View Full Version : Sad, but I gotta stop playing Paintball

01-05-2002, 07:54 AM
Hi all,

It is with a heavy heart that I say this, but I have to stop playing Paintball...and sell my Mag.

As most of the older members know, I'm in Singapore and with the strict laws with regards to anything resembling a Firearm, it took me forever to get my Mag in.

As of recently, I've been noticing a lack of customer service with my one and only local field. Add to that, the Major amount of restrictions I have to put up with on when and where I can use my Mag. I'm very disappointed and a little sad.

When I first embraced this hobby in London of 94, I went all out just praying and hoping that'll come to Singapore. Which it did eventually, with the opening of the first field in Dec 98. The lack of customer relations and poor handling of players led to it's closure a few months after it opened. Then the second and only surviving store now opened up and I found a home. It was fine but there were a few restrictions that had to be followed which were at that time acceptable. Now it has gotten even more...

FYI, I cannot use my Mag with games that include the public unless it's a private game organised by me...And I cannot admit that the Mag is mine for fear that it'll cause the Police complications. Add to that the extremely high prices I have to pay, for both CA and Paint and usage of the field.

My permit for my Mag has expired and unless I do something about it [ship out or renew it under the Field Owners name, not mine], it'll be taken and destroyed. I was gonna have it shipped out to the neighbouring island to play at the fields there but they too have closed down...

So I have finally decided to sell my mag in the hopes that someone else can truly use and appreciate it.

It has been a heart wrenching decsion that has plagued me the entire time i've been thinking about it.

I just would like to thank Tom and everyone here and AGD for making the Mag, A CF 48317 PF, a most awesome Paintball Marker in the industry.

I'll be putting up the specs of the Mag and equipment I'm selling soon on the Buy/Sell forum. It'll include some Revs, a Flatline tank and other access. If ya interested right now, email me and we'll talk.

Maybe in the future, when the sport has progressed and gotten to be accepted in Singapore, with the no personal marker rule lifted, I might start again, and get a new Mag...I love my mag...I'm gonna miss her.

I'll see you guys around...Later.

01-05-2002, 08:47 AM
wow that suxs.

01-05-2002, 10:02 AM
Man, I cannot truly know how that really feels...having restricted rights like that. It's terrible. How many active paintballers are there in Singapore? Its seems like it would be solution to gather up all paintballers in Singapore and petition for better laws, but I have no idea how the government works over there. I wish I or someone else could just hold your mag for ya until things work out, but if you have to sell it, I am sure it will find a good home.


01-05-2002, 11:12 AM
Why'd you move to Singapore?

01-05-2002, 11:23 AM
wow,thats depressing....whats on ur mag and how much,i may be able to ive it a nice home,do u have aim?

01-05-2002, 01:05 PM
Sucks when you live in a country with oppressive laws...

01-05-2002, 01:22 PM
Unless you're underage, I'd seriously consider moving back to the UK if possible. I'm constantly amazed at the legal horror stories I hear about singapore.


01-05-2002, 01:58 PM
Wow, that's a damn shame. It's horrible that your countries' laws have pushed you away from your fun, safe, and harmless hobby. That mag might even have some of the parts from my first mag on it... The twist-lock assembly, if nothing else :o. I hope you'll at least get to borrow equipment and play occasionally if nothing else, or that laws will change enough to let you get a mag back. I'm not sure if it seems ridiculous to move out of country based on a hobby or not, I'm sure it's a beautiful country but the government must be hell.

01-05-2002, 06:31 PM

Dont sell it! If you want, I can hold on to if for you until you change locals. You wont be in singapore for ever - right?

If you are interested, email me. I can just keep your gun in a corner of the vault until you come back to a more paintball friendly location.

Let me know!

01-05-2002, 07:31 PM
hate to see things like this happen :(

01-05-2002, 07:54 PM
MJS 1214, It's got a ton of 'upgrades', mostly cosmetic....See below.

Dave, there are a total of 6 Active hardcore Paintballers, all of them are in my team :) However they can't have their own guns...I was really lucky to get mine in...

Darkripper, I'm 30, 31 in about 3 weeks.

Flamebo, you remembered. And although rentals are still possible, like I said before, the field people are treating me and my team poorly. Lack of willingness to help..etc

Webmaster, sounds like an idea...I'll email you...Hope you can handle a long stay.

