View Full Version : Tunaball afteraction report

05-06-2007, 05:14 AM
WOW could we have asked for a better day? Thanks to all who showed up. I hope everyone had a great time.

Special thanks to Tunaman and Jay8541 for their extremelygenerous donations of items for the raffle. Also to Arstron for his awesome work on the banners.

Our final tally of paid players was 39, not including the about 10 or so people who came to hang out. We had players come from California, Florida, Maryland, and Wisconsin to attend. Bravo to all.

TopGun was so surprised with the turnout that they already want my to start planning Tunaball 08. Keep you calandars open for around the begining of June next year!

Props tp Arthurs Tavern and Steak house in Hoboken for the awesome grub afterwards, and for providing Jay8541 and 2be2be with pickle juice and steak sauce that they were doing shots of... :eek:

I know that there were tons of pictures taken, so lets post'em up.

Oh, and Trina, see.. I told you, not matter what time I got home I would be up by 5:30 am :-)
/kicks the dog

Now for the pics

The Awesome banners, courtesy of Arstron;

Group shot. Look at all them'AOers

My family,
R to L My brother Bird, Sister Cyndy, Brother Glenn and me.

Doobie, Trina, and Rudz

Jay8541 to the front left, Glenn, Trina, Doobie, Me, and Rudz hanging out of the pic

05-06-2007, 05:14 AM
More pics...

More AO'er (LMK who is who)

Trina, Tuna and myself doing the raffle.

HOMELANDEFENDER discussing the finer point of "How to surrender during a game"

And finally, the lovely and talented Mrs.Evil with a picture of my future marker.

05-06-2007, 05:37 AM
Sweet, next year Ill make it. More pics, every one that was there post em up.

05-06-2007, 06:39 AM
tuna was the first meet for me and it was great, thanks everyone for a great day of paintball ..it was in need, some of the fields here and the people who play there makes me want to stop playing :tard:

Thanks again, can't wait till next years meet

05-06-2007, 07:44 AM
:clap: :headbang: :bounce: :dance: :shooting: :hail: :cheers: that about says it all.....had a great time...great group of people
finaly got to meet the famous....rudz
count me in for next year

05-06-2007, 07:48 AM
By the phone messages I was recieving, it sounded like you guys had a friggen blast! :clap: :cheers:

05-06-2007, 08:15 AM
By the phone messages I was recieving, it sounded like you guys had a friggen blast! :clap: :cheers:

Hehe... Doobie has THOSE pics. :ninja:

G Squat
05-06-2007, 09:45 AM
Looked fun. Hopefully there'll be more people next year. I'd like to attend. :cheers:

05-06-2007, 09:46 AM
Nice turn out! Hi to all!


05-06-2007, 09:56 AM
I think I will have to start saving up now for airfare out there.

05-06-2007, 09:56 AM
it was great time, great weather, great people.
very layed back and the best part no bruised ego's.
looking foward to tunaball 08

05-06-2007, 09:59 AM
I will do my best to make it next year! Looks like everyone had a blast.

Oh all 3 banners look great, but I might be a little biased. :cheers:

05-06-2007, 11:00 AM
In a nutshell I had a great day. The day went smooth, the weather was great, and the new faces I met were all very cool. The refs moved the games along with some prodding and I got enough games in despite the several extended breaks we took to allow BigEvil to catch his breath :D .

I plan on making this event next year. IMO I believe BigE. came up with a much needed annual gathering that will just get bigger. I again just want to thank him for setting this whole thing up. He did a good job.

Another round of thanks goes out to Jay and Tuna for their generous gifts. :headbang:

See you all next year.


05-06-2007, 11:28 AM

05-06-2007, 11:41 AM
Im a FL baller, and I would gone had it not been in NJ :p

in all honesty though I will try to make it next year!! ;)

05-06-2007, 11:41 AM
i was hoping for some pics of the new AO jerseys....... :(

05-06-2007, 11:53 AM
It was A great day, I better not see the stuff that was raffled off up for sale :) I wont be making any more of those fore grips. I have just a few more left so hold onto them. I am already thinking of what to bring next year to raffle off lets see if we cant top this years.

I was really happy with the turn out,the weather, and the caliber of players, and for once the paint was pretty good Even the after party was great.

I even met Rudz ( AND EVEN STAYED THE REST OF THE DAY) Nah Blaster your my Boy and lol RIDE dont forget I am MASTER

HLD thanks for the wrist shot through the window ( Yes With the pump) and I am waiting on my honorary Name patch.

LorneCash Got Xmod And you Rudz were sleeping when I came to get my gun flashed well I hope you were sleeping.

Dubie and Trina Dubie I think there was a little more room left for another beer after you chugged that last one at Arthurs before it came back up. Trina gus and i are working on our next Art master peice for you

Big Evil Thanks again for showing us all a good time tell Mrs.Evil JAY remember that and if she is ever in the mood for TURKISH food i know just the guy to reffer her to.

Tuna it is always a pleasure to see you and your son, next time more PLAY less work thanks again

Tobe2be So what can we possible do to top that, the A-1 Shooters I think they were the worst. Tell you what I am down any time for some of that garlic bread, and you can have all the OUR steak you want :eek:

Thodic the whole snorting SALT, tequila shot and then squeezing lemon into your eye was great you should have sat with Gus and I at Arthurs.

P8ntbal4me I have never seen someone block out the sun with a case of paintballs from one gun all at the same time

And to everyone else Thank you for a great day

05-06-2007, 11:57 AM
i was hoping for some pics of the new AO jerseys....... :(

i'm sure some will turn up, we had thordic taking pics all day as well as one of the owners from deb's photography.

nice balling with you jay and your predator get-up

05-06-2007, 12:00 PM
i'm sure some will turn up, we had thordic taking pics all day as well as one of the owners from deb's photography.

nice balling with you jay and your predator get-up

Had a great time man thank you

05-06-2007, 12:15 PM
Man, I'm super sorry I couldn't make it now... but I'll be done with finals forever in 6 months, so I'll be there next year.

05-06-2007, 01:18 PM
Best line of the day goes to one of the refs after the very first game;

"Oh man I didnt know you all would be shooting so fast"


05-06-2007, 01:49 PM
:cry: wish i could have made it.

Did you get any actions pics?

Any good stories?! did rudz behave?

Temo Vryce
05-06-2007, 01:49 PM
Best line of the day goes to one of the refs after the very first game;

"Oh man I didnt know you all would be shooting so fast"


That one line makes me wish we still had signatures.

05-06-2007, 02:01 PM
Well you guys are just too much. I want to thank you all for coming so i could put some more faces and names on screen names. Scott...thanks so much for setting this up. You and your girls deserve a big round of thanks for everything you have done. To everyone who showed up I really appreciate it. You all make my day. See you all next year for sure. A special thanks To TK for providing me with the knowledge to fix these things. Without him none of this would have ever been possible and I never would have met any of you guys.
Long Live AGD! :D

05-06-2007, 02:11 PM
Sounds like a great time! Wish I could have made and it, but I look forward to pics and stories :D

05-06-2007, 02:31 PM
Pics will be up today at some point, I have like 600-800 pics, almost all action shots. I need to weed through them to pull out the obviously bad ones and the rest will go online in a couple hours.

Had a great time, got to meet a lot of new faces which is always cool.

A big thanks to everyone who was playing for not shooting me, I didn't get hit once all day long.

I wanna thank BigE for pulling this one together, it's not easy and he did a great job.

And now I need to go drink lots of fluids because I was out drinkin till about 4AM (You guys shoulda come to the city with us :D )

05-06-2007, 02:36 PM
bah I coulden't make it this year it suckd hard, but next year I'll be there fo sho

nd I'll have my camera for some video's! :headbang:

05-06-2007, 03:16 PM
Im a FL baller, and I would gone had it not been in NJ :p

in all honesty though I will try to make it next year!! ;)

Is it going to be in the same area next year ?
Move it south some....north Georgia maybe ?
Thats only about a 10 or 11 hour drive for me then.
wha :cry:

05-06-2007, 03:28 PM
North Ga would be a perfect place, then I could make it. Might try to make it next year anyway. Sound like you guys had a great time and sorry that I missed it. Maybe next year, we can get a southern presence up there and show all you yankees how its done.........

