View Full Version : Andrew's AGD Chronicles 22 April 2007

04-23-2007, 10:26 AM
This was another day of play at the Outdoor Adventures Field in Rosedale, MD. It was a much more enjoyable experience than the last weekend. Sundays might become my default day to play paintball, because I have been noticing less problems with cheating or wiping on Sundays (in fact, none yesterday at all). There were still a good number of people out there for the woodsball games, one was eleven on eleven.

Another thing I like about Sundays is that I keep running into several people who are good players and also good sports. Dave, who has a nice customized RT Pro, was there. I have come to realize that Dave and I are used to playing different sides of the fields, because I rarely see him when we are out there. There was also an older gent with his nephew and several guys who all work for the same company and now play together. It makes a big difference when you play with people who play fair. It also put me back into a good mood. Twice today, I called myself out when hit good, but the ball did not break. Unlike last time, I had no regrets about doing that. They hit me; it should have broken; I am out.

I recently purchased a pair of Powerex 300 mAh rechargeable batteries and a Maha charger for them. Those are what I used in the Vlocity and the LED stayed green all day (though I only played for a little under four hours).

Shooting Marbalizers again and, again, they fit best with the .686 insert for my Scepter, and, again, they were not breaking as well as they should have. Next time I am definitely picking up a case of something like Inferno to try. Hitting someone and having your paint fail to break is frustrating. I was concerned about balls not breaking and was usually putting four or five balls onto someone that I hit to compensate.

My chrono was good, 277 fps to 283 fps over more than a dozen balls.

I played a total of eleven games, five woodsball and six speedball. I fired 1200 paintballs, split pretty evenly between woodsball and speedball. My average was 120 per game of woodsball and 100 per game of speedball. I did chuff a few times, always when shooting off my left and leaning out left (I am right-handed). I tilt the marker too much and the Vlocity does not like to feed when tilted that way. I was probably at a 45 degree angle. I also think my trigger control is worse with my left hand.

I have yet to chop a ball or break one down the barrel with either the MiniTac Pro or my customized RT Pro. That is after approximately 3,500 balls through the MiniTac Pro and probably 8,000 through the RT Pro.

I was designated as blue team for these games and wore blue tape on my right arm.

During one game on a heavily wooded field, I ran way up on the right tape and took cover behind a tree that was almost as wide as me when I stood sideways to it (I am tall and lean). The amount of fire I took from the other team was awesome and I called paintcheck twice on myself, but due to the tree and the vines hanging around it, the other team could not get a clear shot at me. I was getting a lot of splatter. What that position did give me was a great shot at any of the opposing team who tried to move up the center of the field. There I was, standing with my marker held close, barrel to the sky, and I would pop out and snapshoot at the guys who were shooting at me. The two times an opposing player tried to crawl forward up the center to get an angle on one of my team, I would snapshoot them and hit both times. When I finally took out one of the two guys who were keeping me pinned, I rushed the other while shooting and he ran away! With nobody on that side, I just kept running up and surprised another opposing player near their base flag. Then, though I was yelling out "Blue team, right here!" over and over, one of my own team shot me, because I had moved 30 yards ahead of them. However, we won that game.

I called the teammate who shot me a Communist. We then both laughed about it.

Another woodsball game, I wore myself out. The field we were playing on has a path that runs along one side. Moving up it, you can flank the other team, but it can also be a deathtrap. I was playing back this game, mostly doing spotting and small runs up to engage then drop back. Not enjoying that type of play, I like to be up front and moving, but other players were already there and there are only so many positions to use. Anyway, I look to my left and see four of our players just got out and are moving off the field. We must be wide open on that flank. I take off running, run probably 45 yards at a dead sprint, get there and run smack into a bunch of the other team. They unload on me, but I somehow manage to dogleg around a bush and across the path without getting hit. They lost track of me when I doglegged. I started popping out and catching them as they moved down the path. Again, snapshooting was paying off big time. My eliminations were coming from popping out for a second, firing four to six paintballs, getting one of the enemy, and popping in or doing a short move to make them lose track of me. I caught three of them that way before going after one gent who knew where I was (though I had been keeping him tucked into his cover by shooting at him from time to time). He and I got each other.

Something I saw chewing up newbies today was not knowing where the opposing team was. This was especially true playing woodsball. A few times, I saw players move up to a position where the opposing team had a clear shot at them. Even though I was often yelling, "Blue team, watch your left! Watch your left!" (or other appropriate comment) as loud as I could, they would never even look. They were too fixated on the person they were trying to engage. Tunnel vision is bad.