Airgun Designs Level 7 68 Automag Classic Powerfeed
Serial number CF48317, specially named 'Angel'
Paintball Planet UK Eclipse ICE Splash Automag Kit Upgrade
Dye 14in Aluminum Barrel
J&J 12in 2-Piece Full Tilt Barrel
J&J 16in 2-Piece Full Tilt Barrel
Benchmark Double Trigger 45 Frame Black
Houge Wraparound 45 Grips
Venom Toxic Toys Highline
Kapp Tear Drop Forward
Kapp Gas Thru Fore Grip
CM Support Original VL 12v Revolution in Black and VLBow Clear

High Pressure/Compressed Air Set Up;
AGD Level 2.0 68ci 3000psi Flatline with Custom Products Adapter

CO2 Set Up;
PMI Expansion Chamber
ACI and Lapco Bottomline ASA
20oz CO2 Tank with On/Off valve

Extra Accessories;
Stock Frame with Double Trigger and VLGroovy Grips
Kapp Drop Zone 2 Cradle
Diamond Labs Gas Thru Stock
Eclipse Sight Rail Black
Eclipse Drop Forward Silver
BE Gem Series VL 12v Rev's in Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue
32 Degrees Gem Bows in Purple and Blue
Automag Stock Barrel 10in Black

01-05-2002, 09:37 PM
I'm sorry to hear that!!! It is very unfortunate!!! Also, it's a lesson for all of us, because this can happen anywhere, including right here in the US!!! There are ignorant people here who without ever looking into it, that paintball is "violent", and it "desensitizes people against killing", "promotes use of guns" and a whole lot of other crap like it!!! And of course, want the whole thing banned!!! And it is up to us to get more people involved in the sport, and promote safety and ...
Again, Deadye, I'm sorry to hear you have to give up something so near and dear to you!!!

01-05-2002, 10:40 PM
I don't think we need to worry about the US going like Singapore anytime soon. We still have to be careful, but at least we can stand up for ourselves and our legal rights. The Singapore gov't is very, very strict, and has a pronounced lack of democracy (one-party rule, etc.). All condolences man, but you're not going to find me in Singapore. Interesting book by an ex-Washington Post department head named T.R. Reid (Confucius Lives Next Door)calls Singapore an "enclave where nobody does anything that might offend the governing clique." He also says, and I paraphrase, that the police watch from the rooftops to try to catch anybody who might jaywalk, CHEW GUM, or put a sticker on a street post. I'm suprised they don't just outlaw paintball altogether; it would seem to be more their style. Anyway, I hope something works out for you, but don't hold your breath for Singapore to change. Good luck.

01-05-2002, 10:55 PM

Take it to the woods man! Import some cases of paint and get it started. I don't know much about singapore terrain but I'm sure you can find a large patch of woods that isn't owned by the govenment. And hell, if you cant.. just be really quie and do use governmet land (animal reserve? park? lol)

Someone has to change it. If you can't play now hide your mag under your floorboards or somehting.

01-05-2002, 11:06 PM
I don't think playing in the "woods" of singapore will work because there's not much to Singapore except the city, Singapore. They were part of Malaysia, but they left decades ago. I guess you could go to malaysia, it's within strinking distance. But don't do it with less than half a tank of gas - that's illegal. You might want to buy gas on the other side and thus not pay Singapore's big gas tax. (also from previously cited book) It's a good idea though, just get your gun and your buddies guns legal again, and play elsewhere.

01-06-2002, 12:02 AM
Rynoboy06, you know your history and Singapore...Andeven by getting my Mag legal again, means registering it under the field owners name, leaving it at the field when I'm not playing and accepting all the restrictions...

Vegeta, Singapore is smaller than most towns in the CONUS...really. Finding somewhere to do this outlaw is almost impossible...

It's either I sell, or find a really good and trustworthy samaritian...

01-06-2002, 10:21 AM
I think it's time to move.

01-06-2002, 11:20 AM
i know of a guy thats looking into buying a mag... but I dont know how serious he is for the longterm, hes got a lot of money to spend on a marker, he'll play for a few months and itll get closeted... I could possibly take it off your hands... maybe at a slightly low price... and offer it back up when you are ready for it back? it wouldn't be abused. if you dont like the idea its no big deal, I just figured it would be good for him and for you.

