View Full Version : Team rules/ regulations

05-02-2007, 06:45 PM
Any of you playing for the more commited teams out there. Did you find it necessary to set down a writen set of rules for your players?

I just drafted a set for our team, which we will show to the players at our upcoming team meeting. I don't really care if they sign or not, they will be held accountable for them.

I feel they are fairly comprehensive, but if you see anything I may have overlooked feel free to point it out.

All rules are subject to change w/o notice. Proper notice of any changes will be provided either verbally or in writing to team members. The interpretation of these rules is open to the discretion of the Team Captain, Co-Captain, and Sponsor .

All infractions of these rules will be reviewed by the Team Captain(s) and our Sponsor, here forward noted as "powers that be" or "our". Penalties for infringing these rules can and may result in suspension, or separation from the team at our discretion and may include involvement of the authorities if deemed appropriate.

1. There will be no purposeful cheating, nor infringement of any CFOA (or other stated) rules of play. Be them in tournament, practice, or play at local fields. This is to include , but not limited to, talking from the sideline, playing on, illegal equipment or gear, etc. All members of the team will maintain honor and integrity on the field of play. Do not play or practice within the grey area of the rules. If you cannot win with honor, then lose with honor. The team does not and will not condone cheating to win.

2. All members will treat other members with due respect. Name calling, talking back, smarting off, etc. will not be tolerated outside what is obviously within kidding or joking around. This will be open to OUR interpretation not yours.

3. All members will come prepared for all games and practices. This includes bringing all the proper equipment and attire to play in and with. Given that all people forget things occasionally, this rule will have some leeway. DO NOT make the mistake of habitual unpreparedness.

4. ALL members will bring ALL the money they will need to cover their own expenses to all events and practices. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTION! Monies for practices and games will be collected PRIOR to the event/practice for expected expense. This is to include paint, gas, food, lodging, etc.
ANY OTHER UNEXPECTED EXPENSE is the players responsibilty to cover. The capt. nor any other member of the team is responsible for your financial situation. You pay or you will not play. Period.

5. All members are expected to maintain a certain moral standard while playing with, staying with, and practicing with the team. This will include not breaking the law, being respectful of the field, players, and many other intangible items. This includes theft, lying, fighting, etc....Basically if you wouldn't do it in front of your grandmother, don't do it at all.

6. No drug use will be tolerated. * All members must come ready to play. If you are too hung over or otherwise incapacitated you will not play. It is suggested that all players maintain a "minimum" in their lifestyle vices at least a few days in advance of play. This is open to OUR interpretation not yours, so DO NOT press this issue.

7. There will be a curfew on all under aged players at all out of town events.The time for this curfew will be set as we deem fit. There will be no players under the age of 18 leaving adult supervision w/o consent and knowledge of the team captain, and or powers that be. The adult aged players are responsible for the actions and safety of the younger players. DO NOT put us in a situation that would be hard to explain to your parents.

8. All members are expected to be good sports in success and loss. Treat other teams with respect and dignity, as you would like to be treated yourself.

9. All members must be punctual. If a time has been set to be at an event, practice, or meeting point please be respectful of your other team mates and show up on time.

10. Any problems arising within the team on or off the field should be brought to the attention of the capt, or other powers that be for review and resolution. There will be no arguing with refs on field and should be no "unreasonable" arguments between players off field. This is also open to OUR interpretation, not yours.

11. All players are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from any practice or event BEFOREHAND. Short of an emergency there will be no last minute "I need a ride" going on.

12. All members will respect the decision of the team capt. and powers that be. If you have a problem please feel free to discuss it in a respectful mature manner. Temper tantrums will not be tolerated.

13. All prizes and special consideration will be the property of sponsor , so long as fee's and other considerations are provided by said.

Please remember that when we play we not only represent ourselves, but that we represent and are ambassadors for ******. What we do on and off the field is a direct reflection on our sponsor. All members will be expected to act in accordance with these rules, and any violation of them can result in instantaneous action against the offender(s)
Please keep in mind that all monies, fees, dues etc. made in respect to the team(etc.) are forfeit upon violation of these rules. There will be no refund cause you screwed up.

05-02-2007, 07:04 PM
I never felt a need to draft any kind of rules/regulations. Most of those that you stated are a given anytime you join any team. I make clear what I expect from my teammates and most are mature enough to where drafting a silly set of rules is not neccessary. Then again I don't have a bunch of 15 year-olds on my team either.

05-02-2007, 07:35 PM
hey first off all 15 year olds arent whiny *Poof*. some of us just like playing paintball. secondly i think this is a good idea to set out guidelines. this way there are alot fewer arguements. this way u can just say u knew what would happen its ur fault.

05-02-2007, 08:05 PM
I don't know. I thought you said you played for fun. No offense but what you have there is the making of a serious team. Once being on a team becomes work it ceases to be fun (at least to me) and I simply walk away. Not saying there is a problem with people who practice seriously, and play seriously, but I am asking you if thats what you are really looking for.

05-02-2007, 08:35 PM
I think i agree with Lohman. Once there is to strict a structure to the game, it becomes a chore for me. I live my life with rules at school, work, etc. I dont want to deal with extensive strict rules and/or contracts when its something i do for fun. Im not a rule-breaker either. I dont break any of those rules while on a team, however, signing some paper saying i wont break those rules would turn me off really fast. I hope you understand where im coming from

05-02-2007, 08:48 PM
I understand exactly where you come from by saying that. This started off as a fun venture and has quickly accelerated into something entirely different. We are not setting this up to try and be strict and rigid to our teammates. Really its more to put to words some level of our expectation of their behavior while with us at these events. The things that happened on this last venture MADE the situation unenjoyable. Mostly due to the immaturity of several of our members. As was stated earlier, most of this is common sense and doens't need to be said...

I guess it be fair to say that our expectations coming into this are turning out to be a bit unrealistic given what we have to lose, our competative nature, and the level of play we need to reach to acheive the sponsors goal. All of this is going to have to find a happy medium within some structure.

05-02-2007, 09:11 PM
I, for one, think its great. I liked, and agreed with everything in there. I would actually be impressed, as a player. I know if i was offered a place on a team, and they had these rules, and then offered a place on a team without these rules, i would join the one WITH the rules. Its about being, and acting professional. I found nothing in those rules that would keep me from having fun. If anything, it would be MORE fun for me knowing that i am on a team of stand-up guys who respect not just the team, but each other and the sport.

I say good for you Punkncat. Can i join? ;)