View Full Version : A huge pain in the ---- to clean my mag after a break!?

Fallen Angel
01-06-2002, 02:00 PM
Hey guys quick check to see if there is something I can do better.
After I worked hard to develop my 'mag finger' I have eliminated most of my short stroking breaks (few every now and then when I get fired up:) However I wanted to know if anyone else just gets screwed when you have a break. I will do the old hide behind my bunker and remove my barrel trick to send the swab up and down a few times (I cannot and I stress CANNOT shoot through a break if my very life depended on it). I then push it up and down the feed tube and try and squish the tip of the swab up against the bolt to remove what I can. If I get more than one break in a game I am really hurtin because my swab is a nasty mess. Although that is rare it sometimes happens and I end up being forced into an early rush.
Then when I am back in the staging area it is kinda long and ardous with my spray bottle, followed by many paper towels.
I know part of it the barrel (16inch AA has many little holes that love to hold paint) but man it just sucks. I do not want another barrel because this one is remarkable, I love it.
Just wanting to know if this is standard quo? I am one of the only mag users in my area so my database is very limited. Thanks in advance and my apology for the long winded post.

01-06-2002, 02:08 PM
alright well the only way to eliminate ur chopping is to keep on shooting from what it seems like... i used to have that problem but now i really know my mag trigger and can go many many games with out short stroking... also the all american has the worst shoot through capablities i have ever seen (trust me i have one)... that barrel isnt clean untill u run it through water... i recomend a CP barrel for shoot through cause they work great...

other wise keep on cleaning and shooting ur mag... u might want to consider an iframe to help u


01-06-2002, 02:14 PM
yea cleanin a mag can be tricky, just turn the pf plug, take the barrel out, squeggy it once, put it in(make sure theres no balls in it), then hold your hand over the end of the barrel so no air can get thru, then dry fire it, this will get the paint outa the ports. also if u have a on off valve or a slide check, take your bolt out and clean that, your can also swab the pf tube or standard tube.

01-06-2002, 02:21 PM
Invest in a straight shot squeegie. Turn your PF plug, fire the ball that is loaded, use the squeegie, dry fire a few times, turn PF plug and your good to go without even removing the barrel.

01-06-2002, 02:27 PM
As they suggest in the manual gas the gun up dunk it in some water swish it around and you are good to go. Or you can just run it under some water.

Don't do this to an e-mag...

01-06-2002, 02:40 PM
umm... maybe fingers wasn't paying attention. but whya re you flaming?? thats un-called for, maybe it was just a tip to help him out to prevent having paint in the gun before game. or what-not regardless don't flame again.

01-06-2002, 03:23 PM
Haha, um, dude, i think you quoted the wrong thing...

01-06-2002, 03:38 PM
Many years ago, I bought a 12 gauge barrel cleaner. It is about 3' long and covered in synthetic fibers. Before I go play, I take some rain-x and put it down the barrel and then clean with the barrel cleaner.

Most breaks can be cleaned by shooting through them or dry firing the gun...

01-06-2002, 04:13 PM
My trick is I pray to the paintball gods for no breaks. :) When they don't work for me, straightshot + battleswab works fine... but after one break it just don't shoot the same until you really clean it out.

01-06-2002, 05:01 PM
It's been my experience that you can't shoot through a chop. A barrel break, sometimes, if the paint is a tight fit to the barrel.

I carry around a pull-through and a battle swap (sometimes it sucks to have a Mag!) The pull-through is for the barrel, and the swab for the bolt face and powerfeed. I have 12 gauge shotgun barrel swab in my bag that I use to further clean my goodies back at the staging area.

If & when I chop, I always take the valve out at the staging area, and clean out the mainbody, bolt & powerfeed real good. Sometimes even the hopper. I've had paint go into the warp feed tube on more that one occasion. Now THAT sucks!

Royal Assassin
01-06-2002, 05:04 PM
I use Rain X also.... it works wonders in my Dye barrel, I can't even get a pull through sqeegie through it... very tight tolorences....


01-06-2002, 05:41 PM
I'm going to try the Rain-X.

My J&J Ceramic barrel doesn't need it though. As long as you pump out a few balls before the paint starts to dry it self cleans.

The problem is the powertube. I usually end up with paint there after a break, and if it isn't cleaned then it just drips on all the new balls coming though.

I would like something where you just hit a button and the gun self cleans. To help AGD develop this, I have found that there is a suitable button at Radio Shack for 99c. All they have to do now is create the mechanism ;-)


01-06-2002, 06:55 PM
you grow up sifu, your new too the forums, watch your language

01-06-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by dawump
The problem is the powertube. I usually end up with paint there after a break, and if it isn't cleaned then it just drips on all the new balls coming though.

your talking about the powerFEED tube, theres a big difference :)

01-06-2002, 09:01 PM
Sifu01: Firstly, you insulted a guy and his parents. You think that was a joke? Sad.

Butterfingers: You jumped on sifu01 and insulted his sexuality. Sad too...

But the bottom line is what did either comment have to do with the purpose of the thread? IMHO, nothing. So why was it posted? Got no clue.

I say we coat you both in Rain-X and cane you with a 12 gauge barrel cleaner!!! Maybe that would help prevent you from short stroking and busting the balls of the thread.

01-06-2002, 09:30 PM
Anyway, i find that a straight shot squeegie and a few dry shots witht he barrel off helps when i get a chop. That should be enough to clear most of the paint.

01-06-2002, 10:06 PM
I deleted some posts by sifu01 and Butterfingers to clean up this thread. Please resolve your personal differences away from this forum.

01-06-2002, 10:08 PM
I got this idea somewhere but can't remember where. You can take a piece of 2" PVC and cut it to just longer than your barrel. Cap both ends. One s/b removable. Fill it with cleaner (soap and water). Then when you finish the game you can just put the barrel in there, shake it a few times and wala....barrel is completely clean including the porting. I havent tried it but sounds good. Of course doesn't help in the game but could be good for the staging area. In the game, I use the straight shot and then fire away. Sure there is a little paint still and not quite the accuracy I originally had but that's the best I can do in about 5 seconds.

01-06-2002, 11:02 PM
BlackVCG and all others, my apologies.

I wasnt in a good mood today and sifu didnt make it any better. I just snapped.