View Full Version : Custom Electric Trigger System Interest

04-12-2007, 11:29 AM
Would anyone be interesting in a universal electronic trigger sytem that could be put in any gun to make it electronic. This would be a simple semi only board no fancy fireing modes, and it would not cost anywhere near the amount of other boards with these fireing modes.

It would simply have three connections, battery, switch, and solenoid, it would be very small maybe 1/2"x1/2" or so. I was also thinking about provisions for some type of "eye" circuit, that could be purchased as a seperate peice at a latter date.

Okay now how about that same board with all the fancy fireing modes, this one would cost more but you can have the option for a low cost semi only or a higher cost multi mode board.

04-12-2007, 11:46 AM
I was just talking to a co-worker to help me make one. I wasnt going to use a programable chip but I was still going to incorperate a eye for detecting paint. I was planning on using and or logic switches but I still need to get down to choosing parts and making the electricle print.

04-12-2007, 11:49 AM
What about a mount for the noid?

04-12-2007, 12:54 PM
Not to sure about a mount for the solenoid b/c every application will be different.

I all ready have the circuit and everything done just need to have them buit.

04-12-2007, 01:38 PM
are we talking about something like the Morlocks?

04-12-2007, 01:49 PM
Morlock's are still around $130. How inexpensive were you talking about. Also, to incorporate eye logic, you would definately need a board.

04-12-2007, 02:04 PM
Like all the others before you... a lot of interest, but everyone wants to see one work before anyone is going to spend money for it.

What power source? how strong of a Noid? We talking replace Espyder guts, or replace E-mag guts, because thats a whole different 18volt monster


04-12-2007, 02:08 PM
Eye logic needs a board (by board, I'm assuming you mean programmable controller on a board, timers at the least), yes, but eyes themselves could be wired in without logic (ball in place delays, etc...) and thus without a board. Use the output on an eye to activate a transistor in series with the trigger switch, which then allows a trigger pull to get recognized. No activated transistor means no power received from the trigger pull gets you no shot fired.

04-12-2007, 02:11 PM
would you need eye logic using break beam eyes?

04-12-2007, 02:25 PM
Everything is just perlimiary right now, it might be like the warlock board but most likely not have all the firing modes, atleast the first go around. I just want to try and manufacture a simple semi only board that can be used with most any applications.

The solenoids would have to be provided by the buyer b/c every application is different, my input voltage is between 5v and 30v, and just about any solenoid can be used as long as the solenoid pulse current does not exceed 3A's but I might increas that. As far as price goes I am not to sure right now but it will not be anywhere near 130$ one b/c it is only semi, and two b/c I am not looking to make a lot of money just pay for my cost with a little extra for the effort.

I have been working on the PCB for the past hour or so and I am about 90% done with it, once I have that I can have boards made within about a week or so depending on my quantity. I then need to stuff them, but I want to get a feel for this before I go forward.

Do you guys want a simple semi only board??

Oh yeah, as far as the "eyes" go it was just a thought I can do that also but I was thinking this whole thing would be a progression.

04-12-2007, 02:32 PM
I should also mention my dimentions are 1.3" square, I know its a little big I am going to work on it to make it smaller should be under and inch.

04-12-2007, 07:18 PM
there are other modes besides semi? :P

its the only thing i've ever used.

04-12-2007, 07:27 PM
i would check it out

04-12-2007, 07:31 PM
there are other modes besides semi? :P

its the only thing i've ever used.
Just semi for now.

04-12-2007, 07:36 PM
Just semi for now.

He was being sarcastic.

04-12-2007, 07:54 PM
maybe I'm just a jaded old fart...

...but the paintball communty is full of guys with great ideas for wonderful products. A whole lot of folks have come up with the "latest & greatest" products, only to have them fall way short of expectations, and even general usefulness. The PB community is chock full of junk parts. I won't even get into the "pre-orders" for products that NEVER get made!

Build your cheap & easy electro-triggers. Get 'em into the hands of some players. Test them. Make 'em work, THEN and only then should you solicit interest in the product.

yep, I'm jaded :argh:

04-12-2007, 08:11 PM
maybe I'm just a jaded old fart...