During one woodsball and one speedball game I tried getting eliminations by firing one shot each time. The speedball game I took out three, all with single shot snapshots. The woodsball, I got two and scared the bejeezes out of the third gent. Again, this was that heavily wooded field. I snapshot one guy with a single shot, suddenly saw this other fellow (who was, awesomely, using a double-barrel pump) pop out. As I moved the marker to bear on him he saw me and flinched enough that the ball missed him by about two inches. Two of his teammates unloaded on me and took me out.

It was fun playing single snapshots. I continue to have an itch to buy a Phantom a get back into pump play, even against semis.

I have a bloody welt on my left wrist from speedball. While moving up the snake, I ran into my mirror. Saw that he was less than six feet away as I bumped and it did not appear he saw me. I immediately stepped out from the snake and moved forward and yelled, "Bunker!" He twisted and shot me. I looked at the ref, who told me, "We are not playing the bunker rule." Now, I think I would have gotten him first if I fired, at the very least we would have eliminated each other, but I do not like to shoot someone from that close.

Heck, I felt sorry for one guy I shot at about 5 yards, while playing speedball. I ran up, popped out and caught him as he was trying to move up to the opposite side of the "L" bunker I had just occupied. Fired two shots as he tucked into his superman slide. One hit him in the forehead and he flopped around like a fish for about ten seconds. I guess it hurt.

My amusing goof on this day of play was during speedball. On the break I was running far right (opposite of the snake), and was suddenly faced with running though a literal wall of paintballs being laid down by the electro (I think it was a DM6 or DM7) playing center back for the other team. I attempted to cut, but was moving too fast. As a result, I did something midway between a somersault and a forward roll though the paintball wall and ended up near the air bunker I was heading for. Amazingly, I was not hit. I imagine that, to the other team, it looked like "The Three Stooges" crossed with "The Matrix."

Dropped off one of my Crossfire 68/4500 tanks with Outdoor Adventures. Rob, a friendly and knowledgeable old gent who is trained to work on AGD markers, is going to put an AGD Flatline Regulator on the tank for me. Dave also said that he is going to have a Flatline installed on one of his tanks.

Shot count for this marker, the MiniTac Pro, is now 6000.

Current setup:

X-Valve with Lvl 10 (1 shim, 1.5 carrier)
Mini-Tac Mainbody w/dual RPG detents and RPG clamping feedneck
Tac Rail
Splinter Trigger Intelliframe
ULT (6 ULT shims)
Hogue .45 Grips
Viewloader Vlocity
CP Razor Drop
RT Pro Front Grip
Shrink-wrapped Hose w/Quick Disconnect
68/4500 High Pressure Crossfire Tank w/Dye Rhino cover
12" Powerlyte 2007 Scepter kit (.684, .686, .688, .690, and .692 inserts)

Pics of the marker:


Something I caught on the AO forums was that x-valve bolt bumper wears out much more quickly than the classic valve. I inspected both the MiniTac Pro and my other marker, a customized RT Pro (the one from the chronicles, March and older). The MiniTac Pro's bumper is fine. The RT Pro has pretty deep fissures in it after 11,000 shots. I think that inspecting that bumper will become a standard part of PM. I ordered some more bumpers from The Mag Smith, along with another x-valve parts kit, and a new Splinter Pro trigger.

So, maybe this will become my normal PM schedule:

After every day of play: clean marker, introduce 6 drops of KC-trouble free into ASA, gas and fire 50 shots.
After 10,000 shots: replace bolt bumper, clean all surfaces of any residue, reoil.
After 30,000 shots: replace bolt spring, replace Lvl 10 o-ring (?)
(The 30,000 shot tuneup is based on the classic Automag I used to have. It seemed that around 20,000-30,000 shots I needed to replace the bolt spring and the Lvl 10 o-ring.)

I also had been seeing a slow leak from a brand new Crossfire tank purchased from the local paintball store. It was losing air, about 400 psi a day. Being lazy, I had not checked it with dishwashing liquid and water. I took it in to the store and one of the guys showed me a trick that works the same as the dishwashing liquid. You spray the parts with Windex and look for the froth (I like the dishwashing liquid and small paintbrush better, but still nice to know that trick). Turned out it was leaking around the gauge. For some reason, the new Crossfires all have the hideous stuff called pipe dope (plumber's goop) on the fittings. I have never had good luck with that stuff. The gent at the paintball shop emptied the tank, redid the gauge and fill nipple with teflon tape after cleaning all the pipe dope from the threads, and the tank no longer leaks at all.

Previous entries in the chronicles here:

14 April 2007:

5 April 2007:

25 March 2007:

24 February 2007: