View Full Version : How much longer for the Angel?

01-06-2002, 09:45 AM
I'd only give the angel about 2 more years :)

01-06-2002, 11:05 AM
LOL, forever, yeah right! I think I'd also give it about two more.

01-06-2002, 11:34 AM
Exactly what makes you think it is going away???

01-06-2002, 11:54 AM
i havent played with one on the field but i have shot em before and i didnt care for it. but there are to many people in the industry that will pay for them because they are (insert awe inspiring music here) Angels.

Edit: ack... thats not what i originally meant. Im saying there are to many KIDS in the game that own spyders and tippmans and stuff that will buy them because they're Angels, They will never die because they arent bad guns (i just dont care for them), but the company will be around as long as paintball there is a person behind the Angel that loses as much sleep as TK does, and he will innovate to keep the angel alive.

01-06-2002, 11:59 AM
good guns. but most people its the " Well my gun cost 1700$, so it must be better than 300$ your gun, and if its better than your gun that makes me better than you"

01-06-2002, 12:53 PM
In my opinion, the angel will be here longer than 2 more years. Why? Because it has been proven. Why do you see more Angels in the tourney seen? Because the tourny players are comfortable with that gun, so they will continue to use that gun for many years. Also, WDP seems like it is the biggest company in paintball right now. I mean they hold these big parties at these big events, and everyone shows up. In conclusion, the angel will be here for a really long time.

01-06-2002, 01:15 PM
I think that there will always be a core of hardcore angel users, just like you guys are representative of hardcore mag users.

So, the angel will never really go away. It may wane from the tourny scene as the mag has to a point, but it will be out there shooting balls and that's what's important.

So, my answer is "forever" in that forever equals as long as paintball lasts.

There are still people playing with stock class guns and pumps... ;)


01-06-2002, 01:49 PM
For as long as WDP continues their sponsorships

01-06-2002, 01:59 PM
The Angel is NEVER going away, it's got a too good of a reputation. It will always be concidered top of the todem pole gun even though many guns out there can compeat with it.

01-07-2002, 02:31 AM
Have you ever noticed back in the days the trend with DYE's empire over the tourney scene? Every tourney player had a Boomstick, and it was the ONLY barrel to have.

Now a days, look, DYE has lost its grasp to its other competitors. The JT and Freak Barrel System is balancing out the market more evenly.

Its just a matter of time til another company steps in...


01-07-2002, 03:25 AM
Well concerning the Angel I can tell you this. When I first got going on this forum thing I was monitoring the number of posts per day the Angel forum on pbcity was getting. They used to regularly get into the 600's per day. Since pbc went away I haven't been traking them but now PBNation has taken over and I have recently started tracking them again there. They are down to less than 200 a day. I don't know if the Angel owners are going somewhere else, I have looked but don't find any big Angel forums. Maybe you all know where they are hiding.

In contrast Impulse went from less than 100 on PBC to over 250 day on PBN.

Angel will always have a high place in tourneys, but a lot of people are chipping away at their dominance.


01-07-2002, 06:36 AM
In a few years they are done, the new angels are gonna start costing more and more and eventually theres gonna be a 2500 dollar angel with 19 things on it you cant use. People are going to start realizing this and go to a cheaper electro for dependance (impulse,shocker, cocker, and if we are lucky Emags.)

01-07-2002, 08:22 AM
I used a friends Angel in a game once, halfway through I was begging for my Mag back. I just didn't like it, if I am gonna go out and spend $1000 on something like that it's gonna be an E-mag.

01-07-2002, 08:44 AM
Well, I used to want to get an Angel, until I went out and actually played a whole tourny with one.. Well let's say if I wanted to buy an electro now, it would be a Extreem E-mag. I don't know how long the Angel will last, but if Avalanche uses it, you'll see other teams using it. :rolleyes:

01-07-2002, 09:35 AM
angels are here to stay because to many pro teams use them and wdp is sposoring several pro teams. I know my local pro shop adrenalin rush there team pure adrenalin are all using dark angels and thats because they love the way they shoot. me personally i love the trigger and how the angel feels. but i don't have the money to afford a dark angel at the moment.

they just recently asked me to join the team and said they highly prefer i cary an angel. and i told them since im starting college in the fall i can't aford one and then they said well get an electro gun of some sort and that day i ended up putting 150 down on an impulse.

so there is pressure to get an angel in order to get on a team.

i say the angel is proven to be a good gun and will stay. even though many of you do not like it.

01-07-2002, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well concerning the Angel I can tell you this. When I first got going on this forum thing I was monitoring the number of posts per day the Angel forum on pbcity was getting. They used to regularly get into the 600's per day. Since pbc went away I haven't been traking them but now PBNation has taken over and I have recently started tracking them again there. They are down to less than 200 a day. I don't know if the Angel owners are going somewhere else, I have looked but don't find any big Angel forums. Maybe you all know where they are hiding.

In contrast Impulse went from less than 100 on PBC to over 250 day on PBN.

Angel will always have a high place in tourneys, but a lot of people are chipping away at their dominance.


PBC is free again, and the angel forum is rocking along. Not as much as before, but that's not surprising.


