View Full Version : Rail Vs.mini

04-11-2007, 07:15 AM
Hey guys i know you are all of you have seen threads similar to this, you might even tell me to go search the threads, but i do not have the time, i am a very busy person, i am asking those of you who have tried or seen the matrix rail shoot or mini or even both , which gun do you perfer? I know that mini's had a tough start with the boards when they first came out, i am talkng about the new mini's. I would like to know with gun with care it more reliable. Also which gun needs less upgrades out of the box. well thanks for the help and i am sorry if i am beating a dead horse, thanks for your patients and help.

p.s all i know about both guns is that they are good guns.

04-11-2007, 07:21 AM
Owned both, kept the mini - personal preference

That being said there are not really any problems with the rail, I just liked the mini better. Some minis have to be "tuned" to avoid breaking paint, but it is pretty handily done.

turbo chicken
04-11-2007, 08:13 AM
too lazy to search ... there's lots of mini info in this thread here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=213330) that was only a few post down ...

that took all but 5 seconds to find ... :ninja:

rail info here (http://www.pbreview.com/products/reviews/4917/)

that took another 5 seconds .... :ninja:

but the mini looks waaaaay cooler ... that'd be what i based it on ... not like i could shoot one faster than the other!

04-11-2007, 08:59 AM
Brand new out of the box I would say mini.
If you want to mod the marker up go with the rail.
I love my PMR with the UL Frame

04-11-2007, 09:56 AM
No one mentions the Fussion? Nice little gun.

04-11-2007, 10:04 AM
No one mentions the Fussion? Nice little gun.
You own or owned one? ;)

Altough I have not had a bunch of use with the mini yet, it works good for me with no issues so far. Great marker for the price. :cheers:

04-11-2007, 10:05 AM
No one mentions the Fussion? Nice little gun.
they really are.

I have owned all three markers mentioned in here (rail, mini, fusion) and, I prefer the mini, just because, it is something "new". The rail and fusion are both great for what they are, mid range priced paintball markers, that deliver high end performance. But, the mini has things (like the amazing size, lack of macro line, ect) that actually set it apart from the majority of current markers and make it fun to own.

In your shoes, I would go with either the fusion or the mini.

04-11-2007, 10:06 AM
Fusion ftw.

And btw:

i am a very busy person

Try to be a little less of a condescending jerk when you ask other people for help. Using the search button takes all of 5 seconds. The president isn't that busy.

04-11-2007, 10:36 AM
You own or owned one? ;)

Altough I have not had a bunch of use with the mini yet, it works good for me with no issues so far. Great marker for the price. :cheers:

Can you even find your mini in that great big pile of markers?

And I HAVE shot the Fussion a bunch of times. I think im breaking out the ban stick.. no wait.. I'll let Rudz do it :rofl:

04-11-2007, 11:04 AM
Fusion ftw.

And btw:

i am a very busy person

Try to be a little less of a condescending jerk when you ask other people for help. Using the search button takes all of 5 seconds. The president isn't that busy.

You know, it may not happen all the time, but every now and again you get a genuine chuckle from me. :)

04-11-2007, 12:55 PM
thanks for the help everyone, i am going to go with the mini. iI didnt mean to sound like a jerk( warbreak).( i will be more careful with my words.) The reason i ask these questions becasue i know no one with a mini or a rail. But the mini sounds that it will be a better gun.Thank you for your patients, you guys are awsome. :)