View Full Version : How do you guys get so few ball breaks ??!!

01-06-2002, 12:00 AM
In reading some of your posts I am mystified that some of you have so few ball breaks ! Some are saying like a break or 2 per case. I probably average about 2-3 breaks per 500. What are you guys doing differently ?

I shoot either RP or Diablo Blaze with my Emag and Boomstick barrel. I'm using the new plastic nubbins. Before I had the plastic nubbins, I had adjusted the wire nubbins to varying degrees to try that too. 12V Revy w/X-board. My SPS setting is 11. I only play in electronic mode.

Today I played for about 4 hrs in 35 degree temps and had the following results:

superbolt (no foamie attached) : shot approx 500 Diablo Blaze (it's only like 3 wk old paint) and had about 3-4 breaks. 1 chopped right at the breech and the others were down the barrel.

stock bolt (no foamie) : shot another 500 of the same paint and had about 5-6 breaks. They were all breaks down the barrel. No chops at the breech. I think the extra breaks might have been due to having my paint out in the cold for about 3 hrs when I switched to the stock bolt.

01-06-2002, 12:34 AM
I always broke at least 2 balls per hopper with my mag. I had both the ANS Venturi bolt and stock. The barrels were good matches compared to the paint bore size. I dunno what I was doing wrong.

01-06-2002, 12:43 AM
Check youre paint/barrel match you should be able to blow a paintball through with your breath. If it is too tight that could be a problem.

I swear by the AGD longnose foamie bolt I shot RPS slam tourney paint through my e-mag in about the same temps with NO problems.

01-06-2002, 12:47 AM
I forgot to add that - paint to barrel match was good

01-06-2002, 01:35 AM
make sure you have new battery in your revy and take them out after playing so they stay fresh

01-06-2002, 02:29 AM
When I first got my E-mag, it never broke paint. It's had a few problems since and it's in the shop being worked on so I blame the ball breakage I had on those problems.
My micro mag however, almost never breaks paint. My RT would only break paint when I ripped on it, and my other mags have very low ball break percentages.
I don't know what you're doing wrong, especially if you're always in E mode, there is no short stroking.
It doesn't look like you're chopping, so I'm thinking anyhow that Diablo Blaze is relatively brittle and unreliable paint. RP is the way to go, at least for me.
That said, I've always had problems with mags in cold weather like that, even with high pressure.
If it's 35 degrees, I'm playing pump!
Wait until the summer when conditions are better for evaluating your problems.

01-06-2002, 02:33 AM
For winter use the foamie bolts are highly recomended. The paint gets way more brittle in the cold as well as drying out.


01-06-2002, 09:55 AM
Is there any reason not to use a foamie?

01-06-2002, 10:34 AM
plastic nubbins help reduce ball breakage

01-06-2002, 11:20 AM
I use the normal hardnose bolt and had really only two or three breaks per 2000rounds. And this breaks were from chopping at high rofīs ...
I also have a Venom Thunderbolt and there itīs the same - no breaks.

Tom: How fast moves the bolt in an Automag? (i want to know how manny fps) and I think, the force of the bolt on the ball will be much smaller than the air witch accelerates the ball ... am I right?
And how many psi will let the bolt work? Are these the 375psi? Or less?

01-06-2002, 12:38 PM
last few games i'v been playing with my mag i'v had 0 ball breaks. I dont' go crazy on my trigger when i'm firing just controled shots my bolt is just a stock one. I never out shoot my hopper since most times i just do 7shot burst at a time and my rev can drop that into the gun easy.

01-06-2002, 05:15 PM
wow you guys chop alot. Went paintballing yesterday outta 1 and 1/2 cases (yes i shoot a lot.. front player too) i only got 2 breaks. But they 1 of them was cause i short stroked and the other was just a bad ball. Oh and i shot RPS Premiums Black/Blue all day.

01-06-2002, 07:23 PM
I have never had much ball breakage outside of short stroking or outshooting my hopper...

I tend to shoot FAST and a lot, but most of the time I never break paint...