01-07-2002, 02:10 PM
It really pisses me off when people say that as long as wdp sponsors pro teams they will be around. That just shows ignorance on your part. And can you tell me why they are going to cost more and more every year? You people say things that you just make up and say it like its gospel from Jesus.

The reason they are so popular is because of a few things. One would be the trigger. The angel was the first gun to be able to shoot really really fast.
Another would be efficiency. For 10 man nppl games you need to shoot a lot of paint. Properly set up angels can get around 12 tubes and a hopper on a 68/4500.
Another would be reliability. Angels normally are very mantinece free. Yes they do fry a few boards :(

They do have their drawbacks though. The main one would be that they are inconsistent at high rates of fire. A crappy stock reg, crappy LPR, and air powered ram. Not a good combination.

Tom I know at the tech class you said that you did not care about the matrix but I see a lot of angel shooters trying out the matrix. Once they get there quality control better and fix the efficiency problem I think it will take off in the tourney scene.

01-07-2002, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by lonsch
Tom I know at the tech class you said that you did not care about the matrix but I see a lot of angel shooters trying out the matrix. Once they get there quality control better and fix the efficiency problem I think it will take off in the tourney scene.

A friend of mine recently got a full on aardvark matrix; I'm looking forward to his words on the marker.

It's supposed to be on the top of the matrix pile....


01-07-2002, 02:24 PM
its gospel from Jesus
LOL... that's good... get it? Angels... gospel from Jesus...

Anyways, I happen to like the Angel. So does practically every person who owns one. I mean, giving it two more years, is like giving the Automag two more years. The Angel is very popular, equal to the Automags, if not greater (just wait till more of 'em get E-Mag Fever (c) ;P), and the only 'gun I feel is above it in popularity, is the Autococker. Now, people don't just buy $1000+ 'guns because other people do. Maybe with Spiders or Tippmanns, but come on, we're not all gonna go freak out and buy all the latest electronic whatcha-ma-callits do dads the second they hit the shelves, our local fields, or our teammates hands. People buy the Angel because they like the trigger pull - a mouse click is better than anything else. They like the rate of fire that they can achieve, the look of it, it's features, and at the very end of the list, the name. People would buy it if it was called "Almost-but-not-quite-a-real-Angel" because *audible gasp* it's a good 'gun. I don't see how we can all jump over some 14 year old kid on PBNation when he posts that the Automag is dead but when we post that the Angel is going down in flames in 2 years, some how everyone seems to agree. Just odd.

01-07-2002, 02:38 PM
I think the Angel will still be around for a long time. They are currently not able to make enough guns to meet demand. I know Owen very well and he is just as busy as heck.

Once the demand for the current product range starts lowering I have no doubt they will have some new up their sleeves to spark interest again.

The matrix shoots very well, but takes too much gas and is too ugly in my opinion. I think the battle at the moment is for pretty guns. That's why the Angel and Autococker are at the top. With the Extreme and custom versions of it I think we are seriously going to be able to get some attention.


01-07-2002, 02:43 PM
"do not care about the matrix" boy are those words going
to come back to haunt someone.

Wonder what that same someone said said about the angel
a few years back;)

01-07-2002, 03:48 PM
I think the Angel will stay in the tournament scene for a while. WDP sponsors hella teams so there would still be more than 20 angels at a torunament even if it did die down.

01-07-2002, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by lonsch
It really pisses me off when people say that as long as wdp sponsors pro teams they will be around. That just shows ignorance on your part. And can you tell me why they are going to cost more and more every year? You people say things that you just make up and say it like its gospel from Jesus.

The reason they are so popular is because of a few things. One would be the trigger. The angel was the first gun to be able to shoot really really fast.
Another would be efficiency. For 10 man nppl games you need to shoot a lot of paint. Properly set up angels can get around 12 tubes and a hopper on a 68/4500.
Another would be reliability. Angels normally are very mantinece free. Yes they do fry a few boards :(

They do have their drawbacks though. The main one would be that they are inconsistent at high rates of fire. A crappy stock reg, crappy LPR, and air powered ram. Not a good combination.

Tom I know at the tech class you said that you did not care about the matrix but I see a lot of angel shooters trying out the matrix. Once they get there quality control better and fix the efficiency problem I think it will take off in the tourney scene.

Its true though, ON THE TOURNEY SCENE, teams use the guns of thier sponsors. The rec. scene is diffrent. Look at team adrenaline and thier switch to impulses. Look at the Jax Warriors and the switch to cockers. Paintball is expensive you gotta go with the people who give the most money.

01-07-2002, 07:03 PM
there are thousands of paintball teams. WDP only sponcers a few of them.

01-07-2002, 07:35 PM
People, the question wasnt how long will angels EXIST, but it was how long will they rule the tourney scene. Someone saying the mag is deadish in the tourney scene is correct, there arent that many...but when you people say the angel is here to stay, of course it is, theres always gonna be that hardcore angel fan....but ruling the tourney scene? I dont think so...

01-07-2002, 07:50 PM
ill give it three days tops... four if they stop giveing them to the teams FOR FREE

01-08-2002, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
ill give it three days tops... four if they stop giveing them to the teams FOR FREE

Haha There are only a very few teams that get guns for free from WDP. On the others they at least cover their costs. Most they still make money on even when they do team deals.
