View Full Version : Travian (like Nationwars)

05-08-2007, 02:04 AM
So any of you guys on Travian? It's an online mostly text but some graphics too game. MMO, in a way. If any of you guys played Nationwars, this is better. Much more individual to-do kind of stuff (resource management somewhat RTS style, but easy to understand) and lots of do to other people kind of stuff :)

Anyways, the url:

Server 2 just started recently, so there's not much going on there yet (read: good to start here) but Server 1 is good too. S1 has a 9 day noob protection from attacks, s2 has a 3 day one since there are fewer high-level people. I've only been playing a few days and actually am going out of town for a week, so I'll just be stockpiling resources for a while. Anyways if you sign up, start in the northeast quadrant (+,+). That way we will all be close to each other and can send supplies and whatnot to each other if we wanted to form an alliance. Anyways it'll eat your time cause it's kinda addicting like that :)