View Full Version : Uggghhh..... my team's game = poo!

01-06-2002, 07:34 PM
Played the HRL 3-man tourney today..... my team must have left it at home, because when we started playing, we couldnt find our game............. anywhere. We stunk up the field. In most of the games we played, we started strong, but as the game progressed, we fell apart. We hadnt played that bad in a LONG time. It was a rather humbling experience. Our back man's guns wouldnt work for anything.... His cocker wouldnt shoot.... he had been having some trouble with it recently but thought he had it fixed. He brought his friend's angel just in case. The cocker started getting cranky, so he brought out the angel. Well, guess what, the angel was misbehaving as well..... He was able to play, but not very effectively as most of the paint he put through it broke. Man... it was horrible.

But on a happier note, my brother's chopping problem didnt rear its ugly head and my gun performed flawlessly, even if I did not. :) Oh well, there's always next time.

01-06-2002, 07:45 PM
Noticed you talking about the Angel's "chop problem" was it the bolt chopping the balls, or were the ball detents screwed into far?

01-06-2002, 08:03 PM
I couldnt tell you why it was breaking.... I dont know much about them. Most of the breaks were in the breech, but a few were down the barrel.