View Full Version : Classic Upgrade ??'s

04-10-2007, 11:33 PM
Hey everyone,
I have a 68 classic mag that has been customized a bit, but I want to upgrade it some more.
I have been searching for ideas on AGD's website and found a few things. First question is: Is it worth using a X-Valve rather than a classic valve? The only benefit I could see is that it would work better with a reactive trigger gun (which I don't have) and the fact that it has a level 10 bolt.... It's also a bit ligher from what I've heard. If it's not worth it than I'm definitely getting the level 10 bolt. I need a new hopper as well so I was looking into the Intelliframes. With the electronic hoppers they have these days I don't think it would really be worth getting a I-frame because the balls load in fast enough as it is... If I don't go that route I'm going to go with the Y-grip just because I've heard so many good things about them and they're just natural for the way the game is played!! Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! Mags forever!

04-11-2007, 01:12 AM
You'd get a lighter trigger pull with the X-Valve. Much lighter if you get the ULT kit as well. They're also extremely consistent. Since trying my friend's Tac-One I've been converted away from my Classic valve.

L10's a must for anyone nowadays, set it up right and it's as good as eyes in your gun.

The intelliframe is more than just a switch in the trigger frame. It's an extremely well constructed double trigger frame. This plus the ULT gives you get a trigger pull that rivals electros in sheer lightness.

Y-Grip is a matter of preference. I've been looking at them too but decided to stick with the Intelliframe. Going by what I've heard you either love them or hate them. You also have to account for the fact that you'll be reduced to using .45 grip panels as wraparounds just won't work.

04-11-2007, 10:05 PM
It's all a matter of if you want it. My first mag was a 68 classic and i loved it, sold it to my cousin and bought a custom ule. I also love this gun, shoots faster, level 10 bolt is sweet, lighter, and accepts cocker threaded barrels. I have to say i really was satisfied with my 68 classic, it never let me down, it shot straight, and imho the best $ for $ paintball gun made Bar None. I always go with this rule 1-do you want it 2-Do you need it 3-are you going to use it If it's 2 out of 3 JUST DO IT! Hope this helps.

04-11-2007, 10:57 PM
I would go with either a faster hopper first (or level 10) whichever would fit your plans for upgrades/budget. I would alwas outshoot my gravity feed hopper with my (stock) clasic mag, and then of course chop a ball and have pains till I got back to my squeegee again.

I don't think an x valve is worth getting for a classic mag. At least x-vavles are cheaper it used to be that you could get the standard RT pro ule for only $40 more or so.

Y grips are cool, but in order to get full effect from them you must be a player who likes having your market close to your shoulder and face. It is still a good upgrade it would just put it down on the priority list if you are a shoot from the hip kinda guy ;)

A ULT is great too. However you need all of the above upgrades to get full effect out of it. It will work in a classic valve but not as well, you need the level 10 for full efectiveness too, also a double trigger frame for full efect aswell.

Here is what I got for my classic mag (and all I will get for it too): View Loader revolution 2, 3000psi compressed air tank, an AGD bolt foamy. (I don't need the level 10 since this is the marker I used when I don't need to shoot that fast so the revy and the foamy work just fine!) :clap:

04-11-2007, 11:56 PM
Thanks for the info guys!!
Well I should of done some more research before I posted because I found some info that I was looking for, lol! I remember back a few years ago when I was looking into upgrading my gun that one of my buddies told me you can turn your classic into a RT, basically... I remembered that bit of info but I just couldn't remember how.. Well tell me if I'm wrong but when I found the "info" page on the X-Valve it says that the reactive trigger technology comes standard with that valve purchase?? So this means that the valve will turn you gun into a RT. See I was a bit confused about all of that yesterday when I did that post.

I've convinced myself that I'm going to go with the X-Valve upgrade, I just dunno when I'm going to do it... I'm going to get back into PB'ing this year so it'll be soon! The ULT would be nice too, but 1 upgrade at a time, haha!! I'll try the valve out first then think about the ULT.

About the I-frame again... I saw on the pictured installation of it that they were using a Revolution. I haven't decided what hopper I'm going to go with yet or if I'm going to go with the I-frame, but do any of you know if you can use it on any other hoppers? I'm guessing not... :confused:
I just thought of 1 more thing. Having the X-Valve installed, could you still use a I-Frame with it?? That's it for now. Thanks again for the help!!

04-12-2007, 12:28 AM
Also you could get a used classic RT or a pro with a level 10 (ebay) for about the same (maybe a bit more) as a new x valve. Only differnce is those vavles will be heavier and you get a whole new gun :rofl:

04-12-2007, 01:40 AM
Thanks for the info guys!!
Well I should of done some more research before I posted because I found some info that I was looking for, lol! I remember back a few years ago when I was looking into upgrading my gun that one of my buddies told me you can turn your classic into a RT, basically... I remembered that bit of info but I just couldn't remember how.. Well tell me if I'm wrong but when I found the "info" page on the X-Valve it says that the reactive trigger technology comes standard with that valve purchase?? So this means that the valve will turn you gun into a RT. See I was a bit confused about all of that yesterday when I did that post.

