View Full Version : I hate Illinois.

04-14-2007, 04:18 PM
Specifically, i hate the weather IN Illinois.

Its all of like, 40 degrees right now, rainy and nasty. I was all set to go play today but NOOOoooOOoo....Mother Nature is a ......... well, you know.

Of course the weather looks fantastic on Monday. But the weekend? Its crap. :mad:

04-14-2007, 04:56 PM
Lol you Americans sure know how to complain about the weather :rolleyes:
You should come up to Canada sometime and feel the sweet kiss of -40 :)

04-14-2007, 05:00 PM
bah, play in the rain.

04-14-2007, 07:20 PM
Specifically, i hate the weather IN Illinois.

Its all of like, 40 degrees right now, rainy and nasty. I was all set to go play today but NOOOoooOOoo....Mother Nature is a ......... well, you know.

Of course the weather looks fantastic on Monday. But the weekend? Its crap. :mad:

But seriously, it was t shirts all day down at Fox. If your watching the Chicagoland weather, always add 10 degrees either way.
Besides, Ive seen you down there in MUCH colder weather. Still luv ya though.

04-14-2007, 08:16 PM
Lol you Americans sure know how to complain about the weather :rolleyes:
You should come up to Canada sometime and feel the sweet kiss of -40 :)

You should try months of an average 112 and 70 percent humidity. Texas or Florida. Take your pick :)

04-14-2007, 08:19 PM
LOL! I WANTED to play...believe me. But with the rain, possible snow.....man, i just couldnt bring myself outta bed this morning.

Combine that with the two hour trip to Fox, as much as i love it i had to take a mulligan today. :(

04-14-2007, 08:20 PM
You should try months of an average 112 and 70 percent humidity. Texas or Florida. Take your pick :)

I prefer that.

Im from Houston. :)

04-14-2007, 08:28 PM
Yeah, well just a little west here in Missouri we got around 2 in of SNOW this morning, and then cold *** rain.

Global warming my hairy white ***. :rolleyes:

11 Bravo
04-14-2007, 08:47 PM

It was 90 something today. I got a little sunburn. :)

04-14-2007, 09:30 PM
Complain all you want, at least you don't have guys delirious and collapsing from 110-120 degree weather with no humidity at SC village. I'd welcome the rain, just means I have to break out my mag and revvy.

04-15-2007, 12:24 AM
I hate illinois too, I got lost on the way to six flags from iowa and got arrested at 2:30 in the morning for curfew...(i was 17 at the time) and one of the cops at the station was a HUGE jerk face.

I'm from Iowa, I feel your pain dude. we thought spring had finally hit because it was in the seventies. then next week....it snowed. :tard:

i also went through boot camp in illinois, another reason to hate it :mad:

04-15-2007, 12:36 AM
I hate illinois too, I got lost on the way to six flags from iowa and got arrested at 2:30 in the morning for curfew...(i was 17 at the time) and one of the cops at the station was a HUGE jerk face.

I'm from Iowa, I feel your pain dude. we thought spring had finally hit because it was in the seventies. then next week....it snowed. :tard:

i also went through boot camp in illinois, another reason to hate it :mad:

Jesus, they have a state wide curfew?

How lame is that? Not even Missouri sucks that much. ;)

That sure is a good use of taxpayer's money there. Let's arrest every person under the age of 18 that's out after midnight. Riiiiiight. Good call there Illinoisians. :rolleyes: I'm sure that prevented like 8 or 9 eggings and 15 or 20 tardies at first period.

I swear, sometimes I think that the stupidity of governments knows no bounds.

04-15-2007, 01:20 AM
haha. i've always hated missouri because it always stood between my family and our vacation to arkansas. missouri is WAY TOO LONG ;)

luckily my grandparents moved back home and we don't have to drive through miser...i mean missouri anymore :D

I do enjoy silver dollar city tho :headbang:

04-15-2007, 01:59 AM
haha. i've always hated missouri because it always stood between my family and our vacation to arkansas. missouri is WAY TOO LONG ;)

luckily my grandparents moved back home and we don't have to drive through miser...i mean missouri anymore :D

I do enjoy silver dollar city tho :headbang:

You've obviously never driven from north to south in Illinois before then. THAT state is tall. It's like 2.5-3 hrs across it east to west, but like 8 hrs north to south.

And I should know, seems every piece of machinery I buy is either in Wisconsin, Chicago, Ohio, or Michigan.

That run up to Wisconsin is a real bugger. I saw so much corn on that trip, I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a stick of butter.


04-15-2007, 03:33 AM
You should try months of an average 112 and 70 percent humidity. Texas or Florida. Take your pick :)

Well being too cold is better than too hot :P At least you have the option to play in that weather :rofl:

04-15-2007, 03:56 AM
naw. Now TEXAS.....there is a state thats BIG.

Ive driven from houston to here (central illinois) and it takes 19 1/2 hours.

Almost HALF of that was spent getting out of Texas. After that..the trip just flew by.

This weather wouldnt pee me off as much if it would just make up its mind. One day its 80, two days later, its 35. No exaggeration either.

04-15-2007, 05:20 AM
haha. i've always hated missouri because it always stood between my family and our vacation to arkansas. missouri is WAY TOO LONG ;)

luckily my grandparents moved back home and we don't have to drive through miser...i mean missouri anymore :D

I do enjoy silver dollar city tho :headbang:

wow...ive been to silver dollar city...i dont remember much of it becuase it was a while back...woot :ninja:

04-15-2007, 06:30 AM
I saw so much corn on that trip, I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a stick of butter.

I'm getting the best mental picture ever from that. :)

04-15-2007, 11:53 AM
Lol you Americans sure know how to complain about the weather :rolleyes:
You should come up to Canada sometime and feel the sweet kiss of -40 :)Yeah, but that's -40 below metric that doesn't count :)

(yes, I know it's the same lol)

04-15-2007, 10:24 PM
Specifically, i hate the weather IN Illinois.

Its all of like, 40 degrees right now, rainy and nasty. I was all set to go play today but NOOOoooOOoo....Mother Nature is a ......... well, you know.

Of course the weather looks fantastic on Monday. But the weekend? Its crap. :mad:
Dude, wednesday it snowed here in waukegan, so it's worse up here. If i meet mother nature in a dark alley she best watch herself.

04-15-2007, 10:29 PM
Dude, wednesday it snowed here in waukegan, so it's worse up here. If i meet mother nature in a dark alley she best watch herself.

AMEN TO THAT! :shooting:

04-15-2007, 10:42 PM
Dude, wednesday it snowed here in waukegan, so it's worse up here. If i meet mother nature in a dark alley she best watch herself.

waukegan is where i got arrested!! grr...

04-15-2007, 10:44 PM
Lol you Americans sure know how to complain about the weather :rolleyes:
You should come up to Canada sometime and feel the sweet kiss of -40 :)

`ehhhhh? whats that all aboot?

04-15-2007, 10:56 PM
Lol you Americans sure know how to complain about the weather :rolleyes:
You should come up to Canada sometime and feel the sweet kiss of -40 :)
Oh, and since you brought it up, i will say this much, i blame canada. That's what you should always do when in doubt. Seriously though i would love to visit there (and my dad even talked about moving there after he visited, but i wouldn't let him cause of my friends being here) and people may make fun of them, but i wouldn't want to get into a fight with a mounty (is that's spelled right?) cause i'm sure i and anyone else would get put in an ambulance.