View Full Version : Final word on the Mini?

04-10-2007, 10:37 AM
So what's the final word on the mini? I know they are small and light. I know some people don't like the eye logic, but a new board can fix that. What about the trigger? How does it compare to and Emag or and Ego? Is it as easy to rip as an Ego? Anything else?

04-10-2007, 11:03 AM
they chopped paint like mad this last tourney game. No one could shoot their minis. So in other words, Im going with a PM Rail with a UL frame that Im getting for DIRT CHEAP!!!

04-10-2007, 11:08 AM
All of the minis that we've sold through our shop shoot great. My little brother plays with one and has never had any issues with it. Chopping is probably a result of people "tuning" their guns without knowing how.

04-10-2007, 11:22 AM
Mine shoots fine, there have been a few people who have had to tune them to avoid chopping paint.

04-10-2007, 11:25 AM
There were 4 at our last AO meet last Sat....think we're all sold on them. Atach and Lohman each have one, and I think they both like em.

I have had mine for about 4 months now, and besides the initial problem with the board, it's been shooting great. I have had one break so far, and that was due to low batteries in the hopper. Probably shot about 10 cases through it. If you can set it up right, you shouldn't have problems.

04-10-2007, 11:30 AM
So some people have this chopping problem. Would the rampage board improve on this? Lastly, does the Mini walk really easily?

04-10-2007, 11:31 AM
Most people who have had chopping have issues with detents or the front seal failing causing severe blowback. Because it uses an HES sensor its the equivilant of having a 0 gram switch and being able to adjust it in most any direction you want - so it can be made to walk easily.

04-10-2007, 11:37 AM
So some people have this chopping problem. Would the rampage board improve on this? Lastly, does the Mini walk really easily?

I would try both guns if you can, I think both are great guns. The board should help and has alot of nice features. The stock trigger isn't my favorite(its not bad though), but there should be some aftermarket ones out soon.

04-10-2007, 11:49 AM
Chopping is from people either not having them set up correctly or not broken in properly.
I personally have one and have two others at my local field. All of them shoot amazing. I've had about 2 cases through mine and had two breaks total, both of which were in the stock barrel(.691) using my freak correctly sized no problems at all.
The only issue I have had and its not really the mini's problem. Older freaks/all american backs do not fit in the brech, the outer diameter is too big to fit in the gun. I just turned my freak back down a couple hundreds of a inch and it fits perfect. New style freak backs fit perfect, but for some reason smart parts made the older ones bigger.

Trigger when set up correctly is very fast, I've never shot a emag, but the trigger feels the same as my team mates '07 ego.

I feel they are a very great gun, waiting for some grips to come out to fit it but other then that I love the gun.

04-10-2007, 12:24 PM
the last one i saw dry fired like a dream but it did chop paint a few times at the field.
very light and compact....one for the front guys...overall...i'll stick to my mag,

04-10-2007, 01:27 PM
The chopping issue is from those who do not take the time to set up their marker correctly...

IE... the lvl10.

I have shot about 5 cases through my mini and have yet to chop a single ball.

That came with knowledge and trial and error from a buddy of mine who was able to give me settings that would allow flawless performance out of the box.

If you don't know about a marker or have no personal experience how can you even have an opinion...

I now have changed the board to the APE board and haven't looked back. :bounce: :clap:

04-10-2007, 02:27 PM
I have owned 3 mini's so far, all of mine have been great, no eye issues, no chopping, all good stuff.

04-10-2007, 03:06 PM
Lastly, does the Mini walk really easily?

I don't own one, but there are a few floating around the fields I go to. I personally can not stand the trigger.

04-10-2007, 03:18 PM
The chopping issue is from those who do not take the time to set up their marker correctly...

IE... the lvl10.

I have shot about 5 cases through my mini and have yet to chop a single ball.

That came with knowledge and trial and error from a buddy of mine who was able to give me settings that would allow flawless performance out of the box.

If you don't know about a marker or have no personal experience how can you even have an opinion...

I now have changed the board to the APE board and haven't looked back. :bounce: :clap:

lvl10??? There is no antichop setup on an invert mini.. unlike a mag with lvl 10, if you put your finger in an invert mini breech and pull the trigger, I feel bad for your finger. There is no system for exhausting air through the back of the bolt on the mini yet, although I've heard rumors of a possible future bolt with a similar design. Trust me, a guy at our field tried it (like an idiot) and we had to take the tank off the asa to free his finger, which swelled up nice and had a nice little cut on it.