I've convinced myself that I'm going to go with the X-Valve upgrade, I just dunno when I'm going to do it... I'm going to get back into PB'ing this year so it'll be soon! The ULT would be nice too, but 1 upgrade at a time, haha!! I'll try the valve out first then think about the ULT.

About the I-frame again... I saw on the pictured installation of it that they were using a Revolution. I haven't decided what hopper I'm going to go with yet or if I'm going to go with the I-frame, but do any of you know if you can use it on any other hoppers? I'm guessing not... :confused:
I just thought of 1 more thing. Having the X-Valve installed, could you still use a I-Frame with it?? That's it for now. Thanks again for the help!!

With Mag valves you can lump them into two categories: Classic and Response.

The Classic valve you're familiar with.

Response valves include the original RT valve, the RT Pro, the ReTro, the Emag, and the X-Valve. All except the original RT valve will fit in any body. The only difference in all these valves is in the materials used to construct them. Earlier versions will contain more steel, later versions will have more components made of aluminum.

All these valves have a faster refire rate and have the response tech built in, which you'll find once you discover that exact point on your trigger pull that cycles the marker. You'll also find the trigger a bit crisper with these valves.

You can use the Intelliframe on pretty much any hopper that's electronic if you know what you're doing. Most hoppers are activated by a single switch that's activated by anything from a tiny lever in the hopper neck, to a microphone tuned to the sound of your marker cycling, to the most recent innovation in a radio frequency transmitter/receiver. The Intelliframe simply bypasses whatever input the hopper activates off of, replacing it with the switch that trips every time the trigger is pulled.

And yes, you can use the Intelliframe/Y-Frame with the X-Valve. All the intelliframe is, is an extremely well-made double trigger frame with an optional mechanical switch built in. Many get it simply for the quality of the frame, they don't even bother hooking it up to their loader. The design shortens the trigger pull significantly, even with my classic valve and stock on/off I can fan off respectable rates of fire.

In terms of feel, the trigger feels ultra-sturdy and the way it sits ergonomically into the hand has to be experienced.

04-12-2007, 01:56 PM
Thanks for the info guys!!
Well I should of done some more research before I posted because I found some info that I was looking for, lol! I remember back a few years ago when I was looking into upgrading my gun that one of my buddies told me you can turn your classic into a RT, basically... I remembered that bit of info but I just couldn't remember how.. Well tell me if I'm wrong but when I found the "info" page on the X-Valve it says that the reactive trigger technology comes standard with that valve purchase?? So this means that the valve will turn you gun into a RT. See I was a bit confused about all of that yesterday when I did that post.

I've convinced myself that I'm going to go with the X-Valve upgrade, I just dunno when I'm going to do it... I'm going to get back into PB'ing this year so it'll be soon! The ULT would be nice too, but 1 upgrade at a time, haha!! I'll try the valve out first then think about the ULT.

About the I-frame again... I saw on the pictured installation of it that they were using a Revolution. I haven't decided what hopper I'm going to go with yet or if I'm going to go with the I-frame, but do any of you know if you can use it on any other hoppers? I'm guessing not... :confused:
I just thought of 1 more thing. Having the X-Valve installed, could you still use a I-Frame with it?? That's it for now. Thanks again for the help!!

Yes any gun after the CLassic RT is an RT essentially (emag and x mag included) along with any gun which gets an x valve.

Yes the I frame will work. The valves are setup so that any sear from any gun will work, and then the sears will work on any frame. All you need to worry about it matching the sear to the rail (2 sears: automag/mini and RT/pro and two rails AM/MM and RT or pro). Also a classic RT rail needs specially modified frames (not to important for you to know at the moment, but beware if you are buying off of ebay you don't buy the wrong frame!)

Theoretically the I frame should be able to work on any hopper. You just have to have it splice into the wires for the eyes (or the RF board for the pulse. Don't take my word on it though I will let someone who has actually done a few I frame jobs with differnt loaders to comment :)

04-12-2007, 02:23 PM
If you're going to play with the RT effect, you will need a force feed loader like a halo B, empire B, eggy, etc. It's hard to keep a string going when your loader can't keep up and the lvl 10 keeps kicking in. :shooting:

A force feed loader can help a lot with the chops before you get a lvl 10, as long as you don't let it run out of paint.

The classic valve gets a better trigger pull from an "RT on/off", but it will never be reactive in normal service. However, I don't know if anyone has ever tried 3000 lbs on that setup. :wow: