View Full Version : First mag - tank and barrel recs?

Brad Quillen
04-05-2007, 01:22 PM
I just purchased my first automag, sans tank and barrel. I'm here to solicit recommendations for tank and barrel kit. Thanks :).

04-05-2007, 01:26 PM
Do you play at fields with all day air, or do you do "outlaw ball" where one fill usually has to last you all day? I assume you want a nitro tank?

How much do you want to spend on your barrel? Which kits do you think look the best?

Congrats on the purchase!

04-05-2007, 01:27 PM
what type of mag did you get?

Brad Quillen
04-05-2007, 03:04 PM
I'll usually be playing on legit fields, just for convenience sake. I'd like to play outlaw ball if the occasion arises, but I assume that using HPA/N2 will be quite a limitation to my ability so. At any rate, I was under the impression that my Mag requires HPA/N2, so yeah, that's what kind of tank I want. I didn't think that modern Mags used CO2 at all...

As far as barrel kits go, priority number one is high accuracy. Priority number two would be low volume. I really don't care how much I spend, as long as I get something that will really make my marker shoot well. Style is not much of a priority, though I'd prefer everything in my barrel kit to be black. Flat black is even better.

Which mag did I get? I ordered the ULE Custom Mag w/center feed, Y-grip, ULE trigger pull kit, Magnetic detent. I couldn't figure out any difference (other than the body) between in and the Tac-One.

04-05-2007, 03:53 PM
Mags aren't that air effiecient, so if you think you won't be able to refill often, then you might want to get a 88-4500 tank. If air is not an issue then a 45-4500 or 68-4500 should be fine. As far as brands go, I've had no problems with my PMI pure energy tank, but I've heard many people have problems with them.

For barrels, just like high end guns, they are all just as good after a certain point. I've heard good things about Sceptors, Stiffi's, and quite a few others. Look around to see what matches your gun best, but is still a quality brand.