Some mini's shoot beautiful out of the box, some break paint like a pro out of the box. If you follow the breakin procedure in the thread on pbnation under the title "Read this before asking questions" by 4x4le, that usually helps a ton. Plus, the APE board does fix the 3 main problems people have had with the mini... the burping/farting noise some make when you first try to fire it, the chopping issues, and also the bolt stick issues a few have had. The APE board is the best thing you can do for your mini.. that and replacing the stock detents with Kila detents. The stock detents seem to stick a good bit and cause double feeding and chopping. The kila magnetic ones make it great. All in all, I had one which required a good bit of tuning to get rid of the blowback, but the addition of kila detents and the APE board makes everything better. =)

04-10-2007, 03:25 PM
There are break beam eyes standard on all mini's, the only way it will shoot is if there is a ball in the chamber. Your finger if you stick it all at way to the bottom of the chamber to break the beam then yes it will shoot.....but why would your finger be there in the first place? Does this guy normally put his finger into the chamber of a gassed up marker? lol

Again 99% of the chopping is from the markers not being set up correctly, same with a level10, if its not set up correctly it will chop also.

04-10-2007, 03:46 PM
I was pointing out that there is a difference between a mini and a mag with lvl 10. The poster I quoted referenced the mini having lvl 10, which is not correct.

As for the setup, that's not necessarily true. The shop I do tech work for has had to send a few mini's back and the information we were given by the Invert tech's is that we did the right thing, because they had to put a new board in them. Sometimes the problem is more than just settings, although overwhelmingly the problems I see are just mini's needing tuning/breaking in and tweeking with the settings.

A lot of people have a problem with this since some mini's don't work right out of the box. A lot feel that for the price the marker should be ready to go, but a lot of them require a breakin procedure and some tweeking. Some of them when doing a 2 ball test have such bad blowback that it shoots the second ball in the stack over 8-10 feet in the air. That's what I call a problem, and sometimes that can be fixed with breaking it in and dropping the dwell. Some have suggested that the type of latching solenoid used doesn't always synch up correctly to the stock board causing it. This being said, the guys at APE did a lot of testing and found the problems, and have corrected them with their own board.

On top of that, the stock detents royally suck, and hoppers like halo b's and reloader b's can push the ball past them causing chopping as well. So it isn't always a matter of setting them up correctly. There are a few minor kinks being still being worked out. But like I said, some work great out of the box. I wouldn't be afraid of buying one if you don't mind throwing in the APE board and the Kila detents if necessary. With those upgrades I've yet to see a mini have problems.

BTW, your 99% quote is not true. I know this from the numbers I've seen from my store alone come back. For us, it's about 50/50 whether or not a mini is going to work well out of the box. Out of the 50 percent that don't work out of the box and have problems, the majority of them (80 percent or so) can be tuned/tweeked to get them working. This is where people have problems.. they are paying to have it work out of the box. Anyways, your numbers are wrong.. I like when people who buy these and don't have problems make it seem like those who buy the problematic ones are at fault, and not the marker. It's a growing pain that Invert will overcome. They are a good company and are standing behind these mini's, and if you can't tune them back to working, send it in and their turnaround time isn't bad. There is a reason why they had to replace all the 1.1 boards with the 1.2 boards. The 1.2 boards work for some, but the problems still pop up in others... I know that they'll have this fixed for good in no time. The other choice is to just buy the APE board which already has the flaws ironed out.

04-10-2007, 04:14 PM
I was pointing out that there is a difference between a mini and a mag with lvl 10. The poster I quoted referenced the mini having lvl 10, which is not correct.

the guy you quoted was saying that you need to take the time to set up your lvl 10 to work correctly...he knows as well as anyone that the Mini doesnt have a lvl 10...he owns about 5 mags and a mini.

It seems that all new guns need some tweaking out of the box. The A1 had a ton of issues when it first came out....as did the 07 Ego, the rail, the list goes on.

Some of the Mini's did have other issues besides bad boards, seems those are slowly being ironed out.

04-10-2007, 04:15 PM
Owned my Mini for a month or so now. Several practices, and a CFOA later and the ONLY issue I have had is with the stock barrel. I use a reloaderB on slow and ramp with no problems. Plenty fast enough, easy to walk the trigger. I just like it quite a bit.
Personally think the "chop" issue is caused by loaders pushing past the detents or stock barrel issues. My stock barrel broke balls just past the breech about every third shot. Put a freak on with a large bore and have had no problem since.