05-06-2007, 03:29 PM
Jay is a condiment killer

05-06-2007, 03:35 PM
North Ga would be a perfect place, then I could make it. Might try to make it next year anyway. Sound like you guys had a great time and sorry that I missed it. Maybe next year, we can get a southern presence up there and show all you yankees how its done.........

Maybe at a field in GA owned by an AO guy... ;-) That area would be great for me though. my folks are in AL. Taking The Child to visit his grandparents would be a great excuse to join the fun.

05-06-2007, 04:05 PM

Here is the site for the pro photographer's pics.

05-06-2007, 04:07 PM
Maybe all you guys asking for events down south need to organize one yourselves. Start up other AO days like they used to have.

05-06-2007, 04:27 PM
Cyrus, you think that the war is over? NOT :D

05-06-2007, 04:35 PM
Is it going to be in the same area next year ?
Move it south some....north Georgia maybe ?
Thats only about a 10 or 11 hour drive for me then.
wha :cry:
I agree :p
But im making next years regardless

05-06-2007, 04:36 PM
Cyrus, you think that the war is over? NOT :D

.. well then I'll end it.

05-06-2007, 04:55 PM
Maybe all you guys asking for events down south need to organize one yourselves. Start up other AO days like they used to have.


05-06-2007, 06:14 PM
I never shot in dappled sunlight before, it plays hell with your light meter. I wish I knew that before I took 700+ photos.

Sorry that a few are underexposed. I havn't looked through these yet, I just resized them and threw them on the web. If you see one that you particularly like, let me know and I'll try to do it up a little nicer.

I can provide higher res copies of any of these pics, just give me a filename and I'll send it over.


Its uploading now, should be up in a little while (as long as it takes to upload 200MB).

05-06-2007, 06:22 PM
I had a great time with all you guys yesterday, just a great bunch of guys it was a pressure.

Thanks a lot Scott for organizing this, I know it must have been a pain in the neck, but you did a great job, cant wait for next year!!

Thanks to Jay for the front grip.

govnamac - the pictures rock, you got some great action shots, good job.

05-06-2007, 06:23 PM

Here is the site for the pro photographer's pics.
Oh man! Go here and watch the slideshow! Its awesome http://mypaintphotos.com/_mgxroot/page_10722.html

05-06-2007, 06:35 PM

I hear the gears turning now......

I'm in the Tampa area and I know theres a boat load of maggers around here.
I'd go if I could get there in a days drive (10-12 hrs. max).
Figure it out kruger and I'll post it on the Florida meet and greet.
I'll bring a car load. I bet we can get a caravan going.
But can we get Tuna to go ? Maybe if we take up a gas collection for him ? :confused:
Maybe Tom will chip in air fare for him and the misses ? :tard:

05-06-2007, 06:42 PM
I never shot in dappled sunlight before, it plays hell with your light meter. I wish I knew that before I took 700+ photos.

Sorry that a few are underexposed. I havn't looked through these yet, I just resized them and threw them on the web. If you see one that you particularly like, let me know and I'll try to do it up a little nicer.

Thats ok, I had my camera set for aperture priority instead of shutter so half of mine are fuzzy. I alwyas forget to check that.

05-06-2007, 06:47 PM
Thats ok, I had my camera set for aperture priority instead of shutter so half of mine are fuzzy. I alwyas forget to check that.

I shoot manual 90% of the time, otherwise I always manage to screw something up.

And before anyone comments, yeah, a lot of my pics are going to be similar, at 1/1000 of a second the camera fires off 2+ exposures faster than you can get your finger off the shutter button.

05-06-2007, 06:49 PM
I shoot manual 90% of the time, otherwise I always manage to screw something up.

And before anyone comments, yeah, a lot of my pics are going to be similar, at 1/1000 of a second the camera fires off 2+ exposures faster than you can get your finger off the shutter button.Hey Brian. The pics are awesome! Thanks for coming out and taking them. You da man! ;)

05-06-2007, 06:56 PM
[QUOTE=going_home]I hear the gears turning now......QUOTE]

In a glacier sorta way......doin' some thunkin' 'bout it.......

05-06-2007, 07:01 PM
The guy with the fade Xmag by the blue pallets that caught one in the mask doesnt look to happy to be caught on camera. :(

05-06-2007, 07:06 PM
looks like everyone had a great time
too bad it is a little far to make it from CA :( (even though a few did)

05-06-2007, 07:47 PM
By the phone messages I was recieving, it sounded like you guys had a friggen blast! :clap: :cheers:

LOL,.. which phone calls are you refering too??? :D

The ones from Tunaball,.. or the ones from Friday night in Scott's basement?? :p

WHO RUN BARTER-TOWN!?? Rudz & Jay ----> a.k.a. MASTER BLASTER :rofl:

Good times.

05-06-2007, 07:54 PM
Best line of the day goes to one of the refs after the very first game;

"Oh man I didnt know you all would be shooting so fast"


Someone on the second to last game of the day shot the ref 3 times cause they thought he was gonna bunker him!!! Who was that? He wasnt using a mag in that game!

Wicked funny!

Rudz needs to stop leaving his SFL on the ground! And who's Blue CNC X-Mag was left on my brothers gear tote????? :wow: Love how we all left really rare guns just lying around all day!

Anyone like my 2 Micro E-Mags me and my brother ran?? I know Rudz did cause he caught a stream of paint from BOTH guns at the same time on the speed ball field!! :rofl:

Next time,.... Im RAMPING instead of bouncing! :shooting:

05-06-2007, 09:06 PM
That was an awesome event. I played a sceanrio today at Outdoor Aventure, and all of the other Maggers were so jealous! I will be there next year.

Thanks for a great time!


05-06-2007, 09:08 PM
My pics.


mr doo doo
05-06-2007, 09:20 PM
dang, tunaballs looks hella fun to be at.

05-06-2007, 09:49 PM
Well, I got my drunken phone call saturday night, first one in years. It was cool to be remembered after a number of years off the field. Regulars at Thor's forum know that I've been sidelined for two years now with a sugical complication that causes 24/7 chronic pain that is, well, difficult to function with. As a result I've had to give up paintball and I haven't been to a field, let alone an event, since Fall of 2005.

I got the call about Tunaball the other day and I had wanted to make it, but traveling any sort of distance can be difficult. On top of that I have yet another surgery on Monday to try to help relieve some of the pain. So, thanks to Doobie and everyone else that was thinking of me. I appreciate it.

05-06-2007, 10:04 PM
I just want to say Thanks for a great day. Big E, fantastic job putting this all together. I don't think you could have had a better bunch of people to come out and play. Best of all, I got to meet some of the good people of AO.
Special Thanks to Tuna and Jay, the door prizes were way above and beyond. Tuna, that nickel plated ASA is already on a gun I put together for my son.
In case you are wondering, in the 2nd post, next to last picture, I'm the guy with the ponytail and suspenders, whoever took the picture probably did get my better side :) . My boy Daniel, is the kid with the white t shirt over my left shoulder. He's the one who got me started playing, and I'm glad he did.
Rudz, you got him started....now he just has to have a sparky purple revvy, go figure.
I'm just sorry I didn't take the time to meet and talk to more people, hopefully next year.
Great people, good weather, good time. What more could a person ask for.

05-06-2007, 10:34 PM
Someone on the second to last game of the day shot the ref 3 times cause they thought he was gonna bunker him!!! Who was that? He wasnt using a mag in that game!

Wicked funny!

Rudz needs to stop leaving his SFL on the ground! And who's Blue CNC X-Mag was left on my brothers gear tote????? :wow: Love how we all left really rare guns just lying around all day!

Anyone like my 2 Micro E-Mags me and my brother ran?? I know Rudz did cause he caught a stream of paint from BOTH guns at the same time on the speed ball field!! :rofl:

Next time,.... Im RAMPING instead of bouncing! :shooting:

lol....that was t0nnn, he used his promaster. He couldnt see much from all the splatter, thought he was holding a marker instead of a camera!

05-07-2007, 06:12 AM
yeah dude ...whoever saw my mask and well ..me, i was covered in paint (someone took a pic i think)....all i saw through my lens was a mask and hands up by his chest like he was holding a gun even though it was a camera lol :rofl:

i felt bad, he said he's been shot worse though so it's all good

05-07-2007, 06:28 AM
Damn,.. Im still recovering.. and Rudz, Lornecash and I are hitting NYC today.

Glad to see everyone had such a great time. Makes all the BS and work to get it together worth it. If all paintball was like that day, we would all be playing EVERY weekend. (And FYI - according to what i heard, playing more than FIVE games at an AO event was a record in itself) LOL

Thanks again to all who came. TopGun is already talking about doing it again next year, (With more reasonalbe paint prices). Next time, our goal will be to get an AOer from EVERY state.

Mr. Kaye, next year no excuses.. plan on getting your scrawny butt out here to hang. Im sure someone will remind you which end of the gun to point :rofl: Same goes to the rest of you slackers. :D I figure I will start planning the next one around October so keep an eye out.

05-07-2007, 06:53 AM
my back is still hurting me today!!
I should have stretched, before the first game.

man, i cant stop looking at the pictures everyone is posting, i just want to get back out there and play again.

I ment to ask while I was there but who had the orange shirt and the blue micoEmag with the blue halo, you where laying crazy amounts of paint! :shooting:

05-07-2007, 06:57 AM
my back is still hurting me today!!
I should have stretched, before the first game.

man, i cant stop looking at the pictures everyone is posting, i just want to get back out there and play again.

i feel your pain ...and i'm only 20 i don't think i'm supposed to get this sore yet :ninja:

05-07-2007, 06:59 AM
i feel your pain ...and i'm only 20 i don't think i'm supposed to get this sore yet :ninja:
i'm 25, but if we keep complaining the old farts are going to start giving us crap... :p

05-07-2007, 07:03 AM
my back is still hurting me today!!
I should have stretched, before the first game.

man, i cant stop looking at the pictures everyone is posting, i just want to get back out there and play again.

I ment to ask while I was there but who had the orange shirt and the blue micoEmag with the blue halo, you where laying crazy amounts of paint! :shooting:

that was Jay's(p8ntbal4me) brother. both of them were layin down the law with those emags

05-07-2007, 08:12 AM
To everyone who took pictures, Fantastic job, Thanks. After going through some of them quickly, my favorite has to be by Thordic. Just a picture of Rudz' pump all covered in paint. :)

05-07-2007, 09:43 AM
You guys missed a group pic of all those mags together????
Man it look so fun, so sorry i missed it this year. I wont miss it next year though. Even if i have to sell my wife to get there... :rofl:

05-07-2007, 01:33 PM
You guys missed a group pic of all those mags together????
Man it look so fun, so sorry i missed it this year. I wont miss it next year though. Even if i have to sell my wife to get there... :rofl:
Next year your alot closer...now you have no excuse..

Any pics.....lol

05-07-2007, 01:45 PM
Any pics.....lol

No pics yet i'll wait til i get an offer.(Dont want to scare people away just yet :ninja: )

Epic Fail Guy
05-07-2007, 01:55 PM
There was a shoppe down here in san diego that was owned by one of the navarone guys. He had their trophies and and cockers along the walls of the shope. I went to school with the guy's kid and let me tell you--the guy and his father were weirdo's. I dont know what it was about the but they gave me the creeps.
That was a few years ago, and the store is now closed. Used to be on Miramar road i think.

05-07-2007, 01:58 PM
There was a shoppe down here in san diego that was owned by one of the navarone guys. He had their trophies and and cockers along the walls of the shope. I went to school with the guy's kid and let me tell you--the guy and his father were weirdo's. I dont know what it was about the but they gave me the creeps.
That was a few years ago, and the store is now closed. Used to be on Miramar road i think.

wrong post? i think you're looking for the guns of navarone

05-07-2007, 03:33 PM
WOW! Where to start!
Well, obviously first is Big E. :hail: You picked a great place, and even worked the weather out! I don't know how you did that! :confused: Great place for dinner, too! I just wish I hadn’t tried to test the capacity of my gut at the end. :spit_take I have never felt pain like that after chugging a beer! It was great to finally meet you and catch up with some older AO’ers I had met before. (Dayspring, ToBe, Mang…oh wait…never mind!)

Tunaman! Awesome support from the master all day! I kept giving him junk about working on guns and not playing and then when it looked like he had a free moment, I bring him the dumbest Sydarm ever to try to fix. He just smiled and tried to fix it. Class act all the way!

Jay. Great stuff at the raffle! You just kept reaching into the box and pulling stuff out! I was wondering how much of your kit I was going to walk away with! (Thanks Trina! ;) ) I do plan on taking you up on that pump kit when you get it done! The only thing I question is your choice of dessert. Pickle juice, coleslaw, A-1 sauce? That is the Corps for ya! ToBe, I don’t know how you got roped into all that, but I feel for you!

Thordic, Great pics! If I knew you went all day without getting hit I would have given you some love! That’s a good thing though as I think we figured your camera rig was worth more than Trina and me’s markers combined! I’d never seen a stuntman shot before! Better you than me!

Lorne Cash, What to say about X-mod! Truly awesome stuff from a very smart guy. If you don’t have X-Mod, buy a programmer and put it in your ‘Mag! It’s amazing! This guy is so smart his phone is smarter than me! (I still suffer from phone envy) Super chill dude, too! (BTW...how's the finger? :eek: )

ToBe, it was great to hang with you again! Glad you got sold on X-mod! Tell me again why I wouldn’t get pulled over in the city? LOL!

To every one who wouldn’t let me pay for lunch and brought me a beer because of my job, thanks a ton and it is appreciated.

To all I failed to mention by name, it is due to my piss poor memory not because you are forgettable. This was truly one of the best events I have been to since I got back and you all made it happen!

I will put my pics up soon, hopefully tonight. There are already some great pics out there and I know I plan on purchasing some from www.mypainphotos.com because they are that good and for their support of our event.

Just a reminder to all! September 15 is the next West Point Big Game!! You NJ/NY/CT guys need to come! www.armypaintball.com (Sameless plug complete.)

I can't wait for the next one!! :bounce:

05-07-2007, 04:16 PM
My pics.


VERY COOL !! I see you captured the attack and entry that Jay and I mounted against the Castle. Great sequence shots my man. Thanks a bunch. :dance:


05-07-2007, 04:25 PM
Definitely a good time was had by all.

I did bail on dinner w/ the guys though - something I will rectify next time.

Doobie & Trina- DEFINITELY good to see you guys again. It's been WAY too long.

Tuna - still the man. Always has been, always will be.

Tuna Jr. - good to see you again kid!

Govna - um... Good to see you again! (running out of things to say)

Tobe - damn... Things don't change. Your guns STILL don't work. ;)

Great weather & great company. See you all next time!

05-07-2007, 05:40 PM
i really hate these things cuz there are so many people to thank and whatnot so ima make this brief.

Doobie: your nuts when i got home i kissed my mom and told my family that i had a near death experience. ;) pm me more information on your event so i can make flyers and hand them out to customers and friends....

Trina: did you smack that navighetto and told that (female dog) to talk coerrectly. thanks for convincing me on that new xmod stuff

Lorne: you are the man "tobe2be v. 4.slow" works awesome.

Rudz: you suck that tunamag should have been mine.

Big E. thanks for organizing it i had a blast will definately be out next year.

Dayspring: nice purple truck ;)

Govna,baller,: good to see you guys again long time no see.

Jay8514: how the hell did i get involved in taking pickle juice shots, coleslaw shots, A-1 shots, Oil celantro pepper shots. and managed to not hurl it out. you are the man.....

Tuna: thanks for the reverse retro and the xmag tuneup


Thanks for everyone who showed up dont remember much names even though i didnt play i had a great time. thanks again

05-07-2007, 06:41 PM
Rudz got a photo of my brothers guns, my guns, and Rudz's guns at the hotel.

Someone get him to put the photo on here. Lots o' gats! :)

You guys missed a group pic of all those mags together????
Man it look so fun, so sorry i missed it this year. I wont miss it next year though. Even if i have to sell my wife to get there... :rofl:

05-07-2007, 06:45 PM
That was my brother, Ramping Sunday. Like those Micro E-Mags? I built and tuned them myself.

I had my on 15bps semi, bouncing the trigger. I was running hybrid till Doobie thought I was ramping! LOL,.. so I cut the power to the noid and let it rip manual the rest of the day. Still breaks a cool 20bps on straight manual mode.

I was running my 18volt wapr feed mod I posted on here as well. My warp was feeding some serious amounts of paint! 1 pack every game. :D

my back is still hurting me today!!
I should have stretched, before the first game.

man, i cant stop looking at the pictures everyone is posting, i just want to get back out there and play again.

I ment to ask while I was there but who had the orange shirt and the blue micoEmag with the blue halo, you where laying crazy amounts of paint! :shooting:

05-07-2007, 07:06 PM
WOW! Where to start!
Well, obviously first is Big E. :hail: You picked a great place, and even worked the weather out! I don't know how you did that! :confused: Great place for dinner, too! I just wish I hadn’t tried to test the capacity of my gut at the end. :spit_take I have never felt pain like that after chugging a beer! It was great to finally meet you and catch up with some older AO’ers I had met before. (Dayspring, ToBe, Mang…oh wait…never mind!)

Tunaman! Awesome support from the master all day! I kept giving him junk about working on guns and not playing and then when it looked like he had a free moment, I bring him the dumbest Sydarm ever to try to fix. He just smiled and tried to fix it. Class act all the way!

Jay. Great stuff at the raffle! You just kept reaching into the box and pulling stuff out! I was wondering how much of your kit I was going to walk away with! (Thanks Trina! ;) ) I do plan on taking you up on that pump kit when you get it done! The only thing I question is your choice of dessert. Pickle juice, coleslaw, A-1 sauce? That is the Corps for ya! ToBe, I don’t know how you got roped into all that, but I feel for you!

Thordic, Great pics! If I knew you went all day without getting hit I would have given you some love! That’s a good thing though as I think we figured your camera rig was worth more than Trina and me’s markers combined! I’d never seen a stuntman shot before! Better you than me!

Lorne Cash, What to say about X-mod! Truly awesome stuff from a very smart guy. If you don’t have X-Mod, buy a programmer and put it in your ‘Mag! It’s amazing! This guy is so smart his phone is smarter than me! (I still suffer from phone envy) Super chill dude, too! (BTW...how's the finger? :eek: )

ToBe, it was great to hang with you again! Glad you got sold on X-mod! Tell me again why I wouldn’t get pulled over in the city? LOL!

To every one who wouldn’t let me pay for lunch and brought me a beer because of my job, thanks a ton and it is appreciated.

To all I failed to mention by name, it is due to my piss poor memory not because you are forgettable. This was truly one of the best events I have been to since I got back and you all made it happen!

I will put my pics up soon, hopefully tonight. There are already some great pics out there and I know I plan on purchasing some from www.mypainphotos.com because they are that good and for their support of our event.

Just a reminder to all! September 15 is the next West Point Big Game!! You NJ/NY/CT guys need to come! www.armypaintball.com (Sameless plug complete.)

I can't wait for the next one!! :bounce:

Doobie keep it posted about that west point game I'll deffinatly be coming along with mongoose and whoever else i can muster up :shooting:

nice playing with you and your wife as well as everyone

05-07-2007, 07:16 PM


Big thanks to Dayspring for taking those! It was definately good to see you again my man! (beard and all...snif, sniff...he all growd up now :cry: ) Keep me in the loop on the wedding!


05-07-2007, 07:20 PM
That was my brother, Ramping Sunday. Like those Micro E-Mags? I built and tuned them myself.

I had my on 15bps semi, bouncing the trigger. I was running hybrid till Doobie thought I was ramping! LOL,.. so I cut the power to the noid and let it rip manual the rest of the day. Still breaks a cool 20bps on straight manual mode.

I was running my 18volt wapr feed mod I posted on here as well. My warp was feeding some serious amounts of paint! 1 pack every game. :D

Those were some mad 'mags man! Too cool! :shooting:

05-07-2007, 07:39 PM
PICKLE JUICE!! (http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa3/Doobie1970/?action=view&current=PICT0443.flv)

05-07-2007, 07:56 PM
That was my brother, Ramping Sunday. Like those Micro E-Mags? I built and tuned them myself.

I had my on 15bps semi, bouncing the trigger. I was running hybrid till Doobie thought I was ramping! LOL,.. so I cut the power to the noid and let it rip manual the rest of the day. Still breaks a cool 20bps on straight manual mode.

I was running my 18volt wapr feed mod I posted on here as well. My warp was feeding some serious amounts of paint! 1 pack every game. :D

05-07-2007, 08:00 PM


Big thanks to Dayspring for taking those! It was definately good to see you again my man! (beard and all...snif, sniff...he all growd up now :cry: ) Keep me in the loop on the wedding!

the first set of pics are a good display of Lornecash takin the snake, and me walkin off like a chump, after you shoot me in the head :p

05-07-2007, 08:18 PM

Tunaball special... For anyone who was at Tunaball you are entitled to a special FREE boot message that says "MANGO SWALLOWS XMOD BETA 1.8"

05-07-2007, 08:29 PM
PICKLE JUICE!! (http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa3/Doobie1970/?action=view&current=PICT0443.flv)

No one, stands a chance at beating Tobe2be swallowing something :D

05-07-2007, 08:37 PM

05-07-2007, 09:56 PM
Wish I've been sleeping the last couple days, still sooooo sore, way outta shape.

AWESOME TIME EVERYONE.... really put me in my place. Probably was the first one out during ever afternoon game (to dang ambitious, but not enough resolve hah!). Musta been all the Mags ;) Love shooting them, love getting shot by them... :rolleyes:

Good to see some old teammates, and other AOer's for the first time.

PICTURES are all sweet! Next year there better be twice as many, as there should be TWICE as many people at such an laid back, fun event!

Maybe get Tuna to play a couple games next year, instead of Teching markers all day... :)


05-07-2007, 10:04 PM

mad spray :rofl:

05-07-2007, 11:35 PM
Wow... i'm late to post up on my experience at TB'07, but it took that long to get myself un-awed at the whole event.

First, thank you to BigE and Tunaman for planning and namesaking a wonderful event. The weather, location, circumstances, and people could not have been any better!

Second, to everyone that I got to meet - thank you for being so cool. It's nice to know that there are still ballers who give a damn about people and not just inflated bps.

Third, to everyone that I didn't really get to meet - sorry! Next year I will be more social, I was mostly stunned by the immediate love and comfort that was in the air.

Finally, to eveyone (especially the FL people) who wished they were there... I flew my buddy up from Orlando for $115 round-trip on Southwest and we split the room, paint, and food. You CAN NOT get a better priced weekend event for the money ANYWHERE.

Well, once again, thank you to everyone who participated, you all made my year. I had the most fun day of paintball I have ever had, simple as that.

Here is a link to my pics... only a few of the TB'07 and some more of my buddy and my trip to the USS New Jersey - Iowa Class Battleship only 20 minutes from the field.

Tuna Ball 2007 Pics (http://www.daverozelle.com/plugins/coppermine_menu/thumbnails.php?album=58)
USS New Jersey Pics (http://www.daverozelle.com/plugins/coppermine_menu/thumbnails.php?album=59)

Dave 'Resurection' Rozelle - Craig 'Tazman' Gootee

05-08-2007, 12:13 AM
PICKLE JUICE!! (http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa3/Doobie1970/?action=view&current=PICT0443.flv)

Man I wish I could have been there. If A-tach does something on the west-coast I'll kick myself if I can't go...................

05-08-2007, 06:40 AM
Oh... you all THOUGHT Tunaball ended Saturday... how wrong you were.....
I should have called it "Tunafest" :D

"The Muppet-Mowers Take Manhattan"






05-08-2007, 06:48 AM




05-08-2007, 06:49 AM
Resurection- hows your hamstring?

I cant beleive you guys got to see ground zero, I have been meaning to go for the past few years and every time I'm in the city I never get a chance, I almost took a cab down town a few weeks ago when I was at the autoshow. :(

05-08-2007, 06:49 AM
Even more...




05-08-2007, 07:08 AM

mad spray :rofl:

i see shell! that would be called a hit in my book!

05-08-2007, 07:13 AM
i actually got hit on my tank from someone on the right of me, the shell on my mask is just from spray. The bunker i was at had so many slots in the wood i was just getting covered in paint by atleast 4 people.

unless having that piece of shell on my mask counts as being hit i dunno?

05-08-2007, 07:58 AM
I would also like to add that Top Gun is a first rate field to play. Do any of you play that field on a regular basis? Drop me a PM if you do, Thanks.

Nice pics from the City. I get there a couple times a year, but have never taken the time to do the tourist thing. Looks like you all had a good time.

05-08-2007, 08:35 AM
ahhh I wanted to go so bad. Next year dont schedule it on the same weekend as a PSP event please!

05-08-2007, 08:40 AM
I hear the gears turning now......

I'm in the Tampa area and I know theres a boat load of maggers around here.
I'd go if I could get there in a days drive (10-12 hrs. max).
Figure it out kruger and I'll post it on the Florida meet and greet.
I'll bring a car load. I bet we can get a caravan going.
But can we get Tuna to go ? Maybe if we take up a gas collection for him ? :confused:
Maybe Tom will chip in air fare for him and the misses ? :tard:

Im a florida baller, with a mag or three! :)

Anyways I would reccomend doing a tunaball for AO at Low Country Paintball in Savannah GA.

05-08-2007, 09:32 AM
I would also like to add that Top Gun is a first rate field to play. Do any of you play that field on a regular basis? Drop me a PM if you do, Thanks.

Nice pics from the City. I get there a couple times a year, but have never taken the time to do the tourist thing. Looks like you all had a good time.

Yeah, ive played there for many years. Not as much as i used to due to the high paint prices, but maybe now that they think Im somebody important I can do something about that :D

05-08-2007, 09:39 AM
ahhh I wanted to go so bad. Next year dont schedule it on the same weekend as a PSP event please!

Well, this time it was based around Tuna's and TopGun's schedules. I will start researching the date for next year's event later this year. I would guess that around October or so I will make an announcement with details. At least that long of a heads-up would give everyone a chance to make plans, save cash, ect ect.

It will however, be about the same time, give or take a couple of weeks. Much later you run into the NJ Nam game here which is huge, and any sooner you run into Castle Conquest and West Point. PSP or any other big tourney is not even a consideration. Sorry about that, but 99.99% of the people who this is geared towards really dont care about that stuff. As always, I will do my best to accommodate as many people as I can. Can't please everyone though...

05-08-2007, 09:41 AM
no, what's bad is that I took a metric ton of pics and like 15 or so got posted...

Means that they ALL sucked. ;)



Big thanks to Dayspring for taking those! It was definately good to see you again my man! (beard and all...snif, sniff...he all growd up now :cry: ) Keep me in the loop on the wedding!


05-08-2007, 09:49 AM
Group shot w/names. Anyone missing LMK and I will add your name in.
Hi Res (http://www.bigevilonline.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimagepopup&pid=595&fullsize=1)

05-08-2007, 09:56 AM
Group shot w/names. Anyone missing LMK and I will add your name in.
Hi-Res (http://www.bigevilonline.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimagepopup&pid=594&fullsize=1)
i think i was behind jay, and t0nnn is to my right
Thanks again for a great day of paintball :cheers:

05-08-2007, 09:58 AM

can't really see us but here's 2 more

Scott are you gonna be putting up the NAM thread soon? We're going to register next week

05-08-2007, 11:04 AM
Group shot w/names. Anyone missing LMK and I will add your name in.
Hi-Res (http://www.bigevilonline.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimagepopup&pid=594&fullsize=1)
I am to the right of trina and doobie in the back center with the invert jersey.

05-08-2007, 11:18 AM
Looks like mongoose was still palyin paintball hiding behind Jay... :rofl:

05-08-2007, 11:24 AM
Looks like mongoose was still palyin paintball hiding behind Jay... :rofl:
lol....im always hiding :ninja: but i think jay shot me the most!

.....im gonna make a vid tonight dry firing can someone please do whatever you do to get a bps for me.......i just wanna see how bad i am :tard:

t0nnn bring your marker when you come down today..and air and paint :shooting:

05-08-2007, 11:41 AM
Resurection- hows your hamstring?

Huh? I think you're referring to my buddy Craig (the big guy)?

05-08-2007, 11:44 AM
Huh? I think you're referring to my buddy Craig (the big guy)?

i was probably the smallest guy out there pulling his arm to stretch it out lol ..i wish someone would of taken a pic of that ..hope he's doin good though

05-08-2007, 11:48 AM
Man I wish I could have been there. If A-tach does something on the west-coast I'll kick myself if I can't go...................

Uhoh , don't look here then. :D


BTW I didn't know Tuna Sported the Tom Kaye Mustache. :rofl:

05-08-2007, 11:49 AM
i was probably the smallest guy out there pulling his arm to stretch it out lol ..i wish someone would of taken a pic of that ..hope he's doin good though

Oh he is one sore mofo, but don't think that has dampened his spirits at all. I've actually gotten two calls from co-workers of his upset at me because he won't shut up about how much fun everyone was to play with. :headbang:

05-08-2007, 12:19 PM
Oh he is one sore mofo, but don't think that has dampened his spirits at all. I've actually gotten two calls from co-workers of his upset at me because he won't shut up about how much fun everyone was to play with. :headbang:

haha that's good to hear ...yeah it was the best day of paintball i've played in about 8 years. Great time

05-08-2007, 12:50 PM
Pic updated

05-08-2007, 01:48 PM
i actually got hit on my tank from someone on the right of me, the shell on my mask is just from spray. The bunker i was at had so many slots in the wood i was just getting covered in paint by atleast 4 people.

unless having that piece of shell on my mask counts as being hit i dunno?

anything bigger than a quarter and if shell is existing, at least in tournaments, they could call you for a hit. but you can also call a ref over and have them wipe it for you.

05-08-2007, 02:08 PM
Huh? I think you're referring to my buddy Craig (the big guy)?
Oh, yeah I was sorry

05-08-2007, 02:12 PM
I wish I could have made it to this. Sounds like you all had a great time. I was planning on it and even pre-paid for the entry. Unfortunately my company cut all the contractors in my department on May 1st and I lost my job. Maybe next year.

05-08-2007, 02:24 PM
I wish I could have made it to this. Sounds like you all had a great time. I was planning on it and even pre-paid for the entry. Unfortunately my company cut all the contractors in my department on May 1st and I lost my job. Maybe next year.

Man, sorry to hear that. I was wondering who the one pre-paid person was that didnt show. Best of luck to you in your job hunt.

05-08-2007, 06:08 PM
sorry i missed this, my son had his first communion... looked like a great time!

05-08-2007, 07:11 PM
Hello all,
here is a small vid of me shooting my pnuemag :shooting:
can someone please tell me the bps.

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t272/t0nnn/th_MVI_0352.jpg (http://s162.photobucket.com/albums/t272/t0nnn/?action=view&current=MVI_0352.flv)

05-08-2007, 08:35 PM
Hello all,
here is a small vid of me shooting my pnuemag :shooting:
can someone please tell me the bps.

I got:
Avr ROF : 15.51
High ROF: 29.47
Slow ROF: 1.54
# of shots 79
Clip length 10 seconds

05-08-2007, 08:44 PM
I got:
Avr ROF : 15.51
High ROF: 29.47
Slow ROF: 1.54
# of shots 79
Clip length 10 seconds
:clap: thanks doobie...thats pretty good no?

05-08-2007, 09:08 PM
Thats one sweet arse gun you got there mongoose...

05-09-2007, 06:47 AM
I would really love to play with you guys again, we should all try and get together more often.

Maybe we should post places and dates we are playing so we all know, who will be where on any given weekend. Not to make a huge organized event but just a way for us to get together. I bet we all play on the same days and are with a short drive of eachother on any given Sat. or Sun.

After playing with you guys I am willing to travel a few hours, usually two hours for paintball is far for me but not for Tunaball!!

05-09-2007, 07:17 AM
I would really love to play with you guys again, we should all try and get together more often.

Maybe we should post places and dates we are playing so we all know, who will be where on any given weekend. Not to make a huge organized event but just a way for us to get together. I bet we all play on the same days and are with a short drive of eachother on any given Sat. or Sun.

After playing with you guys I am willing to travel a few hours, usually two hours for paintball is far for me but not for Tunaball!!

If any of you guys are interested on Sunday May 20th, HOMELANDEFENDER, My brother Glenn, myself and a few others are hitting FireballMountain (about 5 mins from TopGun and BYOP) to kill off the loads and loads of paint we all have laying around. Anyone wants to meet up LMK.

05-09-2007, 07:47 AM
If any of you guys are interested on Sunday May 20th, HOMELANDEFENDER, My brother Glenn, myself and a few others are hitting FireballMountain (about 5 mins from TopGun and BYOP) to kill off the loads and loads of paint we all have laying around. Anyone wants to meet up LMK.
Its BYOP!!! I might have to go, let me talk to my buddies up here in PA.

05-09-2007, 08:19 AM
Thats one sweet arse gun you got there mongoose...

05-09-2007, 08:37 AM

can't really see us but here's 2 more

Scott are you gonna be putting up the NAM thread soon? We're going to register next week

im between psycoballer and dayspring

i found myself!!!!!



05-09-2007, 08:46 AM
im between psycoballer and dayspring

DAMN MAN if you would shave that thing off your face maybe I could see you ;)

Ill fix it later when I get a chance.

05-09-2007, 09:19 AM
Ok, I used the pic my wife took... you can see just about everyone better in it, except poor Rudz. If im still missing you LMK.

Hi Res (http://www.bigevilonline.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimagepopup&pid=596&fullsize=1)

05-09-2007, 11:08 AM
Rudz got a photo of my brothers guns, my guns, and Rudz's guns at the hotel.

Someone get him to put the photo on here. Lots o' gats! :)


05-09-2007, 11:11 AM
its empty...


:headbang: :rofl:

05-09-2007, 04:33 PM
Deals from the photographer -

Guys, Lornecash worked out a deal from the photographer for CD's with all of the pics he took at Tunaball. We need to purchase 40 of them @ $20 a peice. Lornecash will chime in later with more details. The bottom line is he wants $800, so if we cant get 40 sold, then the price goes up.

05-09-2007, 04:33 PM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender (only one to buy some at full price)
09 cyberave68

$800/9 = $89 per person (so far)

05-09-2007, 04:46 PM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil

$800/2 = $400 per person (so far)

me too, add me!!!!

05-09-2007, 05:00 PM
count me in!

05-09-2007, 05:23 PM
Wow, next time I'm chargin :)

05-09-2007, 05:25 PM
Wow, next time I'm chargin :)

Ill get you some beer...? Good beer. ;)

05-09-2007, 05:31 PM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil

$800/2 = $400 per person (so far)

Ssssshoot GMB ( oh Lorne you know what it stands for) count me in I am always down to toss in cash for a good cause. I think we need a side kitty to raise some JD money for rudz cus I can only understand him when he is drunk

Big Evil get Thordic another lemon for his other eye

05-09-2007, 06:05 PM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
$800/2 = $400 per person (so far)

My question is this...do Trina and I each pay $20? I'm down, but I ain't paying $40 for 2 copies whenI only need one. Does that make sense? :confused:

05-09-2007, 07:22 PM
My question is this...do Trina and I each pay $20? I'm down, but I ain't paying $40 for 2 copies whenI only need one. Does that make sense? :confused:

No, you would only buy one, which means less people to divide the cost up.

05-09-2007, 09:13 PM
I'm definitely in, and if it's ok, I would be happy to host the entire content on my web hosting companies servers for everyone to d/l as needed.

Let me know what the costs are - I was about to contact him as well, i'm glad someone did though.

05-10-2007, 06:13 AM
I'm definitely in, and if it's ok, I would be happy to host the entire content on my web hosting companies servers for everyone to d/l as needed.

Let me know what the costs are - I was about to contact him as well, i'm glad someone did though.

That's awesome that way I'll just download it... I really don't need or even want another DVD laying around.

05-10-2007, 06:24 AM
I'd be willing to make a $20 donation to the cause....

05-10-2007, 07:40 AM
SO uh, what do you guys say to May 17th 2008 for Tunaball II? :-)

05-10-2007, 08:14 AM
SO uh, what do you guys say to May 17th 2008 for Tunaball II? :-)
man, you dont waist any time, but i'm in

05-10-2007, 09:20 AM
SO uh, what do you guys say to May 17th 2008 for Tunaball II? :-)

one day before my birthday :clap: im in for sure :dance:

05-10-2007, 09:43 AM
SO uh, what do you guys say to May 17th 2008 for Tunaball II? :-)
Count me i should be alot closer by then...

05-10-2007, 09:52 AM
HAHAHA 4 replies and its still a year away. Should I start a "Role-Call" thread? :rofl:

05-10-2007, 09:59 AM
Would of loved to have come this year but I had a lot of finals friday and monday around Tunaball. I'm absolutely in for next year :)

(unless I go to grad school)

05-10-2007, 10:08 AM
A few of us are already throwing ideas around for next year. I can easily see us getting DOUBLE the amount of players. Im going to have to make the Arthurs reservations early :-)

05-10-2007, 10:25 AM
so what happened with Mango, I thought he was all in and bringing a bunch of people?

05-10-2007, 12:37 PM
Hmmm My anniversary weekend ( May 20 )... Why do I not see my wife agreeing to go hang out with a buncha sweaty drunk guys in NJ for that ocassion?

But I'll still see if I could get away with it :)


05-10-2007, 12:40 PM
Hmmm My anniversary weekend ( May 20 )... Why do I not see my wife agreeing to go hang out with a buncha sweaty drunk guys in NJ for that ocassion?

But I'll still see if I could get away with it :)


It's all in the presentation Styg;

"Huni.. how would you like to go visit Manhattan for our anniversary"

See how much better that sounds? :D

05-10-2007, 12:56 PM
Hmmm My anniversary weekend ( May 20 )... Why do I not see my wife agreeing to go hang out with a buncha sweaty drunk guys in NJ for that ocassion?

But I'll still see if I could get away with it :)


I feel ya. Mine is the 21st. If its not that weekend Im down.

05-10-2007, 12:59 PM
I feel ya. Mine is the 21st. If its not that weekend Im down.

Well.. its either this date, the first week of June, or The first week of May. We will see as we get closer.

05-10-2007, 01:00 PM
I feel ya. Mine is the 21st. If its not that weekend Im down.
And mine is the 31st! lol, but she should be down for this trip. :argh:

05-10-2007, 01:27 PM
It's all in the presentation Styg;

"Huni.. how would you like to go visit Manhattan for our anniversary"

See how much better that sounds? :D

oooo good call, she said she wanted to see New York some time :)


What the hell did we all sign our nuts away in the same month around here or something? Or did you all do it like me - because it was cheaper that month at the hall :)

05-10-2007, 01:35 PM
Next year.. Tunaball attendance is NOT optional.

05-10-2007, 02:22 PM
This is kinda wierd, my anniversary is May 10th.....I guess I ought to get her a card :)
This makes 27 years.

05-10-2007, 07:48 PM
And mine is the 31st! lol, but she should be down for this trip. :argh:

A-Tac,.. u got no excuses!

Your house was not delivered on the date of Tunaball,.... wanna know why?

Because we had Rudz call up ur contractor and change the delivery date!

We TRIED to tell u in a nice way that you were ment to be there in the basement with us,.. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Tunaball II,..... ur already registered,.. right? :rofl:

05-10-2007, 08:01 PM
A-Tac,.. u got no excuses!

Your house was not delivered on the date of Tunaball,.... wanna know why?

Because we had Rudz call up ur contractor and change the delivery date!

We TRIED to tell u in a nice way that you were ment to be there in the basement with us,.. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Tunaball II,..... ur already registered,.. right? :rofl:

Ah the basement.. good times, good times.

Atach is ALWAYS registered in my book ;) Next year its the garage, and I guess im going to have to get more chairs...

Im going to need Rudz to talk to MY contractor... and get him to pick a START date!!!

05-10-2007, 08:04 PM
Ah the basement.. good times, good times.

Atach is ALWAYS registered in my book ;) Next year its the garage, and I guess im going to have to get more chairs...

Im going to need Rudz to talk to MY contractor... and get him to pick a START date!!!

yeah atach broke up our BEO mod squad..

05-11-2007, 07:43 PM
P8ntbal4me I have never seen someone block out the sun with a case of paintballs from one gun all at the same time

LOL. I know a few people in the first game were wondering about my paint!

I saw 300 before I left so I wanted to see if paint worked the same as arrows.

