View Full Version : Emag on/off switch

rifleman wi
04-21-2007, 09:11 PM
im looking into the micro morlock for my emag because the predator board is taking forever to come out. i want an on/off switch for my emag, theres one that comes with the kit, but i rember a few years back someone made a switch on a circuit board and it was said that you need a resister or something on it because the 18V batt would fry a normal switch. if im wrong let me know how i would correctly mount and set it up. thanks in advance.

04-21-2007, 09:16 PM
I bought one that KayleAGD made a little while back. It is like you describe, try contacting him. goodluck :cheers:

rifleman wi
04-21-2007, 09:33 PM
I bought one that KayleAGD made a little while back. It is like you describe, try contacting him. goodluck :cheers:
yea, thats the one, but now i see people just using normal switches and i havent heard of any problems from them. how much was that switch from him?