View Full Version : Paintball videos

05-23-2007, 12:20 AM
So i just got ahold of a bunch of "old school" tourney vids. Mostly from the 03 and 04 season.

I even have one with AGD Pride/ :headbang:

Anyway, is anyone else sick and friggen tired of every single paintball video on earth just being a bunch of "music videos"? Seriously.

okok. I get it. Lets find a bunch of rock songs and put tournament highlights over them. IT"LL BE GENIUS! Great. It works for skateboarding because, well, there isnt really "sound" in that. But for once, just once, i would like to find coverage of the game, maybe just highlights even with the actual game sound in it. I am not even asking for play by play here, just the sound of the game. Maybe a SMALL audio commentary on who is doing what " And here, to win the game Lang gets bunkered by your mom" sorta thing. heck anything except some lame "XTREME GENERATION XTREME PUKE ROCK" band over lapping the sounds of the game.

And this is coming form a guy who would kill to have his band featured in a paintball video. :cool:

05-24-2007, 12:57 PM
I think that music adds to a paintball video, but that's just me.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HGn_vgM8hb0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HGn_vgM8hb0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Here's one my little bro did for our tourneys. This was taken may 5th at our first tourney for the summer.

05-24-2007, 03:09 PM
I think that music adds to a paintball video, but that's just me.
Here's one my little bro did for our tourneys. This was taken may 5th at our first tourney for the summer.

What kind of software does he use? That came out great.

05-24-2007, 04:09 PM
Theres no music in the Traumahead NPPL Campaign Cup DVD from 2006. Its alright, but not that fantastic. It has music at the beginning in the "title" section, but thats it.

Being a former skater, I like music in paintball videos, but at the same time, I like to be able to hear the game too. If the music drowns out the game, I find it to be boring. In my opinion, DerDer does a great job combining music and the sound from games into their DVDs.

^^^Yeah, that is a good vid...

05-24-2007, 04:12 PM
What kind of software does he use? That came out great.
Adobe Premeire is the program that was used. Thanks for the comments. For those wondering, Desega's brother is also my brother. Family is crazy that way.

05-24-2007, 04:38 PM
So i just got ahold of a bunch of "old school" tourney vids. Mostly from the 03 and 04 season.

I even have one with AGD Pride/ :headbang:

Anyway, is anyone else sick and friggen tired of every single paintball video on earth just being a bunch of "music videos"? Seriously.

okok. I get it. Lets find a bunch of rock songs and put tournament highlights over them. IT"LL BE GENIUS! Great. It works for skateboarding because, well, there isnt really "sound" in that. But for once, just once, i would like to find coverage of the game, maybe just highlights even with the actual game sound in it. I am not even asking for play by play here, just the sound of the game. Maybe a SMALL audio commentary on who is doing what " And here, to win the game Lang gets bunkered by your mom" sorta thing. heck anything except some lame "XTREME GENERATION XTREME PUKE ROCK" band over lapping the sounds of the game.

And this is coming form a guy who would kill to have his band featured in a paintball video. :cool:

Lol, I feel your pain dude. You've pretty much got it down. All the way down to the type of music that's being played in every single vid I watch..... new generation punk. I can't stand that crap. Even on Greg Hasting's Max'd. I turn it all the way down. I just wanna hear the game being played. That's it, that's all.

05-24-2007, 05:53 PM
I dont mind it if its just say, one song and some paintball to it. Im fine with that. But watching entire dvds worth of this stuff drives me absolutely batty. Especially if its a "pro" game. I would wager having some "commentary" over the action would increase in the viewing pleasure for some folks. Sure, i can dig a "musical montage" in football, but i sure as heck wouldnt want to watch an entire game that way.

Or even if they picked up some GOOD music instead of all this "typical" so-cal punkish rock they usually have. Again, being a musician i can appreciate the licensing that is involved, and how much i would like MY band to be on one. But, an ENTIRE DVD? doesnt anyone just want to watch the game play out and listen to the sounds? Some good commentary would help people learn too.
I suppose i cant complain too much. I got 6 dvds for free.

05-24-2007, 05:57 PM
Oh, Desega, tell your bro that vid is pretty well done. Keep it up. And keep choosing good music.

(children of bodom i believe it was?)

05-25-2007, 12:22 PM
So i just got ahold of a bunch of "old school" tourney vids. Mostly from the 03 and 04 season.

03 and 04 aren't old school. Thats still current. Once the electros took off, things advanced from "oldschool" to where they are now. Anything up til about 1996 is old school. There was a couple of years of transistion there up til about 2000.

05-25-2007, 10:59 PM
agreed. 03 and 04 isnt really old school. I suppose i should have said "older"

I agree, i started playing in 97, and i learned all of my tricks and habits then. I'd like to think thats old school. Or as i call it "the new old school". :p