04-10-2007, 04:40 PM
lvl10??? There is no antichop setup on an invert mini.. unlike a mag with lvl 10, if you put your finger in an invert mini breech and pull the trigger, I feel bad for your finger. There is no system for exhausting air through the back of the bolt on the mini yet, although I've heard rumors of a possible future bolt with a similar design. Trust me, a guy at our field tried it (like an idiot) and we had to take the tank off the asa to free his finger, which swelled up nice and had a nice little cut on it.

are you really that dense to think that i would assume that an invert mini had a level 10.

here is what i said..

The chopping issue is from those who do not take the time to set up their marker correctly...

IE... the lvl10.

I assumed(my fault here) that being on an automag board most people here would get the reference that the mini needs tuning just like a mag equipped with a lvl10 bolt often needs. Yes sometimes the lvl10 works great straight out of the factory but more often then not you will need to tweak it to perfection...

The mini for me performs flawlessly....dare I even say better than my mags..

As far as what gun you choose.... Decide for youself... Go to a shop and feel what you like...

There was a proto rail last saturday playing with our AO socal group and it was a nice fast gun.. but wasn't for me...

04-10-2007, 06:28 PM
Sorry I misunderstood you, I read that differently then you intended. I didn't intend to upset anyone. I have worked on markers for the past decade for a local shop and I just wanted to make sure everyone knew about these. I don't see it as tuning the lvl-10, because you don't have to switch o-rings/carriers... etc. Just wear in the spring to soften it, and then change the dwell & settings. I agree that a good bit of chops comes from balls being pushed past the detents, but when you do a two ball test and the second ball goes 8-10 feet in the air it's one of those blowback issues, that sometimes means the solenoid isn't synched and you have to send it back, but that doesn't happen too often.

04-10-2007, 08:56 PM
I feel they are a very great gun, waiting for some grips to come out to fit it but other then that I love the gun.

Talk to stinger paintball designs. They had mini grips for sale at Huntington Beach.
Stinger Paintball Viper Grips (http://www.stingerpaintballdesigns.com/Stinger_Paintball_Designs_Viper_Grips.htm)

they chopped paint like mad this last tourney game. No one could shoot their minis. So in other words, Im going with a PM Rail with a UL frame that Im getting for DIRT CHEAP!!!

Did anyone troubleshoot the problem? Sounds like a blowback or detent issue.

So some people have this chopping problem. Would the rampage board improve on this? Lastly, does the Mini walk really easily?
The chopping problem is ussually a result of the detents sticking or blowback which means its not chopping but blowing the paint out of the feedneck fast enough that it shoots the next ball back into the hopper forcing the rest of the paint to break creating soup.

The rampage board may be able to compensate for this since you can pretty much control most aspects of the bolt and solenoid functions. Although I wouldn't be able to tell you what settings you would have to use since I'm not experiencing any blowback atm.

As for walking the mini, ask the folks who went to the last AO SoCal meet last Saturday. They saw my strings.

05-04-2007, 08:25 AM
Save yourself some drama get a proto rail! :clap: Mine worked perfect out of the box, also there is more upgrades for the rail. I would wait until the 2008 version of the mini is out, by then all the bugs should be worked out. Until then get a rail tried and ture.

05-04-2007, 12:20 PM
Save yourself some drama get a proto rail! :clap: Mine worked perfect out of the box, also there is more upgrades for the rail. I would wait until the 2008 version of the mini is out, by then all the bugs should be worked out. Until then get a rail tried and ture.

Funny, I sold my rail to buy my second mini with 0 regrets.

05-04-2007, 12:27 PM
The "blowback" problem has been resolved. The guns with issues the hole in the popet was .05mm too small, Kee has resolved this with all new guns being shipped out and will gladly replace the popet on any old guns.

Personally I have a mini and havn't had ANY trouble with mine:
Serial 00258
1.2 Board
dwell 26 clicks
Kila Detents

I love mine and would not give it up.

05-04-2007, 12:52 PM
Funny, I sold my rail to buy my second mini with 0 regrets.

lol...yeah, i've been eyeing how cheap they are going on ebay...might like a red one as a backup

05-04-2007, 01:48 PM
Not like the rail wasn't having issues. The back cap had to be replaced since it was coming loose while you were playing.