View Full Version : why

04-07-2007, 08:09 PM
why did mags die off?

they are amazing guns and geniously designed. does anyone know why?

04-07-2007, 08:30 PM
They didn't die off, if anything, they're picking up after a little lull. People are realizing that for $260 you can get killer quality. It won't rip like an Ion, but it won't break like one either :)

04-07-2007, 08:32 PM
for another couple hundred more, you'll have a gun that eats ions and can be run over by a truck.

04-07-2007, 08:33 PM
"they aren't dead"

Now that I got that out of the way...Probably because they aren't the newest aggest marker used by oly lang dynasty xsv bla bla bla.

04-07-2007, 08:36 PM
"they aren't dead"

Now that I got that out of the way...Probably because they aren't the newest aggest marker used by oly lang dynasty xsv bla bla bla.


but when i say dead i mean agd is not coming out with new stuff. like all other companies at the time. and its main man has retired.

04-07-2007, 08:52 PM
...geniously designed


04-07-2007, 08:54 PM

but when i say dead i mean agd is not coming out with new stuff. like all other companies at the time. and its main man has retired.

Might be time for a little research, MC

04-07-2007, 09:29 PM
tk didnt retire. he simply sold off the remaining agd stock. he still owns agd and all the rights to it. so agd is nowhere near dead and prolly never will be.

04-07-2007, 09:48 PM
tk didnt retire. he simply sold off the remaining agd stock. he still owns agd and all the rights to it. so agd is nowhere near dead and prolly never will be.

of course, what do we know? we're just diehard AGD fans... :ninja:

04-07-2007, 11:15 PM
X mag 07
Tac 1 07
RT Pro 07
Mini Mag 07

Just doesn't sound Kosher :rofl:

04-08-2007, 02:30 AM
X mag 07
Tac 1 07
RT Pro 07
Mini Mag 07

Just doesn't sound Kosher :rofl:

No. No it doesnt.

Mags will always be classics.

04-08-2007, 02:42 AM
The classic never die my good man.
Led Zep, The Beatles
The chevy small block
jack daniels
blue jeans and a tshirt.......

CLASSICS man. You cant kill something that just works.

Actually, i am very happy with Mags the way they are. And seeing someone with one on the field is always a pleasure. Its like a mark of good taste. every mag owner ive come across since owning one myself has been exceptionally nice and friendly. You'll never see a bunch of Ion owners all standing around yip-yapping with complete strangers in a friendly way like you do AGD owners.

Owning a mag on a paintball field is like pulling up in an old hot rod looking like James Dean.

Its just cool. :cool:

At least, IMO.

04-08-2007, 05:24 AM
Owning a mag on a paintball field is like pulling up in an old hot rod looking like James Dean.

ever find those people asking if your mag is an angel? i could just imagine someone asking if the car was a porsche when you pull up :rofl:

mags are cult classics :ninja:

04-08-2007, 07:54 AM
The classic never die my good man.
Led Zep, The Beatles
The chevy small block
jack daniels
blue jeans and a tshirt.......

CLASSICS man. You cant kill something that just works.

Actually, i am very happy with Mags the way they are. And seeing someone with one on the field is always a pleasure. Its like a mark of good taste. every mag owner ive come across since owning one myself has been exceptionally nice and friendly. You'll never see a bunch of Ion owners all standing around yip-yapping with complete strangers in a friendly way like you do AGD owners.

Owning a mag on a paintball field is like pulling up in an old hot rod looking like James Dean.

Its just cool. :cool:

At least, IMO.

excellently put my good man. and i do agree stick with what works. i actually just bought my mag about 2 years ago after reading how nice everyone in this community is. their not like those annoying *POOF* speedballers (no offense to those of u who r just where im at most of them are @$$3$) who*ZING* and wont talk to u.

04-08-2007, 09:49 AM
ever find those people asking if your mag is an angel? i could just imagine someone asking if the car was a porsche when you pull up :rofl:

mags are cult classics :ninja:

Actually i get " What kind of shocker is that!!!"
i love not having the same gun as everyone else on the field :headbang:

04-08-2007, 09:52 AM
Actually i get " What kind of shocker is that!!!"
i love not having the same gun as everyone else on the field :headbang:

FIXED!!! hahahahahha flame on

**LOL! AO Mod team strikes again!

c'man you guys know I was only JOKING. :p

04-08-2007, 11:27 AM
It is too bad they couldn't really keep on the electro path. With spending a considerable amount of money on an Emag it is still can be pretty good yet. It is hard to justify the cost for the adverage person and not being able to beat some of the features new super marker possess makes it not worth doing to many. It would have been nice for AGD to better refine them more threw the years. I often feel like AGD regrets ever producing E/Xmags. Even on AO feelings are split on E-marker or mech. I like all mags, but to me the electros were the best ever mags that offered the most. Too bad things are the way they are... :(

04-08-2007, 12:56 PM
Automags didn't die they are alive and well. They are just a rare and unique breed.