01-06-2002, 11:48 AM
Wonderful anti-gun laws once again causing problems!!!! FEAR THE GOVERNMENT THAT FEARS YOUR GUN!!!! Here i go with my NRA speech, but seriously people, its a wonderful thing isent it??? :( Look what it is doing to deadeye. I am very sorry to hear that deadeye, and I too would offer to hold your gun for you if you needed, but webmaster has already jumped forward. Now you see how wonderful our second ammendment right to "keep and bear arms" is, and why it shall not be infringed. Cause it dosent stop with just "real guns". :rolleyes:

01-06-2002, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Deadeye

Darkripper, I'm 30, 31 in about 3 weeks.

I see you were born in 71, same as me. I don't see why you took the time to respond to my post with your age, though... my main point was something else.

Ah well. I have to assume that you can't leave for financial or job reasons, and that's why you are selling your marker.

Too bad, really. It makes me appreciate my country more, not that that's hard to do.


01-06-2002, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Deadeye
MJS 1214, It's got a ton of 'upgrades', mostly cosmetic....See below.

Dave, there are a total of 6 Active hardcore Paintballers, all of them are in my team :) However they can't have their own guns...I was really lucky to get mine in...

Darkripper, I'm 30, 31 in about 3 weeks.

Flamebo, you remembered. And although rentals are still possible, like I said before, the field people are treating me and my team poorly. Lack of willingness to help..etc

Webmaster, sounds like an idea...I'll email you...Hope you can handle a long stay.

Airgun Designs Level 7 68 Automag Classic Powerfeed
Serial number CF48317, specially named 'Angel'
Paintball Planet UK Eclipse ICE Splash Automag Kit Upgrade
Dye 14in Aluminum Barrel
J&J 12in 2-Piece Full Tilt Barrel
J&J 16in 2-Piece Full Tilt Barrel
Benchmark Double Trigger 45 Frame Black
Houge Wraparound 45 Grips
Venom Toxic Toys Highline
Kapp Tear Drop Forward
Kapp Gas Thru Fore Grip
CM Support Original VL 12v Revolution in Black and VLBow Clear

High Pressure/Compressed Air Set Up;
AGD Level 2.0 68ci 3000psi Flatline with Custom Products Adapter

CO2 Set Up;
PMI Expansion Chamber
ACI and Lapco Bottomline ASA
20oz CO2 Tank with On/Off valve

Extra Accessories;
Stock Frame with Double Trigger and VLGroovy Grips
Kapp Drop Zone 2 Cradle
Diamond Labs Gas Thru Stock
Eclipse Sight Rail Black
Eclipse Drop Forward Silver
BE Gem Series VL 12v Rev's in Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue
32 Degrees Gem Bows in Purple and Blue
Automag Stock Barrel 10in Black

how much for it all?any tax on it?

01-06-2002, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by DarkRipper

I see you were born in 71, same as me. I don't see why you took the time to respond to my post with your age, though... my main point was something else.

Ah well. I have to assume that you can't leave for financial or job reasons, and that's why you are selling your marker.

Too bad, really. It makes me appreciate my country more, not that that's hard to do.


DR, Panzerr, one of the main reasons I can't leave is the fact that I'm on the Active Reserves List. After 2 and a half years of active service, I'm automatically put into the Reserves, in my case, since I'm an E-5, Section Leader, a 13 year training cycle. And the Goverment is really strict about the Reserves, EVERYONE who is fit and able HAS to attend...I've still got another 7 years to go...

DR, As for responding to your post earlier, sorry about that...I've got alot of things on my mind and I tend to miss out details once in awhile...

udtseal, thanks for the offer. :) I really appreciate it.

Antwan, RTMJS1214, lemme think about it. I'm trying to see if I can still keep my Mag and have Webmaster hold it for me...

Webmaster, you got mail.

01-06-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Deadeye

DR, Panzerr, one of the main reasons I can't leave is the fact that I'm on the Active Reserves List. After 2 and a half years of active service, I'm automatically put into the Reserves, in my case, since I'm an E-5, Section Leader, a 13 year training cycle. And the Goverment is really strict about the Reserves, EVERYONE who is fit and able HAS to attend...I've still got another 7 years to go...

DR, As for responding to your post earlier, sorry about that...I've got alot of things on my mind and I tend to miss out details once in awhile...

What nationality are you? I find it amazing that you can't leave Singapore because of reserve military duty; what military?


