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04-04-2007, 02:17 PM
I play alot of woodsball and was wondering what you guys thought was better the Tac one or a ule i know they are pretty much the same gun with a few different features, so if you could explain why you would pick one over the other.

thanks this is going to help me decide what gun to get.

04-04-2007, 02:19 PM
unless you want to mount scopes or other stuff to your gun, or have the cash to burn, get the ule.

Zone Drifter
04-04-2007, 02:26 PM
Yeah, the ULE seems to cost less and might save slightly on weight, but for scenario i'de go with the tac one. The mainbody will allow you to mount stuff on it, and it just looks better for tactical. plus, if you get a warp body, you can hook up a warp feed or q-loader off to the side and have the entire top rail clear for sights along with a lower profile.

04-04-2007, 02:50 PM
id go with the ule, but if u want the tac my friend has a lightly used one hes trying to sell cause hes blown out his knee too bad.

edit- hmm i guess i forgot the why part. the tac isnt really useful unles, like said, you use scopes or lights and at that point unless its a high end NV unit and a light for scenario its nor really worth it. the ule is lighter, smaller, and easier to clean cause less milling.
