View Full Version : Strangler feedneck

04-14-2007, 02:15 PM
Where can i find a strangler feedneck? is this one of your also rogue???
or something like it

04-14-2007, 03:07 PM


im not too fond of the stranglers myself, theyr hard to turn and can be difficult

i would suggest one of the newer folding clamp styles. ccm, or w/e the new rpg one is

04-14-2007, 07:12 PM
I have one raw one left. Email me for deal [email protected]

04-14-2007, 08:55 PM
Stranglers went the way of the do-do bird.

I offered a strangler years ago. They served their purpose. Their advantage was that they were never too tight enough not to allow them to budge if you took a hard dive. This helped from snapping necks. The one big disadvantage was that stranglers have a hard time accomodating all sizes of feednecks. As with any collet system, you have a limited range of tightening without modification. Nobody wanted to modify(sand down) their feedneck.

So...feednecks evolved into the clamper. It accomodates all size feednecks without modification. And allow for tightening. The only disadvantage I see is the possibility of overtightening. Clampers have 2 options, those who like to use tools versus those who like quick-disconnect.

BTW - Have you placed your Slug Body Pre-Order deposit yet?
thanks for the info..
i will be making a deposit for two early this week.