CLEARLY,..... I had the ability to send 3 cases upon the group that day! :headbang:

Anyone notice my warp feed was feeding a LITTLE BIT faster than a normal warp?? ;)

w00t w00t to hacking my warp feed! :dance:

05-11-2007, 09:58 PM
LOL. I know a few people in the first game were wondering about my paint!

I saw 300 before I left so I wanted to see if paint worked the same as arrows.

CLEARLY,..... I had the ability to send 3 cases upon the group that day! :headbang:

Anyone notice my warp feed was feeding a LITTLE BIT faster than a normal warp?? ;)

w00t w00t to hacking my warp feed! :dance:

im getting 26 on the electros..maybe more..i need my warps modded, so ill be in touch abt that hack mod.. :shooting:

05-12-2007, 05:08 AM
I'm miserable about missing this it sounds like it was a total blast. :cry:
Unfortuantely my wife put my nuts in a drawer and locked it for that weekend because it was my sons 1 yr birthday weekend and she wanted to have aB-day party for him with all our "friends" (you know the ones you can't stand but she thinks are just great?)
I hope Tunaball08 will be the 18th so I won't have to deal with that again! I would love to make it there! :cheers:

05-12-2007, 06:18 PM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender (only one to buy some at full price)
09 cyberave68

$800/9 = $89 per person (so far)

I never posted my name there big guy :tard: . BTW - the two shots that I ordered were the only ones I wanted. :cool:


05-12-2007, 07:29 PM
Hey count me in for the pictures. I'll pay....

05-13-2007, 07:28 AM
I never posted my name there big guy :tard: . BTW - the two shots that I ordered were the only ones I wanted. :cool:


No worries you're allready paid. so wheather you want a DVD or not is up to you but the photographer said we can count the money you spent in our pool.

05-13-2007, 07:32 AM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender (only one to buy some at full price)
09 cyberave68
10 Tunaman
11 mongoose
12 p8ntbal4me

$800/12 = $67 per person (so far)

05-13-2007, 08:56 AM
I just registered the URL www.Tunaball.com. If we can come up with the cash for the photo album, I will make up a web site, post up the pics there for downloading.

Unfortunately, I DO NOT have the ability to burn DVDs, but im sure we can figure something out.

05-13-2007, 09:57 AM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender (only one to buy some at full price)
09 cyberave68
10 Tunaman

$800/10 = $80 per person (so far)

Add me to this list :)

05-13-2007, 07:22 PM
Add me to this list :)

You can add me as well.

My brother will see this in the AM and he will most likely kick some in.

BTW - I thought there were 29 of us,.. not 40?

05-13-2007, 07:32 PM
You can add me as well.

My brother will see this in the AM and he will most likely kick some in.

BTW - I thought there were 29 of us,.. not 40?

I thought 39?

05-13-2007, 08:11 PM
I just registered the URL www.Tunaball.com. If we can come up with the cash for the photo album, I will make up a web site, post up the pics there for downloading.

Unfortunately, I DO NOT have the ability to burn DVDs, but im sure we can figure something out.

Again, I would be happy to host the site and storage of the content for free on my servers, just let me know.

05-13-2007, 08:24 PM
Again, I would be happy to host the site and storage of the content for free on my servers, just let me know.

Hmm we'll talk tomorrow or during the week.

05-15-2007, 07:25 PM
Hmm we'll talk tomorrow or during the week.

No problem, just let me know.

05-16-2007, 09:38 AM
I'd be willing to make a $20 donation to the cause....
See my quote^^^^^ I'll make a donation... I didnt even make it this year... :ninja:
I will be there next year... :shooting:

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender (only one to buy some at full price)
00 cyberave68 for $20 donation...
09 Mongoose
10 Tunaman
11 mongoose
12 p8ntbal4me
$780/12 = $65 per person (so far)

05-17-2007, 06:57 PM
No worries you're allready paid. so wheather you want a DVD or not is up to you but the photographer said we can count the money you spent in our pool.

Ya see --- this is why I should never drink and reply to posts. :D I never fully grasped the concept of your post. So as I now see it -- I paid full boat for my pictures, but if I want the DVD it is available to me instead of just the shots I wanted? :rolleyes:


05-17-2007, 07:42 PM
Ya see --- this is why I should never drink and reply to posts. :D I never fully grasped the concept of your post. So as I now see it -- I paid full boat for my pictures, but if I want the DVD it is available to me instead of just the shots I wanted? :rolleyes:


yes, as soon as we get every ones money together and get the dvd..

05-17-2007, 08:22 PM
yes, as soon as we get every ones money together and get the dvd..

Thanks for clearing that up for me. BigEvil usually helps me in the "thinking" dept. :D


05-17-2007, 09:10 PM
Add me to the list to help out with the pics, I already PM'd Big E about it.

05-18-2007, 05:15 PM
Thanks for clearing that up for me. BigEvil usually helps me in the "thinking" dept. :D


If Big Evil helps you in the thinking dept, We are all in trouble. Where is my inactive ready reserve CT chapter name tape or did I get benched already :D

05-19-2007, 12:02 PM
If Big Evil helps you in the thinking dept, We are all in trouble. Where is my inactive ready reserve CT chapter name tape or did I get benched already :D
Consider yourself a "Covert Op" member :ninja: until I source a new vendor for the name tags. :D


05-19-2007, 12:35 PM
Consider yourself a "Covert Op" member :ninja: until I source a new vendor for the name tags. :D


will do, you going to NJ Nam? I will be there on the VC side

05-19-2007, 08:12 PM
will do, you going to NJ Nam? I will be there on the VC side
Yes Sir -- you can be a scout for the team.


05-25-2007, 08:13 PM
Update on the status of us acquiring the DVD from the professional photographer?

05-25-2007, 08:16 PM
I havent had a chance to follow up with Lornecash. I a have my hands way to full to coordinate it at the moment and probably for at least another month.

05-29-2007, 01:08 AM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender (only one to buy some at full price)
09 cyberave68
10 Tunaman
11 mongoose
12 p8ntbal4me
13 rmg
14 cyberave68

$800/14 = $57 per person (so far)

05-29-2007, 01:59 PM
[QUOTE=LorneCash]Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender ( the money he paid for his piks goes to this puchase, but he has said he will not add more)
09 Tunaman
10 mongoose
11 p8ntbal4me
12 rmg

cyberware68 will donate 20 dollars, hence 780, but he will not split the cost with us, since he did not attantd the event


05-29-2007, 02:26 PM
[QUOTE=LorneCash]Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender ( the money he paid for his piks goes to this puchase, but he has said he will not add more)
09 Tunaman
10 mongoose
11 p8ntbal4me
12 rmg

cyberware68 will donate 20 dollars, hence 780, but he will not split the cost with us, since he did not attantd the event

Who is cyberware?
we have a date set for next year yet :cool:

05-30-2007, 08:26 AM
Ok guys I've been working with the photographer to get the pics he took for a bit more reasonable price... He agreed to sell sell us the entire album with a copyright release on the whole thing (so you can have them printed anywhere) and burn it to DVD, for $800. That's over 4GB of pictures. The price may seem like a lot but if everyone who played does $20 we're set cuz there were 40 of us. One other thing to keep in mind is that this photographer normally bills out at $1500 per day so he is cutting us a HUGE deal by doing this. I will personally agree to cover the paypal fees so everyone can just pay BigEvil via paypal when we get the final price. Don't pay just yet though as it will most likely be more than $20 unless absolutely everyone is in. FYI the way it will work is He will provide one DVD to BigEvil and it will be up to him to distrubute everything wheather that means burning DVD's or posting the data up on an FTP site or something. This way BigE can include a super High Res marked up pic with all our names as he is doing such a good job of collecting them.

please post or PM me and I'll add you to the list of people that will split the cost.

The list starts here:

01 LorneCash
02 BigEvil
03 Rudz
04 T0nnn
05 jay8541
06 Doobie
07 Resurection
08 HomelandDefender ( the money he paid for his piks goes to this puchase, but he has said he will not add more)
09 Tunaman
10 mongoose
11 p8ntbal4me
12 rmg

cyberave68 will donate 20 dollars, hence 780, but he will not split the cost with us, since he did not attantd the event

Thanks Rudz for cleaning that up...
Also wasnt the amount that HLD spent on his pics going to be added to the total? How much was the amount?

