View Full Version : I got ripped off and need help....

05-02-2007, 08:46 PM
So this jerk names Wayne Bernard has ripped me off for a bunch of mag stuff that totals to $180 that I sent him and he broke contact right after confirming he had recieved payment... he lives in Miami Beach but I think he's left the country... this totally sucks and now I'm out a bunch of money and dead in the water on a project warp mag I wanted to build... any help would be appreciated and I'm looking to complete the RT warp inspite of gettign ripped off so bad so if anyone has cheap mag stuff like a warp or valve they'd like to sell cheap or even donate let me know... if you have any info on Wayne let me know. His sn was Sting Bat... I'm really bummed out over this... I think he skipped town to Switzerland, spineless bastard.


05-02-2007, 09:01 PM
So this jerk names Wayne Bernard has ripped me off for a bunch of mag stuff that totals to $180 that I sent him and he broke contact right after confirming he had recieved payment... he lives in Miami Beach but I think he's left the country... this totally sucks and now I'm out a bunch of money and dead in the water on a project warp mag I wanted to build... any help would be appreciated and I'm looking to complete the RT warp inspite of gettign ripped off so bad so if anyone has cheap mag stuff like a warp or valve they'd like to sell cheap or even donate let me know... if you have any info on Wayne let me know. His sn was Sting Bat... I'm really bummed out over this... I think he skipped town to Switzerland, spineless bastard.


He skipped to switzerland? That's odd. What exactly makes you think that?

I'm sorry for your loss. I'll keep my eyes peeled for this guy.

05-02-2007, 09:23 PM
No offence, man, but he's probably not going to run off to Switzerland and live a life of luxury on your $180. $180 probably isn't worth leaving town at all - he'd go to a hotel, and, what, hide there for three nights until he ran out of cash?

Hope you find him, but I highly doubt he's on the run internationally over less than $200. Hop on IRC and make some friends near his hometown.

05-02-2007, 10:13 PM
Maybe he was already planning to leave, and decided to rip off a bunch of people before he went?

05-03-2007, 08:47 AM
So this jerk names Wayne Bernard has ripped me off for a bunch of mag stuff that totals to $180 that I sent him and he broke contact right after confirming he had recieved payment... he lives in Miami Beach but I think he's left the country... this totally sucks and now I'm out a bunch of money and dead in the water on a project warp mag I wanted to build... any help would be appreciated and I'm looking to complete the RT warp inspite of gettign ripped off so bad so if anyone has cheap mag stuff like a warp or valve they'd like to sell cheap or even donate let me know... if you have any info on Wayne let me know. His sn was Sting Bat... I'm really bummed out over this... I think he skipped town to Switzerland, spineless bastard.


So you are in Orlando and he is in Miami? How did you make contact with him and what are the rest of the details? I am curious as to how it is the deal went down. Good luck with the parts.

05-03-2007, 10:17 AM
Talked to him here and through emails he communicated alot and seemed perfectly trustworthy and then boom disappeared the day after he confirmed he recieved my payment. The reason I suspect he's left town is because he said he was moving to Switzerland and needed cash. Major bumer for me now that he decided to keep his gun and my money... gonna try to sell some stuff to cover it, or possibly trade an air system for some stuff to finish the gun... I dunno this really sucks :mad:

So no one knows Wayne Bernard or has ever dealt with him before out there? I called the cops but I don't think they're going to do anything. This guy is complete scum and is a disgrace to AO.



Jaan is right on, he got someone else but not nearly as bad... I guess he needed his verticle adapter for the gun he parted out to me... well would have. Scumbag, I'm going to do whatever I can to make this stick on him.

05-03-2007, 10:56 AM
If I had $180 I'd probably make a break for it as well.

/Derek is teh scamzorz!!1

05-03-2007, 11:27 AM
What'd you pay him with check or Paypal?

05-03-2007, 11:44 AM
I did a deal with this guy, and I got my stuff just fine...

thats really odd that he would just scam you and not me?

Then again he did a huge sale and I bought something within like 2 horus of it going up so maybe he wanted to look legit.


05-03-2007, 11:58 AM

Join Date: 04-10-2007
Total Posts: 6 (0.26 posts per day)

Did you check references on him? I am very hesitant to deal with New Guys. And that is not to say that all new people are bad. But dealing with someone with a long history on AO or even PBNation, tends to give better results.

Sorry for your loss...

05-03-2007, 11:58 AM
I'm in Fort Lauderdale, to get from Orlando to Miami is 3.5 hours. He may still be here, do you have an address? Why don't you come down and look for him?


