View Full Version : SLUG body cad file. ?

04-17-2007, 06:00 PM
Hey there. Anyone with this file please send it to me, link it, or whatever. There are no current links that I can find in the tech forum.

04-17-2007, 06:09 PM
Actually any other files you all might have would be cool too.
I’m really starting to get good at doing 3-d models of things.
My university ASU has a really great program and as soon as I get into the shops, I can do what I please with them. Its still a semester off, but getting the models done would be great so I can just pull them out when I get to the point, because I probably wont have time to do paintball designs during the semester. So this is my summer project. I still have no idea what is involved in making a tool path for the machines, but it cant be any harder than learning what I already have... and I will learn because I have to.
Eventually I would like to make a section in the workshop forum with an archive of model and drawing files.


This model is what I have been working on for the past week for my final this semester in the modeling class. I would have done a paintball gun, but some guy already did one last semester and I wanted to be original. They don’t care about the difference between a spyder (which the guy did) and an automag, it’s all a paintball gun to them.


04-17-2007, 06:18 PM
thats pretty freakin kool :D great job on that :) sorry for the spam :P

04-17-2007, 06:33 PM
Very Cool. You have a great future ahead of you with that kind of talent. Kudos!

04-17-2007, 08:22 PM

Nice looking model. Is that a CAD rendering or did you use another program? I'm a Maya guy myself, but software is software :D

I found this in the Tech Forum a while back. I'm trying to get into the CAD thing, but it's so different from what I'm used to it makes me want to stab myself with a kitten......

I can't find the extended slug file anywhere, when I try to download the file I get errors. There is a .dwg file of the slug that only goes as far as the valve body (does not overlap valve like slug bodies).

I've been trying to make a CAD model just based off of the slug specs, but it's painfull and slow. So if you manage to get anything done, please PM me so I can get it from you. I'm trying to design my own slug body to save money if I get my slug milled. I have a slug body design thread I haven't updated in a couple of weeks:


Helpful info:



Good luck man!

04-17-2007, 08:39 PM

Extended slug file... never noticed the difference

What is meant is that it only goes back to the point where the valve steps up from fitting in the 1" ID body. Like the ULE bodies... it doesn’t overlap past the valve correct.

I'm using a program by UGS called solidedge V18, it is a little more user friendly than solidworks, and its a Virtual Studio render of the solid edge .asm file. That’s what ASU uses so that’s what I use. Maya is more of a animation tool isn’t it? All I know is its REALLY $$$.

I have 2 really cool ideas for what I want to do. The first one I was thinking was a square body type, like a micromag, with a virtue spyder board (cause it has eyes) and spyder noid, and basically make the ultimate in crazy spyder mags with eyes. A friend of mine has one of these in his spyder fenix and...I'm not going to lie, Its FAST enough.

The other is an idea of using two pneumatic rams that act in opposition to directly replace the sear, that will be pneumatic solenoid controlled. with the idea of having everything integrated into a "bodyrail"
Or just make a electro pnuemag.. IDK

Either case I want to integrate the LPR into the rail like modern electros and just make something really slick.
It’s going to take along time... but I'm going to do it and win MOTM in about 2 years. LOL!

04-17-2007, 09:32 PM
Took some time to get Autocad going...
Heck Yeah Baby!
That Is Exactly What I Wanted

I Could Kiss You!

I have to work on this now!

04-17-2007, 09:46 PM
Anyone care to tell me what the OD on the back of the x-valve is and I will make an extended one if you want.

INSET VIEW A is missing needed dimentions. now I have to get more than a viewer.

04-18-2007, 12:03 AM
Anyone care to tell me what the OD on the back of the x-valve is and I will make an extended one if you want.

INSET VIEW A is missing needed dimentions. now I have to get more than a viewer.

Ive got a valve im working on in solidedgeV19 for a project. A lot of the dims are off, but I know the external ones are right (group project...rest of the group doesnt care about the project so much as the grade...), so it sounds like it might be able to help you out. If you want to pm me your email address, I can send it to you in whatever filetype you want, and if theres anything else you want (we are building a pneumag from the ground up) dont hesitate to ask.

Ive also built a sluggo from haveblue's file, if you want me to send you that, it might be able to help you out.


04-18-2007, 12:06 AM
Oh, I'd like one as well man!

04-18-2007, 01:29 AM
The dimensions are correct it’s just in the cad .dwg some of them are not displayed correctly. Mainly the front profile of the feed tube cut into the ... uhh... inner tube.

Anywhoo done!
Boy does my computer throw a fit with the cocker threads. No, I did not include the feed neck and detent threads because those are standard threads... just not in my program.



Anyone got data on the classic or x-valve ??? :D

04-18-2007, 02:59 PM

Garrgh! I've spent hours trying to get just to this stage and you do it overnight! Stupid CAD! It's so different from what I'm used to it drives me crazy!

Can I get .dwg off you MoeMag?! Minus maybe the MoeMag name in the side ;)

I figure if I have a to-spec slug to start out with then I can try and modify that to what I want, but I'm having a heck of a time just getting the basic slug down........... :tard:

If you don't mind sending the file to me I'd REALLY appreciate it! :headbang:

[email protected]


04-18-2007, 06:22 PM

Garrgh! I've spent hours trying to get just to this stage and you do it overnight! Stupid CAD! It's so different from what I'm used to it drives me crazy!