05-30-2007, 03:24 PM
Thanks Rudz for cleaning that up...
Also wasnt the amount that HLD spent on his pics going to be added to the total? How much was the amount?
I placed an order that totaled $22. If the DVD is in the range of $20-30, fine. If its like $30 to $40, then I'll just stick with my original order.


06-15-2007, 10:35 PM
So whats the latest news on this?


06-16-2007, 01:36 PM
I have none. PM or Email Lornecash. Between painting, moving, babysitting electricians, hanging blinds, patching walls, and bickering with Mrs. Evil over seemingly everything OH and researching the Infinity Legend, I havent quite found the time to look into this one ;)

06-16-2007, 01:43 PM
Hybrid shockers, infinity legends, scott are you jioning hk?

06-16-2007, 03:25 PM
Hybrid shockers, infinity legends, scott are you jioning hk?

Actually, HLD did.

06-16-2007, 05:57 PM
Pink jt pants and an agg flex?

07-12-2007, 08:54 PM
Anything happening with this? I have been offline for quite a bit and am trying to catch up.

07-12-2007, 09:02 PM
Anything happening with this? I have been offline for quite a bit and am trying to catch up.

Nada. I haven't had the time to deal with it. I do not know if Lornecash has done anything or not.

09-05-2007, 02:52 PM
Tunaball 2 is in the works. :dance:

Oh, btw.. I lent someone my blue revy at the game and never got it back. It has an AGD sticker on one side and a Dye one on the other. Anyone? I miss it dearly ;)

09-05-2007, 03:10 PM
CAN'T WAIT! I'm hittin the bars with you this year ..finally be 21 http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/eatdrink007.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

BTW, the last 2 games we played were on the castle field all the way on the end after a lot of people were packing up, the field was crazy...if we had everyone playing it woulda been even better. This year we gotta hit that field before everyone leaves http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/happy086.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

09-05-2007, 03:37 PM
i'll probably have to come. it's been 2 years since i've gotten to bonus ball scott.

09-05-2007, 05:56 PM
i'll probably have to come. it's been 2 years since i've gotten to bonus ball scott.

You have to get in line behind Homelandefender. ;) He's still holding a grudge from an incident at HotShot PB a few months ago ....

09-05-2007, 06:29 PM
CAN'T WAIT! I'm hittin the bars with you this year ..finally be 21 [

What state do you live in? Your kidding right? I think there were 16 y/o's getting served with us last time. In NJ, 21 is only the suggested legal drinking age. :spit_take

09-06-2007, 12:03 PM
What state do you live in? Your kidding right? I think there were 16 y/o's getting served with us last time. In NJ, 21 is only the suggested legal drinking age. :spit_take

That kid was 19, lol but anyways.....lol

09-06-2007, 12:23 PM
rudz you comin out this year again?

09-06-2007, 06:34 PM
Its in new jersey? sweet I will have to come out and play I'm in central newyork, I will have my license next year :) Would I be the youngest one there? I'm 15 going be 16 soon

09-06-2007, 06:50 PM
Its in new jersey? sweet I will have to come out and play I'm in central newyork, I will have my license next year :) Would I be the youngest one there? I'm 15 going be 16 soon

It's in Jackson, NJ across the st from six flags pretty much. I'm sure you could hitch a ride if you needed to with some people coming from NY

09-06-2007, 09:24 PM
I will be attending.

What are the NJ gun laws and is there a range nearby. If allowed I will be bringing enough toys to field a small militia. :shooting:

09-06-2007, 09:46 PM
rudz you comin out this year again?

After this years? Hell yeah!!!!! Lol maybe more time in the city this time though, but I'm def gonna be going out there again

09-06-2007, 10:21 PM
I'll come if someone tells me when it is, where it is, and how much it'll be to get there.

09-07-2007, 08:44 AM
After this years? Hell yeah!!!!! Lol maybe more time in the city this time though, but I'm def gonna be going out there again

You should come check out Philly this time

09-07-2007, 08:50 AM
I will be attending.

What are the NJ gun laws and is there a range nearby. If allowed I will be bringing enough toys to field a small militia. :shooting:

Pnuemagger and cyberave at tunaball :hail: this is gonna be one huge pnuematic f-fest


09-07-2007, 08:54 AM
I will be attending.

What are the NJ gun laws and is there a range nearby. If allowed I will be bringing enough toys to field a small militia. :shooting:

uh... NJ isnt exactly pro-gun. Talk to Homelandefender, he's is fluent in all of the gun laws... he's broken most of them I hear.

09-07-2007, 09:03 AM
uh... NJ isnt exactly pro-gun. Talk to Homelandefender, he's is fluent in all of the gun laws... he's broken most of them I hear.

LOL, considering it's illegal to own a BB gun, I can't imagine there are many firearm ranges around ;)

09-07-2007, 09:09 AM
LOL, considering it's illegal to own a BB gun, I can't imagine there are many firearm ranges around ;)

You would actually be surprised.. but its not easy.

09-07-2007, 04:55 PM
Anyone going to be coming from newyork around the syracuse area or going to be coming through for the next tuna ball

09-07-2007, 05:19 PM
You should come check out Philly this time

well i do like the eagles...

09-08-2007, 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by Pneumagger
I will be attending.

What are the NJ gun laws and is there a range nearby. If allowed I will be bringing enough toys to field a small militia. [QUOTE/]

[QUOTE]Originally Posted by BigEvil
uh... NJ isnt exactly pro-gun. Talk to Homelandefender, he's is fluent in all of the gun laws... he's broken most of them I hear. [QUOTE/]

[QUOTE=rkjunior303]LOL, considering it's illegal to own a BB gun, I can't imagine there are many firearm ranges around ;)

My ears were ringing -- As long as the guns are NJ compliant: No mags over 15 rnds, no folding stocks on semi auto long guns, no flash hiders (generally speaking when applied to ar-15 style rifles.) This isn't the place to go into detail but I'd be happy to talk over an IM. :)

BB's guns have to be treated like a firearm so its a matter of getting "cooler" BB's guns :cool: ....



09-08-2007, 07:10 AM
Pnuemagger and cyberave at tunaball :hail: this is gonna be one huge pnuematic f-fest


Hey Bro -- you still making those good dishes? Don't forget - you and Tonn are part of the .68 Caliber Commandos now. You roll with us at the next Tunaball (And we get first dibs on the tasty things you cook) :D


09-08-2007, 09:37 AM
If we dont get a hook up on the next Tunaball,.. me and my brother arent comming.

Topgun made out pretty good on paint sales as well as a nice 40 person head count. I shot 3 cases myself,... and some other guys were ripping the paint just the same.

At $70 a case,.... they better drop some prices or we need to look elsewhere.

If it was possible to come to NH,.... paint would be $35 a case,... $35 for entry (includes all day air). Lunch can be delivered if we wanted it to.

If they want us back,.... they have to be willing to work with us.

No to sound like a cheapskate,.... but getting return customers is a goal for field up here in NH,..... ask anyone that plays up here. They drop prices to keep field paint on other fields low for players.

Just a thought,..... might wanna make Topgun aware of the price they had us charged at,...

09-08-2007, 10:16 AM
Hey Bro -- you still making those good dishes? Don't forget - you and Tonn are part of the .68 Caliber Commandos now. You roll with us at the next Tunaball (And we get first dibs on the tasty things you cook) :D


Oh..i will be bringing up some goodies...You dont have to worry about lunch!

Rudz....you gotta come try the philly cheesesteaks!! with some yingling! :spit_take

let me know when we have a set date so i can request off ASAP

09-08-2007, 10:52 AM

What about suppressors and .50 cal guns? :nododgy:

09-09-2007, 07:19 AM

What about suppressors and .50 cal guns? :nododgy:

.50 's yes (depends on the range)
-suppressors -- :nono:

IM sent.


02-02-2008, 02:31 PM
Bumping this thread up. After going through it again makes me remember that all the BS involved at putting these games together is worth it.

02-03-2008, 09:55 AM
Bumping this thread up. After going through it again makes me remember that all the BS involved at putting these games together is worth it.

AHHH GREAT DAY ....it really was a fantastic outing!!!

looking at the group photo.............i think this year we are gonna need a bigger camera :D

Are we gonna have any photographers...i can try to convince my GF to get some action pics

02-03-2008, 10:11 AM
it was an awesome time, cant wait to do it again :clap: