View Full Version : Automag into tac one???

04-11-2007, 02:36 AM
What would be cheaper to make an automag into a tac one, or just buy a tac one?? If making one would be cheaper, would yall mind letting me know what automag to buy and what upgrades. Thank you, sorry for the questions but ive never owned an automag.

04-11-2007, 04:47 AM
Probably easier to buy the Tac-One right off the bat. It'll arrive on your doorstep tuned and primed and just in need of a bit of oil before it's ready for a day of play. But that's not nearly as fun as building it piece by piece. :D

As for what Mag to buy, that's the beauty of Automags -- you could take pretty much any part from any gun (except those wacky first-generation RTs) and it'd work in any other gun.

04-11-2007, 10:58 AM
oh alright, thank you. yeah they seemed interchangable but since ive never owned one i was not sure.

04-11-2007, 11:13 AM
the cost will all depend on what you have and how much you want. Cheapest and easiest is to replace your body with the Tac-one body, and you have a Tac-One mag. Now if you don't have an x-valve, there's that upgrade (although you could save $100 by trading in your existing valve). Then there's the trigger frame and the rail... not to mention if you want to keep your existing gun...

04-11-2007, 11:18 AM
I bought a RT Pro with a lvl10 X-Valve for about $300 from PBN.. came with a tank and some extras so I'd say I got the gun for around $225. I picked up a Tac-One body, used but in great shape for $120 and a Dye Proto 2 piece for $60. Installed a ULE kit that I picked up for $45.

So, 225+120+60+45 = 450... and I basically have a Tac-One with some parts left over. A NIB Tac-One with a ULE kit is $558. I saved a little bit of cash but when it all comes down to it, it's a used marker that was assembled with used parts. For an extra $100 you can get a NIB Tac-One that is fully supported by AGD tech and has that new marker smell. :D

If you are the kind of person that just wants a high quality marker that you can pull out of the box, gas up and shoot with no worries then I'd say buy it new. If you are a tinkerer that is willing to watch Ebay, PBN, AO, MCB, etc for parts deals and then cobb together a marker from spare parts you can save a small bit of money by piecing it together.