Can I get .dwg off you MoeMag?! Minus maybe the MoeMag name in the side ;)

I figure if I have a to-spec slug to start out with then I can try and modify that to what I want, but I'm having a heck of a time just getting the basic slug down........... :tard:

If you don't mind sending the file to me I'd REALLY appreciate it! :headbang:

[email protected]


What I sent is a *.igs file which is a very standard 3-d model file format. just about anything can open that. Its a parametric model... not a drawing. if you want the drawing use the .dwg in the link... well that you posted.

Over night? I did it in 4 hours... while eating dinner. :D
sent you a PM SummaryJudgement.

04-19-2007, 12:32 AM
Okay, So I can model, but Im getting annoyed with my autocad 2005. How do I display all the other goodies in that .DWG file? I tried the invert selection thing, but obviously I am missing something.

04-19-2007, 01:13 AM
.igs..........I think Maya may be able to open that. :D

Getting the model done in Maya is no problem for me, it's getting it in a CAD format that I may be able to get milled that I have a problem with.

04-19-2007, 02:32 PM
Okay, So I can model, but Im getting annoyed with my autocad 2005. How do I display all the other goodies in that .DWG file? I tried the invert selection thing, but obviously I am missing something.


Hit the button I circled in green, it brings up the layer manager. See the snowflakes, hit Control+A to select all layers, then click on a gray snowflake to turn them all yellow, this unfreezes the layers. Everything will now be shown. To invert the layers, I just manually turn off the lightbulb of the ones that are not frozen now (yellow circle, or the sun), then unfreeze all of them.

04-19-2007, 03:06 PM

Hit the button I circled in green, it brings up the layer manager. See the snowflakes, hit Control+A to select all layers, then click on a gray snowflake to turn them all yellow, this unfreezes the layers. Everything will now be shown. To invert the layers, I just manually turn off the lightbulb of the ones that are not frozen now (yellow circle, or the sun), then unfreeze all of them.

I am going to have a field day this weekend! Got to go shoe my horses and study for a test today. :(

04-20-2007, 08:26 PM
There are no dimensions for...

The width of the sear axle pin slot
The profile of the sear slot
The square profile that the classic body front frame screw key sits in the rail (if that makes any sense)
The path of the valve alignment pin
Thickness of the sear
Any thickness values for the intelliframe

any help?


I would like to make as accurate as possible 3-d models of an automag. I would love any dimensions you could let me use. All of it would be public domain.

04-21-2007, 03:47 PM
Hey Moemag,

The "extended" slug body has the body cover the valve completely. That's how the rear ridges of the Kartas/Dallaras/Chords were possible. I'll post a pic at one point. I started looking for my slug body to show you, BUT I CAN'T FIND IT!! :mad: Who knows where it's at. I've got four boxes of paintball stuff and have looked all over...

Regardless, the new extended slug bodies cover the valve completely and actually go past the rear of the rail by about a quarter of an inch I think. Just a heads up......

Keep me/us posted. I am going to need a to-spec rail slug at one point too :D

04-21-2007, 08:58 PM
Hey Moemag,

The "extended" slug body has the body cover the valve completely. That's how the rear ridges of the Kartas/Dallaras/Chords were possible. I'll post a pic at one point. I started looking for my slug body to show you, BUT I CAN'T FIND IT!! :mad: Who knows where it's at. I've got four boxes of paintball stuff and have looked all over...

Regardless, the new extended slug bodies cover the valve completely and actually go past the rear of the rail by about a quarter of an inch I think. Just a heads up......

Keep me/us posted. I am going to need a to-spec rail slug at one point too :D

Yeah I know, thats why I was asking about the od of the x-valve... then I could do it easy as pie. This thread has been kinda dead. no one knows what it is.

04-23-2007, 09:50 AM
The OD is 1.118". It's the same thing (or, really close) as the ULE bodies.

Like you said (or implied) it wouldn't be hard to just extrapolate the correct dimensinos from a certain point. There's a lot of dimensinos that wouldn't matter as much.

I'm making a cad file post section for my webiste and would love to make whatever files available...

EDIT, I checked the internet archive for the file K posted, unfortunately it seems corrupt (or something) Somebody might be able to get it working http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.automags.org/~TomAGD/Slugex.dwg

EDIT2, okay I recovered the file. I want to check with K before posting it...

04-24-2007, 01:37 AM
The OD is 1.118". It's the same thing (or, really close) as the ULE bodies.

Like you said (or implied) it wouldn't be hard to just extrapolate the correct dimensinos from a certain point. There's a lot of dimensinos that wouldn't matter as much.

I'm making a cad file post section for my webiste and would love to make whatever files available...

EDIT, I checked the internet archive for the file K posted, unfortunately it seems corrupt (or something) Somebody might be able to get it working http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.automags.org/~TomAGD/Slugex.dwg

EDIT2, okay I recovered the file. I want to check with K before posting it...

Send that .dwg over to [email protected] as soon as you can.
Thanks for the OD.
Well I went to extend it out, and I remembered... oh yeah... the airline comes out the side of the x-valve. Also the valve diameter tolerance is in the drawing if I actully thought about it. it is 1.120inch dia for that part that goes over the valve.
Again I ask for something with more dimensions.
Or at least until something else stupid like that hits me.

04-24-2007, 10:53 AM
Well the ID for the inside of the body would have to be a little more wide than the valve. But the exact dimension isn't massively important, as long as it's big enough to fit in there it'll work (since the body just covers the valve in that spot).

I think the slug template has to be milled in such a way that the airline fitting can slide off the back. It just means you have to imcorporate it into the milling style in some way. And it only has to be on that one side (I think) so at leas tyou can cover it up on the other side...lol.
I suppose you could just drill an opposing hole for the airline fitting to pass through, but it'd make disassembly a hassle...