View Full Version : Team?

05-17-2007, 03:55 PM
Ok, I have a dilemma. I am gonna have to get out of paintball if I can't find a team. I can't pay for paintballs, so Im gonna have to leave the sport. If you guys know of a team near Lenoir, NC please tell me. I'm dead serious and I don't want to leave this great sport. :cry:

05-17-2007, 04:25 PM
If money for paint is the issue then buy a pump. I've gone for about 3 months on a case (still not done)...and play about once a week or so.

Problem solved

05-17-2007, 05:28 PM
troof ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

05-17-2007, 06:39 PM
Is that why people join teams? For free paint? I was always under the impression that your still paying until your soooo good people pay you.

05-17-2007, 08:00 PM
get a job

05-17-2007, 09:04 PM
get a job

05-17-2007, 09:58 PM
Ok, I have a dilemma. I am gonna have to get out of paintball if I can't find a team. I can't pay for paintballs, so Im gonna have to leave the sport. If you guys know of a team near Lenoir, NC please tell me. I'm dead serious and I don't want to leave this great sport. :cry:

Was talking to one of the local pro/semi pro players, when he was a younger he didn't have money for paint, but he went out to the field anyway and tried to bunker people.. and just ran around the field making bunkers and such..

And yeah.. Unless your on a pro/semi pro team with sponsors.. your still going to have to pay for your paint. you may get discounts but you'll still be paying something.

Oh as for finding a team. In my area we have a website that covers pretty much every field in the area and there are always postings for teams looking for players. If there is no local website, ask at the local field/pro shop if they know of any teams looking for players, usually the people working at the field play for a team and know the other teams in the area and whats going on in that scene.

05-18-2007, 09:10 AM
And if you do find someone who is going to pay for you to go play paintball, please send him my way because I really want to own a Ferrarri to drive and if someone doesn't give me all the money for one I'll have to give up on that great car.

See how dumb it sounds. The purpose of joining a team isn't for free stuff, it's to go to the top, and you have to pay for your stuff. IF you are EXTREMELY LUCKY (and very skilled), then one day you may get a sponsorship that covers your paint. We have a very good team in my area in central Virginia and they are still paying for all their stuff. They get a discount, but they have yet to get to the point where they get handouts and the've done really well the past several years.

Think of it as any other sport. If you can't afford to buy pads/uniform, you can't play. If you can't afford the greens fees and playing fees, you aren't going to get to play golf. Paintball is a sport.. if you can't afford to play, either stop playing or get a job like the rest of us so you can play.

Aggravated Assault
05-18-2007, 09:47 PM
Just Quit.


05-18-2007, 10:03 PM
get seconds, or go to a shoop and ask for the broken paint. normaly sells for 5 bucks a bag, clean it in acetone


05-18-2007, 10:30 PM
Get a Job! Man I cannot believe you posted that!

05-19-2007, 12:12 PM
Gah, you guys can be *POOF* when you put your minds too it. I have applied everywhere in Lenoir, but in case you did'nt know, Lenoir is a dying town. Google coming here is the best thing since Elvis. My father left me when I was 12 and I have had to fend for my self since then doing odd jobs. Don't freaking tell me to get a job.
temps, AlphaPaintballRef2 and SR_matt, thank you for your advice, you guys were helpful. I have talked to some people around here, but most of them don't want a new player. This is a hick town that loves shiny guns and I play with my nonagg minimag. Frick that if you can.

05-19-2007, 05:18 PM
If your looking for free paint then give up now, you won't find it. Now discounted paint is a different matter, you need to get out there and get noticed. Easiest thing to do is go play at the fields where and when local sponsored teams are there and let them see how good you are. If you're good enough than odds are one of them will probably be willing to give you a shot.

Its hard to find sponsors, what most people don't realise(and I hate the kids who ask me for sponsorships like this "will you sponsor me so I can have a better gun" or the like) is that you won't find a sponsor who gives you stuff for you to be able to play free and just go have fun. A sponsorship is an advertizing expense, if you want to get serious sponsors then you have to be ready to work hard for them and benefit them(there is a reason Ollie Lang is in ads for his sponsors and such, the reason they sponsor him is he does a good job selling thier product) Companys sponsor teams so that the team will advertise for them and benifit the company. Sponsors are a privlage that has to be earned, not a right that every player has. OK, thats my rant for the day.

05-19-2007, 05:36 PM
Gah, you guys can be *POOF* when you put your minds too it. I have applied everywhere in Lenoir, but in case you did'nt know, Lenoir is a dying town. Google coming here is the best thing since Elvis. My father left me when I was 12 and I have had to fend for my self since then doing odd jobs. Don't freaking tell me to get a job.
temps, AlphaPaintballRef2 and SR_matt, thank you for your advice, you guys were helpful. I have talked to some people around here, but most of them don't want a new player. This is a hick town that loves shiny guns and I play with my nonagg minimag. Frick that if you can.

what a punk!

05-19-2007, 06:13 PM
seriously, you guys were kinda rough on him.

OUchie. :argh:

05-19-2007, 07:39 PM
Yeah, playing pump will save you lots of the moneys. A bag can last me a month, which means I can now afford marbz.

05-19-2007, 09:51 PM
AND playing pump makes you a much better player. A teammate of mine, GroovyChicken has been playing pump almost exclusively the past few months and his snap-shot has improved 10 fold. His speed coming out of the bunker is much faster, and his one shot abilities have also improved. Not to mention his over all accuracy.

Heck its almost enough to make ME want to play pump.


Instead im getting an E-Mag. :p

05-20-2007, 11:11 AM
WHITE BOX 25 bucks a case how can you beat that

05-20-2007, 12:32 PM
There are many talented players who can't afford to play. That is the biggest challenge for a team is actually finding someone with both the desire (easy) AND the wallet to support their hobby.

There are no fully sponsored teams anywhere that are going to pick up some unknown player just because they want to play. You have to prove yourself. That involves being able to afford to support that level of play.
Even if you find a team that offers some sort of sponsorship or discount, there will still be costs coming out of your own pocket. Gas, food, and lodging aren't free.

As was suggested above, find a pump, or play within your budget limitations. There are no free rides.

05-20-2007, 04:05 PM
What about the old school way out?

If you're dying to play but can't afford paint, head to the local field and ref 1 day, get paid in paint. Then play the next day. Ref Saturday for a half case or a case of paint (depending on brand and price) then collect your paint, hit the field Sunday and play ball. If reffing isn't an option, there's still work that needs doing around any paintball field, from blowing up bunkers to mowing grass to picking up trash. Any fieldowner would love some inexpensive help I'm sure.

Getting onto a team isn't the Holy Grail of free paint. Nothing is. You're not going to find teams anywhere, much less Lenoir, that get free paint that they just pass around to their members. Everyone pays for paint.

If you're still looking for a team, hit the PBNation (yeah I know but this time it's the right thing to do) CFOA forums. There's a free agent list on there for people like you, looking for a team. Problem is, getting on a team won't help because, well, if you're on a team you actually have to play tournaments, and that costs more than what you're already trying to do.


PGi Magazine
CFOA Tuurnament Series

05-21-2007, 12:21 PM
I think Im gonna sell my minimag, and go phantom. I like the idea of reffing for paint, Josh2Xtremes. Im not really looking for free paint, sorry if the start sounded like it, Im looking for a way too cut down on paint usage and work for paint.

05-21-2007, 12:31 PM
i worked at a field for a while its defiantly a lot of fun, just happened to have problems when after like almost 2 years some one new took over and changed everything and screwed over all the old refs for the most part.

do you know the local field owner or some one who is close to the owner/manager? thats the best way to really go about it, depending on who the refs are you might be able to get a job easily around august when kids leave for college.

fair warning if you have never refed, it is hard work to do it well and people dont like to listen to a "kid", i mean kids dont know anything, they cant se a problem and fix it[/sarcasm]

and a suggestion if you dont have it i suggest getting trained in first aid and cpr, the first aid will get used, hopefully not the cpr but never know.


05-21-2007, 01:22 PM
I do have training in both, I used to Volunteer at the hospital and I dont know anyone around the field. Im the loner.

05-21-2007, 01:27 PM
first part, good, luckily i always had a corp man there that got to it before i could get to the person.

loner, meh make some friends :p

05-21-2007, 06:20 PM
Some of my fondest memories from paintball were the days ive spent reffing. I always enjoyed it, and i get a kick out of reffing the newbies. Maybe i was one of the refs everyone "hates" but if i was reffing a game of first timers i would usually give them hints and tricks. To both sides obviously, but tell them how to sit behind a bunker, hold the marker...etc. Heck Ive met alot of really great kids, and adults, back in my days of reffing. Turned quite a few people onto the game as well. Its work, yes, and it hurts (you would think they would SEE the bright orange ref vest..but nooOOOooo...lol) but if your like me, and just LOVe being around the sport there is few better ways to have a good day for free.

05-21-2007, 07:18 PM
Is that why people join teams? For free paint? I was always under the impression that your still paying until your soooo good people pay you.
my team actually has a paint sponsor. We bought the first set of cases and now, when we place in tournaments we get the same amount of paint for our next game. It's quite nice to not have to buy paint for each event we play.

05-22-2007, 09:31 AM
I think Im gonna sell my minimag, and go phantom. I like the idea of reffing for paint, Josh2Xtremes. Im not really looking for free paint, sorry if the start sounded like it, Im looking for a way too cut down on paint usage and work for paint.
sometime field owners need help during the weekends help him maybe by reffing one day and playing the next thats how i use to support my paint habbit and by doing that you learn that field really good and learn all the hiding spots and find excellent shooting allies

05-22-2007, 09:42 AM
one other thing that was awesome when i reffed, when there were just a few newbs out there the manager would hand us rentals and old paint and say "go play with them".

playing with hose crapy rentals was so much fun but wow those guns are awful.


05-22-2007, 09:44 AM
lol man i would give my left nut for a paint sponsor.. we shoot 20+ cases an event lol

05-24-2007, 03:01 PM
Sometimes finding a team isn't always the easiest thing to do. I suggest getting four of your buddy's together and start a team. Practice and play tournaments to gain experience and skill so your more "marketable" to other teams; this is what I did and luckily, my friends we're burnt out and I wasn't betraying them leaving for a better team. Then go to the owner of your local field and talk to him about reffing for paint and practice time. Sponsorship is a mutual relationship between a team and the sponsor, and without giving them something along the lines of reffing or manual labor, many owners will just laugh at you.

I chose to work my own job for 4 years of paintballs before i finally earned a paint sponsorship through my current team.