05-03-2007, 12:03 PM
You should have his address from paypal..

And if you dont I have his address, because I still have the box he shipped stuff to me in.

Anyways you will have to PM me and talk to me before I give out an adress of another person.

The next step is to tell paypal obviously, and the step after that is of course to go to the police, which you did and what did the popo say?


05-03-2007, 12:09 PM
I have a warp left classic rail i was milling... I'll donate if you want it...
Needs a polish its still raw........
I know other people out there have some extra stuff just sitting there!!!!
Help A Brother Out!!!!

Oh and yea and he hasnet responed to any PM's or emails lately cause he only sent me half my order! New people need to start somewhere too... Suxs he started and bolted...

05-03-2007, 12:13 PM
My deal with him went just fine..

I'd wait.. chances are its in the mail..


05-03-2007, 12:14 PM

Join Date: 04-10-2007
Total Posts: 6 (0.26 posts per day)

Did you check references on him? I am very hesitant to deal with New Guys. And that is not to say that all new people are bad. But dealing with someone with a long history on AO or even PBNation, tends to give better results.

Sorry for your loss...

I agree, I also have yet to be scammed because I am careful online and have done a few BSTs on several different forums

05-03-2007, 11:29 PM
You're right guys, I did ask him for personal info and he was very cool about communicating and I was just enticed by the sound of the deal we had negotiated and I let my poor judgement guide me to a really poor decision, I should have demanded he send first, or third partied it. I paid with a mo maybe if I'd paypaled it would've worked but I can't stand paypal and this is the risk I've taken. I will be much more careful I just was to tempted by the deal I had worked out with him :( but yeah I'm gonna finish the gun anyways so it's cool.

Still wish the cops would give me the phone call of the milenia... but i don't have my hopes up. Just wondering if anyone has anymore information on the scumbag, I know how bad I screwed up. Thank you to everyone for all of your concern. Let's be more proactive about new users with big sale threads and hopefully my type of situation will be an isolated incident... in all I do acknowledge that it is fully my fault for trusting this jerk, what hurts most is how clear this hindsight is but it does nothing for the present except give me an understanding of what i've done wrong. At the time I had the choice whether or not to be safe and secure I wasn't thinking about getting scammed... the guy had said enough to gain my trust and he broke it. I will never be that naive again. Peace.

05-03-2007, 11:44 PM
Sorry that you got scammed. That really sux, makes it that much harder for the rest of us to deal online.

What are you needing to finish your project? I might be convinced to part with a warp, for the price of shipping and a dancing nanner

05-05-2007, 12:43 AM
Here's you a dancing nanner for you :dance: party on... and fear not I have found a warp and paid for it, it's cool I'm getting a decent deal and it's got 12v mod and comes with a long pf plug... I'm still debating whether to cut my minimag body.

hey though... how about I order some .45 grips from you to finish her off. I've got another thing I'd like to see about so I'll pm you. Thanks everyone I'm putting this to bed so I don't have to think about it anymore. Peace.

05-05-2007, 01:30 AM
You are walking away the better man anyway. Good luck and may this never happen to you again. :cheers:

05-06-2007, 12:49 PM
DUDE's just as I gave up hope it all works out... he contacted me today and he's sending me everything! Funny thing is now I've already bought most of the things I had bought from him so now I'm either gonna just say F it and build yet another gun, or sell the stuff (or maybe build a rt and then sell it...) omg what have I done? Anyone got a Y frame?
Muhahahahahaha..... AGD whorenation here I come :shooting: :dance:

05-06-2007, 01:37 PM
Muhahahahahaha..... AGD whorenation here I come :shooting: :dance:

Watch out, there is no cure ;)

05-09-2007, 07:12 AM
GOOD! Ahahaha I'm so relieved, got shipped Monday a.m. and is arriving today :ninja: Can't tell you all how happy I am to be putting this behind me the right way. Thanks to all who were concerned. Kruger I'm pming you.

05-09-2007, 07:31 AM
hey how did you get ahold of him? He still owes me a vert ASA or some money???

05-09-2007, 04:29 PM
And the drama continues.

Thotograph: glad to hear you are getting your stuff.

cyberave68: good luck getting your stuff.

05-09-2007, 05:39 PM

Join Date: 04-10-2007
Total Posts: 6 (0.26 posts per day)

Did you check references on him? I am very hesitant to deal with New Guys. And that is not to say that all new people are bad. But dealing with someone with a long history on AO or even PBNation, tends to give better results.

Sorry for your loss...

:( im a new guy too.......

But hey we all have to start some where.