View Full Version : ULT Trigger & High Output Tank Video

05-01-2007, 04:03 PM
This one is for all of us Mag-Heads.....ULT Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vI1VK3jeGc)

05-01-2007, 04:11 PM
you only hit 9. to shoot 21bps you actually have to shoot first-21 balls in a row, and also for an entire second. you did neither. I know i'm sounding like a hater, but we all know that the valve can do it. I've stood next to Zman and watched him empty a hopper in 2 strings of paint.- and fast. if it came down to snapshooting your mag's rapid fire is less reliable than my spyder's stanky max ROF.

flames ensue.

05-01-2007, 04:25 PM
he shot for more than a whole second.... it was fast... idk about 21 bps, those chronos arent THAT accurate as we all know...

still fast though

05-01-2007, 04:40 PM
I have to admit that although its easy to sweet spot while just standing around at the chrono, its rather a different thing to pull off in the middle of a game.

RvB Caboose
05-01-2007, 04:59 PM
Nice. Is your mag shooting well at that high a rate? My ULT is around 18 bps but the velocity fluctuates between 150 and 280 fps and I get a lot of breaks? Do you have that problem?

05-01-2007, 05:45 PM
That is Rob from Outdoor Adventures in MD, the gent who just installed my Flatline Regulator. I can recognize his voice.

I would guess that is probably Dave's new Flatline Regulator and Rob's Tac-One. He must have just installed the Flatline and I don't think that Rob has broken in his ULT all the way. Rob probably has not had the chance to practice playing with the trigger to get the perfect feel for sweet spotting either.

I mentioned Rob in my last AGD Chronicles:


If you shoot an AGD marker and play near either Bowie, MD or Rosedale, MD - you should probably know Rob. He is a friendly guy and has a soft spot for AGD markers and products.

It had been a long time since the senior guy at a field pulled me aside and asked how his refs were doing, looking for feedback to make them better and then talking about some of the points I brought up. Rob did that about three weeks ago and, not only did he ask, the next time I was playing I could tell that the refs had changed some of their methods.

Rob comes across as loving the sport for the fun of it and wants to make sure the field is running the best it can, because that is the way it should be. Anybody like that deserves respect.

Wow, off on a tangent there, but I know the gent talking in that video and wanted to provide some background.

EDIT TO ADD: I'm having a hard time getting a good look at the tank, but am thinking it might not be Dave's Flatline. Perhaps Rob shimmed a preset tank so it is putting out 1100 psi?

05-01-2007, 06:01 PM
I have to admit that although its easy to sweet spot while just standing around at the chrono, its rather a different thing to pull off in the middle of a game.

Nothing a few trigger stops and some getting used to cant fix :-)