View Full Version : How the war is really going...

04-12-2007, 10:09 AM
I've linked to Yon many times over the years.

Here is his latest dispatch. He is back in Iraq, he's been with 1-4 Cav and British troops as well.

This is just a really good resource to get info from the trenches over there. Read some of his past dispatches and you'll know what I'm talking about.

It's a lot of reading if you go all the way back, but well worth it.


04-12-2007, 11:00 AM
interesting reading

04-12-2007, 11:28 AM
Mike Yon is a stud. If you want the real story and eye witness reporting...as compared to the CNN style of pool reporting...put Mike's blog in your fav's.

More realtime reporting can be found at Blackfive.com

TV and "news"papers will not tell you the truth.

04-12-2007, 05:05 PM
Great find; thanks for the post!

04-12-2007, 07:16 PM
TV and "news"papers will not tell you the truth.


04-12-2007, 07:26 PM
Good **** I acually like reading that....Nice Find

04-12-2007, 09:25 PM
i've had it bookmarked since the last time someone posted somthing about michael yon

04-12-2007, 09:42 PM
if you want real news, look anywhere but the states and canada

every single national news (of any media) is owned by the goverment so its all the same view with no change (probably old news to all of you but what ever)

and because of my goverment we are trying to become friendlier with you guys and in turn we are also brodcasting your view.
look to england or other places in europe or asia or even the middle east for all the different sides

04-12-2007, 09:42 PM
I knew someone in the French foriegn Legion, he can't talk to me anymore, because of his new identity or some nonsense. :ninja:

04-13-2007, 04:54 AM
I knew someone in the French foriegn Legion, he can't talk to me anymore, because of his new identity or some nonsense. :ninja:
That right there is BEYOND cool!!

04-13-2007, 07:43 AM
if you want real news, look anywhere but the states and canada

every single national news (of any media) is owned by the goverment so its all the same view with no change (probably old news to all of you but what ever)

and because of my goverment we are trying to become friendlier with you guys and in turn we are also brodcasting your view.
look to england or other places in europe or asia or even the middle east for all the different sides

I agree with you that you should get a wider view of opinons other than what your fed here in NorthAm however, you should make sure that what you say is what it true..

I' not going to go into who owns what in the US but I can state that while FOX news and CNN are very supportive of the current administration, it would be wrong to state that they are government owned.

Here in Canada, our media outlets are owned by TORSTAR CORP, CTV Globemedia, Quebecor Inc and Canwest Global Communications. The CBC is publicly funded and would qualify as government owned in that respect.

I can tell where you come from politically just by the statement you made and you should know that you will not find a receptive audience here... Try counterpunch.org or commondreams.org for something closer to your pov

Recon by Fire
04-13-2007, 07:03 PM
I knew someone in the French foriegn Legion, he can't talk to me anymore, because of his new identity or some nonsense. :ninja:

Or it could be the $20 he owes you... I believe after the first 3 years, they are allowed to change their names back if they wish and may contact with former family/friends.