View Full Version : Barrels + ano

05-02-2007, 05:43 PM
How much does anodizing affect the bore of a barrel? just wondering :bounce:

05-02-2007, 05:55 PM
How much does anodizing affect the bore of a barrel? just wondering :bounce:

Anodizers can seal off the internal bore of a solid barrel or back if asked to. Otherwise, the dimetral change depends on the anno layer of the finish. Different providers use different thicknesses and such. Any decent anodizer should be able to let you know when they give you a quote.

05-02-2007, 06:17 PM
Typical anodizing gives layer of .0002" to .001" (half which is grown into the surface and half out of the surface). Surfaces anodized will become slightly larger by about .0005"
This will change the inside diameter of a barrel by approx. .001"
i.e. .688 will change to .687

05-02-2007, 06:29 PM
note on that, if your barrel when it has an ano on it and it is x size, the original layer gets striped down, so it is X + the full ano layer striped (it goes in as far down as it coems up IIRC) then it gets added back on.

un less you are dealing with very small backs that you do not want to loose any size on its not very noticable and shouldn't preform much differantly


05-03-2007, 04:51 AM
Kool, Ty for the info :)