View Full Version : Predator Marketing Automag questions.

04-09-2007, 08:57 PM
I just purchased an Automag that is advertized as a " Predator Marketing" model.

I know Oh Pawlak was/is involved with Predator and at one point there was an "Oh Pawlak Signature Series" mag (or something to that effect) or perhaps is was a HyperMag...can't remember for sure.

Anyway, I haven't received the gun yet and do not know what makes it different from a stock AGD model other than the anno.

Anyone have some history on these?




04-09-2007, 09:27 PM
Resize your picture, its so small all i can tell is that it is purple.

04-09-2007, 09:38 PM
Posted a link to a larger picture.


04-09-2007, 09:53 PM
All I can see is a custom annoed rail, grip (maybe a benchmark), stock, possibly matching AL grip panels, and 20oz tank. Maybe an all SP All American barrel. Looks like maybe the tank sat in a vertical position? Can't tell you much else...

I have not idea of the history or such. You'll have to let us know if there are any special markings on it.

04-09-2007, 10:04 PM
Definitely take bigger pics. Even the second one is hard to tell apart from a normal old classic mag.

04-09-2007, 10:26 PM
seardh "oh pawlak" three was a thread on him not to long ago

04-10-2007, 01:02 AM
Boy, haven't seen the old coiled airline to stop liquid trick in some time. :D

04-10-2007, 11:19 AM

PCRI Product Evaluation
Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag

(Editors Note: As you probably already know, Oh Pawlak is one of PCRI's Contributing Editors. Evaluating one of his products could be seen as a conflict of interest. Having told you that, we've decided to do it anyway. We just wanted you to know where we are coming from. The Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag is an excellent selling paintgun, so we felt it was necessary to evaluate it...good or bad. If you believe this article may be biased, then my advice to you is not to read it.)

The Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag is a fully upgraded tournament ready paintgun. For $695, the Oh Pawlak Automag comes with an add-on Power-Feed, 45- grip frame, vertical-bottle adapter, custom spiral-driller barrel, quick-disconnect, eight-hole modification (valve body), polished main body, and is "splash" anodized in a choice of colors.

Design/Construction: The Oh Pawlak Automag is seventeen-inches in length and weighs two and one-half pounds. The polished main body has five machined grooves and three holes to give the gun a unique look. The frame rail, 45-grip frame, Power Feed, vertical-bottle adapter, and barrel come with a gloss splash anodized finish.

Internally, the Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag comes with the "Pro-Mag" eight hole valve modification. In theory, this allows the gun to recharge faster when rapid firing. Other than that, the Oh Pawlak Automag is internally identical to the stock Automag.

Design/Construction rating (4)


PROCEDURE: With a securely bench-mounted gun, we fire 200+ rounds of paint (four brands) at four target distances. At 100 & 125 feet, the target size is 22" x 22". At 75 & 50 feet, the target size is reduced to 8" x 11". All accuracy testing is performed indoors at 60 - 80 degrees (f). The gun is re-sighted at each target distance change. For this accuracy test we used RP Scherer "Premium Gold", "Marballizer", Proball, and Zap Advantage paint.

At a target distance of 125 feet, the accuracy ratios were 61% for Premium Gold, 64% for Marballizer, 59% for Proball, and 57% for Advantage. At 100 feet the ratios were 72% for Premium Gold, 71% for Marballizer, 73% for Proball, and 69% for Advantage.

With the reduced target size, the 75 foot ratios were 56% for Premium Gold, 59% for Marballizer, 60% for Proball, and 51% for Advantage. At 50 feet, all ratios improved. Premium Gold hit the target at a rate of 90%. Marballizer's ratio was 96%, while Proball and Zap hit the target at a rate of 98% and 94% respectively.

The overall ratios were:

Premium Gold 71%

Marballizer 73%

Proball 72%

Advantage 68%

Observations: Out of the box, the Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag chronographed at 291 feet per second (fps). Of the 3102 shots fired during accuracy testing we encountered one ball break (Zap Advantage).

Accuracy rating (4)

Performance tests: (field testing, maintenance of velocity, velocity consistency, etc.)

Velocity Consistency: All shots are fired at a slow rate (read from left to right) using C02.

290 fps 288 fps 279 fps 286 fps 286 fps 290 fps 289 fps 281 fps 287 fps 292 fps 283 fps 285 fps

high feet per second 292 (+6)

low feet per second 279 (-7)

average feet per second 286

Maintenance of Velocity shows a gun's ability to hold velocities during rapid firing.

1st shot 290 fps 10th shot 288 fps

1st shot 287 fps 10th shot 281 fps

1st shot 288 fps 10th shot 285 fps

We fired a twenty-five shot string using a standard Automag, here's what we observed;

1st shot 288 fps - 10th shot 285 - 25th shot 281

With the Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag we repeated the same test. Here's what we observed;

1st shot 292 fps - 10th shot 286 - 25th shot 278

Observations: All performance testing was done using a twenty-ounce C02 tank. We got 830 good shots from a full tank shooting in the 280's (fps). Using a Pact chronograph, we could fire 7.1 - 7.6 shots per second. Like the standard Automag, the Oh Pawlak Signature Series version does not shoot through liquid C02 well. The gun comes set up for vertical C02 so liquid is not usually a problem.

During field testing we had about one ball break per 1,000 rounds. Although the add-on Power Feed is better than the standard Automag feed tube, it is not as effective as the Power Feed main body.

Performance test rating (3)

Versatility: The Automag is one of the most versatile paintguns available. The Oh Pawlak version is no exception. There is an array of add-on aftermarket accessories available for the Automag. There are many barrels, grips, etc. accessories that can be purchased for this gun. The Oh Pawlak Automag is easy to convert to high pressure gasses such as nitrogen and compressed air as well.

In addition, when ordering an Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag, you can specify what configuration you would like (bottom-line, vertical bottle, etc.).

Versatility rating (4)

Customer Service/Support: The Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag is still under warranty from Airgun Designs. Airgun Designs offers one of the best customer service departments in the industry, supporting their product line at tournaments and special events world wide.

Customer Service/Warranty rating (4)

Price: At $695 retail, the Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag is one of the lowest priced tournament ready paintguns. If you bought this gun piece by piece, it would cost you about $850- 900 (including the splash anodized finishing).

Price rating (4)

Conclusion: The Oh Pawlak Signature Series Automag is a very good paintgun at a very fair price. It performs well, looks good, and comes with almost everything you need to play tournament Paintball. If you are in the market for a top-notch paintgun, give this one a look over.


04-10-2007, 11:26 AM
so it's basically a standard automag with the 8 hole valve mad and custom anno'd parts.

good to know!

04-10-2007, 05:09 PM
so it's basically a standard automag with the 8 hole valve mad and custom anno'd parts.

good to know!

That and a semi worn sear, powertube spacer instead of spring,a cut down standard feedneck with a PTP powerfeed adapter and a modified on/off assembly.

But back in the '90s this thing was probably super trick.

I'll provide better pics once it arrives.