Automags.Org forum - just check the threads - the users here shoot and modify these all the time.

AOmeet and greets - look at SoCalAO's 2007 event#1 - some pics of largest gathering of some of the best mags all in one place at one time.

Check Ebay - PumpMags and X-mags are no longer made but the rareness and quality of these have escalated in value where as other brands drop in value as soon as next year's model comes out.

Airgun Designs just doesn't need to cater to the masses. The company has its customer base right here.

04-08-2007, 02:31 PM
Actually i get " What kind of shocker is that!!!"
i love not having the same gun as everyone else on the field :headbang:

i always like when we are picking teams "you with the uhh..." :clap:

04-08-2007, 02:38 PM
i always like when we are picking teams "you with the uhh..." :clap:

You should see when we pick teams at our speedball field when I have my PGP.
I just laugh when they make plans for everybody, and then they tell me I can do what ever I want.

04-08-2007, 04:57 PM

but when i say dead i mean agd is not coming out with new stuff. like all other companies at the time. and its main man has retired.

nobody is coming out with anything new. every year they all make the same gun that weighs .3 ounces less than last year and is a 16th of an inch shorter. that's about it. oh and they change the milling a little to make it look "cool".

04-08-2007, 10:55 PM
nobody is coming out with anything new. every year they all make the same gun that weighs .3 ounces less than last year and is a 16th of an inch shorter. that's about it. oh and they change the milling a little to make it look "cool".

all the DM guns besides the 03 dye matrix look like someone pulled a peice of crap from the toilet and covered a matrix with it.

i'm really really glad that my AGD markers hold their value. surfing PBN i see people who want to trade a DM6 and another high end gun for a DM7 or a 07ego, to me, its just not worth it.

the only thing changeing in paintball right now is software.

remember when we ridiculed WAS awhile back because their board was a "cheater" board.
now look at all these companys that make ramping boards, its stupid.

i seriously think AGD should make a new Emag that is more compact and contains all the electronics in the gripframe, its been done by AOers.

04-08-2007, 11:56 PM
You should see when we pick teams at our speedball field when I have my PGP.
I just laugh when they make plans for everybody, and then they tell me I can do what ever I want.

It's just as funny when one guy picking the team understand that the thing in my hands is fast(the angel usualy), and the other bozo just thinks im the fat guy. The look on the team who didn't take me's face is always priceless when I let the choosing die off, then blast a bunker at full speed to make my point........

There is one advantage to that angel name to.......even the realy retarded ones know it :D(I look at the angel kinda like I look at mags.......there classics wether they update them or not.....)

04-09-2007, 01:29 AM
why did mags die off?

they are amazing guns and geniously designed. does anyone know why?

Hmmm, dead huh. I still have my first mag I bought in 1988. Just bought ULE bodied x-valved mag off ebay. In the middle, have had no less than 2 raced cockers, 3 manual cockers, Micro E-mag (I really wish I wouldn't of sold) Angel speed, and a timmy. So started with a mag, and am going to end with mags. I'm done with anything else. Just put air into my 68c, havent done that in about 4 years, guess what? Shot like a charm. Put your cocker, angel, timmy in the same boat, will it fire the same? No is the word you are looking for.

04-09-2007, 07:26 AM
Mags arent dead! Just the electronic department :rofl:. I would like to see some new stufff from time to time. it doesn have to be every year, but new is sometimes refreshing. I am sure eveyone would like to see some new products.

turbo chicken
04-09-2007, 11:42 AM
You should see when we pick teams at our speedball field when I have my PGP.
I just laugh when they make plans for everybody, and then they tell me I can do what ever I want.

:headbang: no you should be like "im going snake ... or i'm taking the 50 off the break "...

nobody is coming out with anything new. every year they all make the same gun that weighs .3 ounces less than last year and is a 16th of an inch shorter. that's about it. oh and they change the milling a little to make it look "cool".

buying a marker because it looks cool is the number one reason to buy a marker ... i'd have never got my minimag if i didn't think it looked cool ... viva la resistance

but buying something because of weight of 1/16" shorter or cause such and such team shoots them ... gets a chuff chuff!!! real quick ...

and to the original post ... look on AGD's site for stores that carry AGD stuff ... there's one or two in my area TX rules!!! and they all still have mag stuff ...

04-09-2007, 11:52 AM
How many threads must there be on the same topic...


04-09-2007, 11:54 AM
Wearing newbie gear and making newbie comments has quit working.... :cry:

04-09-2007, 06:35 PM
Wearing newbie gear and making newbie comments has quit working.... :cry:

they know you at colors now.