01-07-2002, 08:03 AM
DR, I'm a born Singaporean. My mom is Dutch, Portugese Pernakan from San Diego...and my Dad is a Straits Baba Chinese. She can over here to marry my Dad.

Since I'm a Singaporean, I'm also eligible for National Service. I can leave the Country, but I have to return everytime there's a Reserves Training recall.

01-07-2002, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Deadeye
DR, I'm a born Singaporean. My mom is Dutch, Portugese Pernakan from San Diego...and my Dad is a Straits Baba Chinese. She can over here to marry my Dad.

Since I'm a Singaporean, I'm also eligible for National Service. I can leave the Country, but I have to return everytime there's a Reserves Training recall.

You could always apply for citizenship in the US... it's got to be worth it for paintball, right?


01-07-2002, 05:49 PM
im not sure because i was born in the states... but arent you automatically a US citizen if a parent is? or is it both?

01-07-2002, 08:22 PM
I'm seriously thinking about it...New start, new life and more Paintball... :) Any ideas on how I could get it? Or do you know anyone who is hiring and willing to help me out? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My parent's are divorced. It happened along time ago, when I was still a small paintball. Up to now, i still can't find her, and my Dad doesn't talk much about her..in fact not at all.

Webmaster you got mail.

01-07-2002, 09:29 PM
come stateside and im sure there is someone who knows of a job opening AOers all over the country.

01-07-2002, 09:44 PM
Once again....lack of education. Well, its probably just the government, but still....

01-08-2002, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Deadeye
I'm seriously thinking about it...New start, new life and more Paintball... :) Any ideas on how I could get it? Or do you know anyone who is hiring and willing to help me out? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My parent's are divorced. It happened along time ago, when I was still a small paintball. Up to now, i still can't find her, and my Dad doesn't talk much about her..in fact not at all.

Webmaster you got mail.




01-08-2002, 01:04 PM
were u born in the US? If you can prove your mother is a US citizan, try to contact the US embassy and apply for asylum or citizan ship what ever it is.

01-08-2002, 08:59 PM
Hoppy'sMag, I was born in Singapore, not the US. And I'm still trying to find out info about my Mom...

DR, I got my resume posted on Monster already...:)

01-09-2002, 02:10 AM
Wow. If ur ready to move to the states for paintball, I'll say THAT is dedication. I really respect that.

Not that wanting to move to the states is uncommon, but it seems like you've got a comfortable life, and ur ready to shake things up for this game.

01-09-2002, 02:29 AM
Joeyjoe367, in all honesty, this is the ONE game that I truly love and support. Out of every single sport I've played, believe you me, I've played almost every single sport I could play here, this is the one sport that I firmly believe in.

When Paintball first hit Singapore, I was there to help it anyway I could, from free advertising in my workplace, right down to volunteering to 'educate' the public about the sport on TV for free.

I even tried to get the field operator interested in trying to raise some money to do a weekend exhibition game in town so as to generate interest and publicity for the game, but the field operator wasn't really too keen. For one, he said it was too expensive and the Police might object...I think it was something else but that's just the sentiment shared by me and the rest of the team...Oh well.

01-09-2002, 08:48 AM
Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope they one day amend the laws that will allow you to take up the sport again. It sounds like you have love for a game that many of us here in the states take for granted. Makes you think, huh?

PS How much for the mag?

01-09-2002, 09:58 AM
Residents of the United States can be aliens, nationals, or citizens. Aliens are people who have emigrated from a foreign country. They have some of the same freedoms and legal rights as U.S. citizens, but they cannot vote in elections. American nationals are natives of American territorial possessions. They have all the legal protections which citizens have, but they do not have the full political rights of U.S. citizens. Persons born in the U.S. or born to U.S. citizens in foreign countries are automatically citizens of the United States. Persons born in other countries who want to become citizens must apply for and pass a citizenship test. Those who become citizens in this manner are naturalized citizens.

All American citizens enjoy the freedoms, protections, and legal rights which the Constitution promises.

Here is a website to find out how to become "Naturalized".

Here is another website with some good info:

Good luck Deadeye... I hope everything works out for you.


01-18-2002, 08:19 PM
I think you should move here too.Lots of paintball everywhere,almost in every state.And like someone said earlier,with all these AOers, im sure you can find a helping hand.Hell,if i owned anything,ide give you a job.Good Luck!!