View Full Version : Geez man, this new bike is gonna break me

05-14-2007, 04:28 PM
Thought paintball was expensive?


Called the Honda stealership today to price a set of new rear brake pads. 38 friggin dollars!! FOR BRAKE PADS!!!! I about fell out.

Now that the "new" has worn off and I have ridden myself half to death and very sore, I have started looking into all the things that have been neglected on this bike. SO far I have found that I am going to have to immediatly repair the rear brake pads and front brake handle. The front brake pads soon, along with a hone of the front master cylinder to get rid of notchy feel. I need a new seat or re-covered at the least, new paint, and haven't fully looked into the clutch yet. The basket rattles, and may be the source of a mystery noise I am experiancing mid rpm under power....if not the clutch possibly valves, which need adjustment or checked anyway.....

My god!!! I thought "needing" a new paintmarker was expensive. I had forgotten how expensive sportbikes and their required parts are. I am going to have to find a good online source for parts. Been combing the CBRforums and come up with a few good leads, just have to go on a limb and try them.


05-14-2007, 05:15 PM
www.bikebandit.com I've shopped through them before. Good for finding weird parts. And you can always look for used parts. Used seats or brake levers are always available. Or maybe get some aftermarket stuff. If they're gonna charge a ton for the OEM stuff, you might as well look around for aftermarket stuff.

Brake pads are something you just have to deal with. And you gotta get stainless steel brake lines. That's an awesome upgrade for the price.

05-15-2007, 09:56 PM
Just wait till you dump it and have to buy farings. I've owned three cbr's, two 600's and a 929, dumped both 600's and its at least 1500 or more per side. Never did get them fixed. I sold my 929 and bought an 07 Triumph Speed Triple--no more farings, all naked. Total wheelie machine and tons of fun. Enjoy your cbr, they are still one my most favoite bikes.

05-15-2007, 10:02 PM
Just wait till you dump it and have to buy farings. I've owned three cbr's, two 600's and a 929, dumped both 600's and its at least 1500 or more per side. Never did get them fixed. I sold my 929 and bought an 07 Triumph Speed Triple--no more farings, all naked. Total wheelie machine and tons of fun. Enjoy your cbr, they are still one my most favoite bikes.

"Knock on wood", but the only bike I have ever laid down was my first, and I was shibby drunk. A mistake I will not make again in that fashion.

This is my fourth CB and second CBR. Really a fan of the Honda. Apparently, with the 919 generation a knock is fairly common. I have seen several other riders with the same issue as I. This is a 12 year old bike.....

05-15-2007, 10:16 PM
Not sure if i'm reading this right but when you say knock, do you mean a constant ticking noise at most speeds???

05-16-2007, 04:55 PM
Not sure if i'm reading this right but when you say knock, do you mean a constant ticking noise at most speeds???

Its gives a ticking/rattle/light knock under hard acceleration at mid RPM. It doesn't do it free revving, high RPM, or low RPM, only under a load.
It seems to be coming from the left side of the engine bank.

The clutch basket rattles as well, but that stops when you pull the handle, so not to be confused with this noise.

05-17-2007, 12:29 AM
There's a constant ticking noise that i've had on all of my cbr's. Me and some other guys I know that have had cbr's as well, call it the "Honda tick". I always noticed it at pretty much any speed, except when going fast, only because you can't hear much anyway. It could possibly be a valve knocking or something along those lines. Unfortunitely, i'm not a great engine mechanic, so I can only speculate on what it is. My new Triumph also has a ticking noise like the Honda's had, so i'm hoping its normal??? Ask the guys at the cbr forum, there should be some good people there to help you out. Good luck.

05-17-2007, 01:00 AM
E-bay FTW!! When I had my Busa, bought EVERYTHING off there. Good luck with the bike, keep the rubber down.

05-17-2007, 08:05 AM
considering the year , condition , what did you expect. From the previous picture i seen it made me wonder what damage they were covering up. That bike has definitely been slid horizontal a few times

05-17-2007, 08:17 AM
My Yamaha also has some weird clicking noises. It's all normal. Just listen for changes in the noises, that's all.

05-17-2007, 07:13 PM
considering the year , condition , what did you expect. From the previous picture i seen it made me wonder what damage they were covering up. That bike has definitely been slid horizontal a few times

Mmm, agreed. Both sides.

Many bikes make a wierd noises, and most get worse as they get older. I am trying to define between a normal older bike noise, and something I should worry about.

Clutch basket rattle will scare the crap out of you until you find out its no big deal, and most every older bike does it......

05-17-2007, 11:35 PM
He's right about that, I've only driven my 02 shadow 750, an 84 nighthawk, a cbr600rr, a cbr600f4i, and a maurauder 250. But they all had unique noises that I couldnt really put my finger on.

05-18-2007, 08:43 PM
sheesh, quit your complaining. brake pads aren't that expensive. I had to pay almost $900 to fix my gsxr, because i was an idiot and didn't look at it well enough before buying it. i fixed the fairings myself and knew the rear tire had to be replaced, but then i also had to replace the front tire, brake pads, rear brake rotor, chain and sprocket set, and the steering head had to be adjusted.