View Full Version : Premium paint in high pressure markers.

Brad Quillen
05-06-2007, 04:59 PM
I'm basically new to paintball... although I'm a 5 year veteran, that was a decade ago, so I'm a rookie all over again. At any rate, I must have a poor understanding of what's going on in the guts of a paintball gun. I just want to know if it's true that one can't shoot high-end paint (ie. Allstars or whatever) in a Mag due to excessive paint breakage. Do lower pressure guns use a larger volume of gas to propel the ball or something? Does a high-pressure gun's bolt travel faster?

At any rate, I was going to try some Marbs yesterday, but I was a little scared to get them due to worries over my Mag being to hard on them. I chose Draxxus Blaze which did pretty good.

05-06-2007, 05:08 PM
I'm basically new to paintball... although I'm a 5 year veteran, that was a decade ago, so I'm a rookie all over again. At any rate, I must have a poor understanding of what's going on in the guts of a paintball gun. I just want to know if it's true that one can't shoot high-end paint (ie. Allstars or whatever) in a Mag due to excessive paint breakage. Do lower pressure guns use a larger volume of gas to propel the ball or something? Does a high-pressure gun's bolt travel faster?

At any rate, I was going to try some Marbs yesterday, but I was a little scared to get them due to worries over my Mag being to hard on them. I chose Draxxus Blaze which did pretty good.

you can use anykind of paint out of an automag.

05-06-2007, 05:10 PM
It comes down to bolt impact on the paintball. Concerns with tournament-grade paint come because it is more brittle. More force on it can cause it to break in the marker easier. And higher cycling rates of new electros can lead to chopping easier if the loader doesn;t keep up or the ball doesn't feed properly.

The mags bolt has a fair amount of strength behind it and if you have high ROF you may chop more if the ball doesn't feed properly. The mags Level 10 kit gets around the problem of bolt pressure by being having two stages to it's travel. The first stage is a low pressure force until the bolt reaches the point where the breach is closed and the ball fires, at which point it is high pressure when the gas exits the bolt.

A good fast loader that can keep up with your max ROF will prevent chopping, and the Level 10 bolt kit will prevent chopping as well, but also has a little less pressure on the ball whil epuching it forward to the firing position.

Check out the details about the Lvl 10 bolt in Tom's Tech Tips and the Tech forum for more info.

Hope this helps :D

Cyrus is right, but "better" paint does have a better chance of breaking just because that's what it's supposed to do. But even ten year old Brass Eagle yellow will break in the gun if a non-Lvl 10 bolt hits it when it's not fed entirely............

05-06-2007, 11:36 PM
I use Marbs as my primary paint in every marker I own.
Often I'll emtpy a case without a break. :bounce:
That's including mags. :hail:

paint magnet
05-06-2007, 11:51 PM
Not all premium paint is brittle...Marbs and RPS premium are relatively thick-shelled. I'm not sure if Proball is considered ''premium'' or not, but that stuff bounces off trees.

05-07-2007, 01:02 AM
Not all premium paint is brittle...Marbs and RPS premium are relatively thick-shelled. I'm not sure if Proball is considered ''premium'' or not, but that stuff bounces off trees.

Wow I wouldn't mind some of that "trick shot" paint!! :rofl:

05-07-2007, 01:43 AM
Not all premium paint is brittle...Marbs and RPS premium are relatively thick-shelled. I'm not sure if Proball is considered ''premium'' or not, but that stuff bounces off trees.

True, I really liked Marbelizer back in the day. It was the first "good" paint our field started to carry. They shot great and broke well. It had been a Brass Eagle only field up till then (you could bring your own though). The Brass Eagle yellow used to bounce off of trees! The Marb was a little too pricey for me, if I was splurging I got good old Premium Gold :D

05-07-2007, 04:34 PM
I prefer to shoot allstar's or RPS premium. So far Ive shot 2.5 cases of the RPS premium through the mag with lvl 10 and no breaks from the bolt(broke once or twice removing the twist lock barrel) Mags are pretty good on paint.

05-07-2007, 06:23 PM
just dont shoot rediculously brittle hellfire through it and you will be fine.

Where is Lohman's devilmag/hellfire pic?

05-07-2007, 06:29 PM
just dont shoot rediculously brittle hellfire through it and you will be fine.

Where is Lohman's devilmag/hellfire pic?



05-07-2007, 06:46 PM
I knew you had my back. :cool:

05-07-2007, 07:02 PM
I don't get why he would keep shooting after the first or second chop...

imo, it just isn't worth it...

05-07-2007, 07:10 PM
I don't get why he would keep shooting after the first or second chop...

imo, it just isn't worth it...

i believe it was a fpo tourney or something of the sort

05-07-2007, 07:59 PM
RPS rampage is cheaper than Premium, and shoots better, specially in mags.... it works wonders. i find that it always breaks on my target, and its only $38 a case

05-07-2007, 08:02 PM
i believe it was a fpo tourney or something of the sort

That was at IAO.

They had Draxxus - Blaze, Midnight or Hellfire for quality... He went with the tourney-grade ultra brittle hellfire and it was chop city.. i shot about 3 cases of Blaze in kevmaster's xmag that day with NO issues. I personally wouldn't shoot hellfire, ultra evil, inertia, etc in one.

as for the chops, when you're ripping a string sometimes you can't stop right away.

