View Full Version : Lightest gun(s)

04-08-2007, 07:38 PM
What is the lightest marker out there? No barrel, no hopper, no tank. Just gun. Thanks.

04-08-2007, 07:49 PM
Be between the Mini and the 07 Ego.

04-08-2007, 07:50 PM
Any one have any specs on a micromag w/ No foregrip? I no my epic with no foregrip is 2 pounds.

04-08-2007, 07:51 PM
well technically a pistol or phantom would probaly be lighter...but i assume you talking about normal markers, I think the Mini beats out the 07 ego by an oz, but the SL-74 is like 3 oz lighter than a mini

04-08-2007, 07:57 PM
micromags are fairly heavy actually especially with a classic valve installed

04-08-2007, 08:21 PM
My xvalved ule mag was 1lb 15oz with forgrip.

04-08-2007, 11:12 PM
07 Ego feels about as light as they get... I was thoroughly impressed... to the point of possibly procuring one in the near future.

04-08-2007, 11:16 PM
SL-74 is like 1 lb 10oz w/ rail, asa, battery, barrel, reg, everything besides hopper and tank...

But it's $1900

04-09-2007, 01:20 AM
I think the x mag is in the running....
Knowing wich gun is the lightest is great trivia, but I hope that you are not following the 'agg' crowd that gun weight is a huge feature.
(On a side rant) I always found it hilarious for the more hardcore speedball players (at least around here) said they would never use a warp feed because the extra weight was not worth the less hits. They would rather train to angle their guns so that their hopper was kept behind the bunker (basically shooting gangster style, or even reverse gangster :rofl: ). Well I guess that suits those who don't really care to aim properly and who can spend hundrens on a weekend of paintball and can't spend $30 on a guy pass to help lug arround the extra 1/2lb :rofl:

04-09-2007, 02:03 AM
I think the x mag is in the running....
Knowing wich gun is the lightest is great trivia, but I hope that you are not following the 'agg' crowd that gun weight is a huge feature.
(On a side rant) I always found it hilarious for the more hardcore speedball players (at least around here) said they would never use a warp feed because the extra weight was not worth the less hits. They would rather train to angle their guns so that their hopper was kept behind the bunker (basically shooting gangster style, or even reverse gangster :rofl: ). Well I guess that suits those who don't really care to aim properly and who can spend hundrens on a weekend of paintball and can't spend $30 on a guy pass to help lug arround the extra 1/2lb :rofl:

x-mag is 2.7lbs with no tank barrel or sight rail.

04-09-2007, 03:22 AM
Just weighed my dallara...

Just gun, 1lb. 10oz.

everything except tank and hopper, 2lb. 1oz.

You can only go down so far in weight before it doesn't matter anymore. The HPA tank is where the weight is at.

04-09-2007, 09:27 AM
so far, i just got a FEP quest and that seem to me is the lightest (marker only).....

04-09-2007, 09:52 AM
so far, i just got a FEP quest and that seem to me is the lightest (marker only).....

Hey I was looking at diagrams of an FEP quest last night and that gun seems pretty advanced internally. I just never seen or shot one.

04-09-2007, 10:09 AM
One of my prototypes is pretty lightweight...when finished anyway http://www.zdspb.com/media/customwork/mael/mael_promo1.JPG

04-09-2007, 10:34 AM
i know the infinity legend weighs in at 2 lbs even with a barrel. so take an ounce or two for the barrel.

04-09-2007, 04:57 PM
balance is the thing that ends up making a gun feel lighter over all.

you can get a mag to be rather light. egos are light, minis are supposed to be uber light. i definatly have shot some guns that on the scale are heavier but feel verty light just because how they get set up.

04-09-2007, 05:32 PM
x-mag is 2.7lbs with no tank barrel or sight rail.

Really only that much? I guess I am too used to lugging around these uber beasts of steel we enjoy so much :rofl:

04-09-2007, 05:34 PM
my stock class phantom was like 2lbs. with pump arm/barrel/quick change/ stock class feed

04-09-2007, 05:43 PM
eblade fastback cocker is something like 1lb 12oz

not to threadjack, but i really don't mind having a bit of weight to my markers... what is the point of having something that feels like it'll break if you look at it the wrong way?

SS Bodied mags FTW

04-09-2007, 05:47 PM
I think the x mag is in the running....
Knowing wich gun is the lightest is great trivia, but I hope that you are not following the 'agg' crowd that gun weight is a huge feature.
(On a side rant) I always found it hilarious for the more hardcore speedball players (at least around here) said they would never use a warp feed because the extra weight was not worth the less hits. They would rather train to angle their guns so that their hopper was kept behind the bunker (basically shooting gangster style, or even reverse gangster :rofl: ). Well I guess that suits those who don't really care to aim properly and who can spend hundrens on a weekend of paintball and can't spend $30 on a guy pass to help lug arround the extra 1/2lb :rofl:
Xmags are noticably heavier than most high-ends that I've used. I could definately tell the difference, they're much heavier. I also used a warp feed once... and only once. The weight difference was huge and definately not worth eliminating the hopper height. Also, the warp made it incredibly hard to switch hands and basically eliminated all the fundamentals that had been drilled into my head. I find it VERY easy to aim down the side of my marker while tilting it so that the hopper stays behind the bunker. It remains to be very accurate and makes you a much smaller target.

04-09-2007, 10:46 PM
Xmags are noticably heavier than most high-ends that I've used. I could definately tell the difference, they're much heavier. I also used a warp feed once... and only once. The weight difference was huge and definately not worth eliminating the hopper height. Also, the warp made it incredibly hard to switch hands and basically eliminated all the fundamentals that had been drilled into my head. I find it VERY easy to aim down the side of my marker while tilting it so that the hopper stays behind the bunker. It remains to be very accurate and makes you a much smaller target.

Only thing I can say is don't switch hands..same grip just shoot other side. I think if you practiced with it for a season you may like it better. I do know how hard it is to break old training though...

04-10-2007, 12:55 AM

Delrin body. Ub3r light.

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04-10-2007, 02:22 AM
Nice Pump!

04-10-2007, 09:27 AM

Delrin body. Ub3r light.
dude you need to warn people, i got drool all over my key board and its a new computer.

sexy sexy gun though

04-10-2007, 10:19 AM

Delrin body. Ub3r light.

De you can go ahead and just give that to me...

04-10-2007, 11:13 AM
Mini weight is 1 pound 9 ounces with barrel.

04-10-2007, 12:06 PM
HA! I wish that were mine. I couldn't afford just the body. It's Sly51's, of the Chikun Nuggetz or however you spell it. Good guy; helped me out a lot. I can almost gurantee that Sniper is worth more than a Carter...

04-10-2007, 05:01 PM
I bet that body could be made 2-3 times faster than an aluminum body. Delrin is like butta under the machines.

Freestyles are pretty light, I forget how much my Gen 2 weighed, it wasnt very much... I have pics somewhere.

04-10-2007, 05:40 PM

04-10-2007, 05:53 PM
its a matter of a few ounces just stop eating the donuts and go to the gym. weight shouldnt matter its performance that counts. as long as it doesnt weght 10 pounds im happy. i know a guy that comes to georgia to play scenario's that has a marker that is 10.32 pounds without the tank and air. it looks sweet but its a brick. he's a retired sgt major in the marine corps and he tells me to stop eating the donuts and go to the gym.

04-10-2007, 05:53 PM
x-mag is 2.7lbs with no tank barrel or sight rail.
Sigh, sarcasm is yet again missed.

Anyway, balance is more important, my classic rt is around 7-8 pounds with everything, but because of the drop forward i have on it it feels like a light marker.

Ydna, what kind of valve is that? Poppet? Blow forward? I'm completely cofused as to how it would fire, it looks like a hunk of metal.

04-10-2007, 07:55 PM
I think the x mag is in the running....
Knowing which gun is the lightest is great trivia, but I hope that you are not following the 'agg' crowd that gun weight is a huge feature.
(On a side rant) I always found it hilarious for the more hardcore speedball players (at least around here) said they would never use a warp feed because the extra weight was not worth the less hits. They would rather train to angle their guns so that their hopper was kept behind the bunker (basically shooting gangster style, or even reverse gangster :rofl: ). Well I guess that suits those who don't really care to aim properly and who can spend hundrens on a weekend of paintball and can't spend $30 on a guy pass to help lug around the extra 1/2lb :rofl:

Weight isn't a big issue and I totally agree 1 lb difference isnt much, VM68 MAGNUM is too heavy though in my opinion, the other topic is my concern, a Paintball marker isnt like a real firearm in which the barrel is slightly angled up when the sights are parallel to the deck for a firearm.
This gives the round an upward exit from the bore, as gravity affects the round it falls to the deck, thus forming the trajectory. A PB marker doesn't have this upward slant, thus if you shoot with the marker slightly canted to the side you are not really affecting the trajectory of the marker.

I could go on but the point is sort of mute. The warp is a good idea, but for the reason only to keep the markers silhouette smaller from top.

04-10-2007, 08:01 PM
Weight isn't a big issue and I totally agree 1 lb difference isnt much, VM68 MAGNUM is too heavy though in my opinion, the other topic is my concern, a Paintball marker isnt like a real firearm in which the barrel is slightly angled up when the sights are parallel to the deck for a firearm.
This gives the round an upward exit from the bore, as gravity affects the round it falls to the deck, thus forming the trajectory. A PB marker doesn't have this upward slant, thus if you shoot with the marker slightly canted to the side you are not really affecting the trajectory of the marker.

I could go on but the point is sort of mute. The warp is a good idea, but for the reason only to keep the markers silhouette smaller from top.

I agree, but i believe you meant to say the point is moot.

04-12-2007, 03:11 AM
Brass eagle Talon.

04-12-2007, 12:10 PM
Ule on a diet.