easily. It not only flowed faster but didn't jam up like the VL did consistently. The Archon did jam but no where near as much. When I re-ran the dumping races with a little bit of aggitation the Archon flowed smoothly for the whole hopper while the VL still suffered occasional jams. In the cases where they both flowed balls for the whole time the Archon would dump the whole hopper in about 15 to 17 seconds while the VL was up between 22 to 27 seconds.

THe only issue I have with my Archons is that the flat'ish bottom tends to hold back the last 10 to 20 balls. Especially if you have the setup angled to either side at all. Otherwise it's a winner for me. But like any grav feed it works best with a bit of kick in the marker and even a bit of puffing up the neck to help agitate the balls. Also nothing is perfect. In my 6 days of playing with them I've had to shake things loose about twice. This seems to happen when it's down around 1/4 full and I'm sitting in a bunker and not moving, just aiming and shooting. If I'm moving or altering position so the setup gets shaken a little it never jams. When I compare this to the two times I've played with my pump guns using a BE Pocket Hopper and a mini Winchester where it jams about or twice per game I think the Archon is pretty decent.

I used mine on my 68 Classic this past weekend and it worked like a champ. No chops at all. The only mess that occured was when I got hit hard in the hopper and it busted a couple of balls in the feedneck. That stopped the flow RIGHT NOW! on the cocker I was using in that game. What a mess.....

If you're looking for a woodsball hopper for use on a mechanical trigger or non ramping electronic I would heartily recomend them. I like mine and feel no pressure at this time to go electric at all.

04-04-2007, 08:05 AM
Thanks for all the info guys. I mainly use my Halo B with Victory Board for Speedball. But for Woodsball, it think this will do just for playing around, plus it's cheap.

04-04-2007, 08:32 AM
I got one and it wasnt any different than a normal one..or so I could tell.

04-04-2007, 11:22 AM
I stopped listening after he mispronounced Archon

04-04-2007, 11:56 AM
They work well, but when the do jam up they really jam up and it takes alot of shaking to clear it. Also, they are only $5 in our shop, so not bad.

04-04-2007, 11:22 PM
I stopped listening after he mispronounced Archon

04-05-2007, 12:23 AM
Wow... some kids are truly idiots. Look at some of those Review Replies...

""Faster than gravity fed"" :rolleyes:

""Works better than my Halo"" :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:


04-05-2007, 03:51 AM
Wow... some kids are truly idiots. Look at some of those Review Replies...

""Faster than gravity fed"" :rolleyes:

""Works better than my Halo"" :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:


Maybe the guys halo caught on fire.

04-05-2007, 08:29 AM
Yeah I think I am gonna go with the friends and family plan theory on the ebay feedback. And no he never shuts up. Get them from a local shop. Go to the archon webpage and find a local dealer. I have two of these. Jamming does happen especially towards the end of the hopper. For no batteries there isn't anything better out there and these really do feed at a decent rate. I use them on mech mags with no troubles.

04-05-2007, 11:47 AM
If you are looking for a good hopper without the need for batteries, there are a few that are agitated based hoppers that actually use air to operate the agitator. I believe Tippman even makes one, although I may be wrong. Just a thought, as I tried the archon and was not impressed in the least.

04-05-2007, 11:48 AM
Maybe the guys halo caught on fire.

or maybe to be fair he tested both without batteries.. and it outperformed his halo without batteries.. :rolleyes:

04-05-2007, 12:50 PM
If you are looking for a good hopper without the need for batteries, there are a few that are agitated based hoppers that actually use air to operate the agitator. I believe Tippman even makes one, although I may be wrong. Just a thought, as I tried the archon and was not impressed in the least.
I looked at trying to modify the Tippman Cyclone Feed but it needs blowback from a marker like the Tippman or Spyder. Turbo makes one but is like the Cyclone feed. Also looked at a Q-Loader, but imagine loosing that in the woods. I did modify my Empire B to 2 9volts, and with the new Empire board, you can advance it by tapping the botton. It still is somewhat top heavy. I'll probably buy it as a backup to the 4 electro hoppers I already have. (Darn Batteries)

04-05-2007, 05:13 PM
I looked at trying to modify the Tippman Cyclone Feed but it needs blowback from a marker like the Tippman or Spyder. Turbo makes one but is like the Cyclone feed.

You aren't limited to blowbacks for those. You could feed one from a cocker x-way, or use either vent gas or a line split from the solenoid in an electro-pneumatic. A Mag would probably be the toughest one to modify for it, but most other systems are doable.

04-05-2007, 09:13 PM
I would go with a ricochet apache for woodsball. yes it takes batteries but if you run out of batteries its the only elctro hopper that will still gravity feed. just my 2 cents

my revy still feeds with no power, when my girlfriend comes out to play recball i oftan give her the normal vl200 and use the revy with no batteries in it

04-06-2007, 09:16 AM
I looked at trying to modify the Tippman Cyclone Feed but it needs blowback from a marker like the Tippman or Spyder. Turbo makes one but is like the Cyclone feed. Also looked at a Q-Loader, but imagine loosing that in the woods. I did modify my Empire B to 2 9volts, and with the new Empire board, you can advance it by tapping the botton. It still is somewhat top heavy. I'll probably buy it as a backup to the 4 electro hoppers I already have. (Darn Batteries)

Get a qloader?? No batteries, no hassle (other than filling) and faster than most battery powered hoppers. If it's for a woodsball/scenario marker then you will probably like it.

Anyways, I was thinking of that turbo loader but didn't realize it required blowback..