05-07-2007, 08:06 PM
RPS rampage is cheaper than Premium, and shoots better, specially in mags.... it works wonders. i find that it always breaks on my target, and its only $38 a case

I use the same, great paint for the price.

05-07-2007, 09:25 PM
Just straight Evil has some problems from time to time in my mag, some times it seems to blow apart in the barrel, sometimes seems like it gets chopped by my level x, and sometimes seems like the warp feed shoves them down to hard after a long string...next game I'm going to try marbs, and just stick with the Evil in my 'cocker

05-07-2007, 10:11 PM
I use the same, great paint for the price.

yea, i love it...seems to be better then Premium by far...

05-08-2007, 01:44 AM
yea, i love it...seems to be better then Premium by far...

Hmmm, gonna have to try some of that Rampage stuff.
I found that every case of Premiums I bought or looked at, the balls were more oval than round.

05-08-2007, 02:28 AM
the Stinger isn't too bad either, at least I've never had a problem with it, nor the premium, but I haven't had the chance to shoot the Rampage that I cand remember.

05-08-2007, 06:27 AM
the Stinger isn't too bad either, at least I've never had a problem with it, nor the premium, but I haven't had the chance to shoot the Rampage that I cand remember.

keep in mind, all of the paints mentioned are "lower" quality paint that have far thicker shells. we shoot stinger at practice because it's CHEAP but it's a horrible paint for shell breakage...

05-08-2007, 08:38 AM
I ran into a problem this year, got a bunch of X-ball bronze because I heard they were so good. Work fine in my RT mag (level X) and Ion but all sorts of barrel breaks in my Nerve. Can't figure it out because everything else works fine but I guess that's the way it is.

05-08-2007, 09:37 AM
I ran into a problem this year, got a bunch of X-ball bronze because I heard they were so good. Work fine in my RT mag (level X) and Ion but all sorts of barrel breaks in my Nerve. Can't figure it out because everything else works fine but I guess that's the way it is.

MAybe it was a bad batch? I had first shot bronze cuz I too heard they were good and inexpensive, shot fine, but then after a few games i had nothing but breaks in the emag with level 10. Worked fine in the ion and impulse without a break the rest of he day.

I recently switched to Evil because the local shop sells it for only about $6 more a case and they were out of xball. The evil shot fine all day in the mag without a break.

Granted I did swap out the bolt spring and it seemed to be pinching softer, so either way.

05-09-2007, 10:24 PM
Back to this again, eh? High pressure vs. low pressure is pretty much a myth. Input pressure is regulated down to about 400psi in the 'mag, same as the pressure in many "low-pressure" markers. The air pressure behind the ball is fairly similar in most markers.

That being said, every setup has its own preferred paint. Try a variety and go with what works.

05-09-2007, 11:06 PM
I'm somewhat limited in what I've shot lately for paint, but the field I play at most of the time sells dxs bronze for $5 more than the bargain basement recsport. So for $50 a case (for field paint mind you) I must say it's excellent excellent paint, but I'd still have to classify it as a midgrade variety... CHEAP for me would be the $40ish and under range (per case).

My level-x is tuned to be harder on paint for a better efficiency... but still I've had a meer 3 chops in the 3cases of bronze I've shot there over the past month or so... and I rip my gun pretty hard for a mech... LOL last time I took soo many hits that didn't break on me... I was shooting the bronze and marking no problem but seriously just about every time I took a body hit it didn't break. They hurt a little more than usual but no break and I was happy to be in the game :D

What are some other good cheap paints besides the aforementioned stingers and rampage etc? I wanna try out some other paints but since where I play at only sells dxs... I have to go out of my way to aquire such variety. I'd love to find some super cheap priced (but high grade) white-box paint, anyone got the 20 on such a deal? I think First Call has some nice deals last time I checked...

05-10-2007, 08:02 PM
Any suggestions for those "brittle" paints you're stuck using at events?? This past weekend I was stuck using some Zap crap. It was a hard yet very brittle shell paint. Size went anywhere from .687 to .695. I have a ULE mag with a X-valve and lvl 10 (red spring and 1.5 carrier is my normal setup). I never had a problem like this weekend with paint. I also run a QLoader. I tried running with my Halo and using a silver spring with a carrier one size smaller. I use a barrel kit and have 3 different bore sized Stiffis. Nothing worked perfect. The best setup was my Freak/Stiffi front w/ .693 insert, red spring, size smaller carrier, and QLoader.

05-10-2007, 08:39 PM
high dwell and lower LPR.

as for paint, even the best stuff can be crap if it's not stored correctly. we won a bunch of inertia at the last tournament and it was JUUUUUNK..

05-10-2007, 09:01 PM
i hate ultra evil..i shoulda taken a pik of that damage..coulda given lohmans devilmag/hellfire a run for its money

05-10-2007, 10:40 PM
i hate ultra evil..i shoulda taken a pik of that damage..coulda given lohmans devilmag/hellfire a run for its money

I have seen shockers with HE bolts not handle ultra evil pro, just blows it apart on contact, but runs great in my cocker, best paint I have EVER shot, but if I even try to run normal evil out of my mag it becomes a nice blended mess. You have to find what works best for your marker

05-11-2007, 12:59 AM
i can run evil and marbs all day with no problem, just not ultra evil, and no way in hell am i touching hellfire..