View Full Version : I need some convincing (SCUBA)

Sir. Foxalot
01-06-2002, 08:54 PM
Hey I need some convincing about buying a tank to fill my nitro tank. I currently have to tanks but they are stricktly for SCUBA diving. SO can you guys give me some good reasons so I can atleast make my self think this is a good investment. Actually is it a good investment? And does it take any finesse to fill a tank on your own and is it inherintly dangerious to do? Thanx alot guys!
PS How many fills will I get off of a tank into a 68/3000?

01-06-2002, 09:06 PM
If you have the tanks use them. They're going to take far less abuse sitting in the back of your car when you play paintball then they do when you dive with them. Always fill them with breathable air and inspect them properly before diving. There's no reason why you can't use the same tanks for both.

01-07-2002, 09:08 AM
There are some good tech articles at WARPIG that explain the process. As described it is safe and simple. You might as well get the most out of your hydro testing. The article also tells you the number of fills you could expect.

01-07-2002, 09:13 AM
If you already have the tanks, the adapter is only like $50

01-07-2002, 09:40 AM
I use my scuba tank which is good for diving or filling my paintball markers. Just always get proper scuba fills and then your tank can still be used for both with no problems whatsoever.

Just don't get your tank filled by some places who will for paintball as the air may not be as clean as it should be.

What pressure (Bar) are your Scuba tanks? 300 bar is best if you can. I'm thinking about getting a 300 bar tank for diving and paintball use. I currently have a 15litre 232.


01-08-2002, 08:22 AM
I'm with Manike on this one. I don't see any reason not to use your SCUBA tanks for paintball - but only fill them with breathing quality air - EVER.

I didn't know you'd gotten a tank, Manike - you have a full kit now? More gear to pack for the next time you're over (when we hopefully will not have 10 ft seas and you can see the reefs).

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

01-08-2002, 08:28 AM
I've had a scuba tank for paintball pretty much since I got my first air system. A long time ago now. It's just now that I am diving I'm thinking about maybe a larger 300bar tank can be justified. I got my PADI card by the way, it turned up two days before christmas. :)

I'm hopefully in Detroit at the end of Feb... I'd love to try and get an internal flight down... but I'm hella busy so we will see.

I'm not sure I'll be packing a scuba tank to come with me. I usually bring too much crap anyway don't I? :)


01-08-2002, 08:31 AM
You could fly, or you could take a North/South tour of the states. I-75 starts in Michigan and ends in Florida. It's a nice long drive...

On second thought just fly.

01-08-2002, 02:04 PM
How much are scuba tanks?