...but the paintball communty is full of guys with great ideas for wonderful products. A whole lot of folks have come up with the "latest & greatest" products, only to have them fall way short of expectations, and even general usefulness. The PB community is chock full of junk parts. I won't even get into the "pre-orders" for products that NEVER get made!

Build your cheap & easy electro-triggers. Get 'em into the hands of some players. Test them. Make 'em work, THEN and only then should you solicit interest in the product.

yep, I'm jaded :argh:

Point well taken, but why even go through the initial effort unless there is some sort of market for the product. If i get a bunch of people telling me that its a dumb idea and that they wouldn't buy it then why whould I go through the effort to make it.

I just want some idea before I start, I understand it is a crap shoot with any new product even ones as simple as this.

I will restate myself, I'm not trying to make money with this stuff all I want to do is provide a product that AO and the rest of the PB community they might enjoy.

And let me just say I will not be taking peoples money as some sort of preorder, it is my idea so I will front the up front cost and hopefully get that back if the product takes off.

04-12-2007, 09:58 PM
You should make this grip into a z grip or y grip or hell...ADJUSTABLE! :clap:
Of course you would need permission from Tom since he holds a patent for those angles, however I would imagine he might be ok with it (I can't speak for him of course, but he has given many of his inventions to paintball already).

04-13-2007, 06:49 AM
Do you guys have any spacific dimentions in mind, I did the board yesterday but didn't like how it came out so I am doing it over.

04-13-2007, 07:13 AM
I surprised no one has said the "S" word yet

04-16-2007, 07:29 PM
What kind of interface would work for you guys?
Holes, Headers.... any ideas??

04-16-2007, 11:43 PM
I surprised no one has said the "S" word yetHe doesn't have to worry about them, there is no way this will be that big.

You should make this grip into a z grip or y grip or hell...ADJUSTABLE! :clap:
Of course you would need permission from Tom since he holds a patent for those angles, however I would imagine he might be ok with it (I can't speak for him of course, but he has given many of his inventions to paintball already).This is supposed to be a universal solenoid control board.

Do you guys have any spacific dimentions in mind, I did the board yesterday but didn't like how it came out so I am doing it over.
What kind of interface would work for you guys?
Holes, Headers.... any ideas??You should have a narrow board layout, 1/2" width or less, so it can be placed in a gripframe easier. Probably have mounting holes in the corners or ends. As for the interface it should be an inexpensive, easily obtainable connector and each part(switch, noid, power) should be separate.

Not to be a downer, but unless this is primarily going to be a learning exercise for yourself, dont bother. Preliminary interest is going to be much higher than actual interest, ask anyone in the dealer's forum. I for one would not be interested at this time. This board seems to be too simple to work effectively. The way you worded the original post makes it seem like the basic board has no adjustments. One-size-fits-all usually means it fits none, especially when the main drive for it is price. This board of yours should be well under 50-60 dollar range, as Scenario Dreams offers a line of aftermarket boards for different markers in that price range and now have quite a bit of adjustments and modes. One could easily adapt a board to fit their particular need and for me, $60 for a board is in the price range to experiment with for a tinker gun.

04-16-2007, 11:59 PM
Wow. been a while Chrishew09. still thinking about that board huh. Well Im getting closer and closer to being able to make my frame. I still have a while to go. LOL!


04-17-2007, 06:47 AM
I agree with everything you said, and yes I am not looking to make money with this just want to do it for fun. The only adjustments I could put in would be dwell for the solenoid, but that would be a POT, and they cost money I might be easier to supply a couple different SMT resistors that the user could replace as he saw fit.
I was only plaining on making 50 boards, and my price.... well I probobly shouldn't say this but I was thinking in the $25 range.

Of course, I made a demo board already have my schematics done, bill of material is finished and priced, and need to do my PCB layout and I'm done.

I think I am going to go under the assumption that the people that would buy this have some idea how to solder. To keep cost down I am going to have the interface be 6 simple holes in the board to solder, battery, switch, and solenoid.

04-17-2007, 02:47 PM
Final dimentions 0.82" x 1.70", solder interface, one mounting point.