View Full Version : I wana see what tom and other bigcheezes around here shoot

01-07-2002, 02:11 AM
I think all of us here on the form would like to see a thread where the moderators and Tom Kaye especially, yea im talking to you diet pepsi man ;) shoot when they go out for a day on the feild. Im not looking to start a picture thread for everyone and their mom's mag i just think we should have a thread dedicated to the people who REALLY know their mags. Thanks.

PS if yer a moderator or even tom kaye dont be shy if its not a mag! if u shoot it and got a pic of it, post it!:D

01-07-2002, 02:22 AM
since i see posts going up by AGD i see tom is lurking about the forums, come on tom post on here

01-07-2002, 06:30 AM
I think tom probably shoots a Mag, he does own and company and all....but to get into more detail i think he shoots an Emag, i know not of the color or upgrades(probably not one considering mags are perfect stock.) I know not of the moderators, come on mods, you to, post your "weapon of choice"

01-07-2002, 06:35 AM
Tom shoots a Blue E-mag Extreme with warp module and warp feed.


01-07-2002, 07:17 AM
yes thats what i've heard as well, tom does shoot an e-mag extreme, lucky guy.

01-07-2002, 07:20 AM
yup thats what he shot last time i played with him (super tour).... geee that extreme really gives good cover fire....!! haha :cool:

01-07-2002, 10:00 AM
i know miscue had a regular mag with a hypderframe, or used to. i think he has an emag now.

i remember blackvcj haveing a glossy black minimag with an SS barrel and a warp with the tube through the hopper.

army has a pinkish mag that SiN screwed up on.

i don't know about cphilip

01-07-2002, 10:06 AM
Miscue and Black both have matching Blue emag setups. I believe Miscue sold his old mag.

Cphilip has a tequila sunrise emag.

Rob has a polished body/black emag, i think, that's beat to hell with all the mods he does to it :)

01-07-2002, 10:08 AM
Tom Kaye… awe shoot! (oops added an "e" after Tom.. LOL)

<img src="http://www.agpaintball.com/t2.jpg">
<img src="http://www.agpaintball.com/t4.jpg">
<img src="http://www.agpaintball.com/t11.jpg">
<img src="http://www.agpaintball.com/t6.jpg">

01-07-2002, 01:04 PM
Hey guys,
I shoot a Hyper-Mag with a chrome Minimag body.
I saw that you mentioned big cheese so I did see anyone mention me :D :D

01-07-2002, 04:51 PM
hey, that kid with the mini running the verticle tank doesn't have a barrel plug in. that's a big no no.

01-07-2002, 05:30 PM
Love the mask Tom. :D
Is it a JT?

01-07-2002, 05:33 PM
It's a JT Crossfire or 'X'Fire as they called it.

It's a little old school, between snappers and spectra's :)


01-07-2002, 07:15 PM
Gotta love that backwards hat.....Really shows Toms with the program =) What other person in any industry do you see wear a backwards hat thats over.......25?

01-07-2002, 08:03 PM
I wear the XFire mask firstly because it's yellow, that way people know who they are shooting at (and who is blasting back!). The other reason to wear the extra coverage is because people are out to get me when I play ball, if I get bunkered I'm less likely to have welts on my head. With more protection I play more aggressively too. Remember my philosophy, "if you don't get shot out 50% of the time you are not playing hard enough".


ps in tourneys I use a different mask

01-07-2002, 09:08 PM
Hey shartley,

I was just wondering..

What type of marker do you use?

How often do you play?

Are you on a team?

01-07-2002, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by AGD
I wear the XFire mask firstly because it's yellow, that way people know who they are shooting at (and who is blasting back!). The other reason to wear the extra coverage is because people are out to get me when I play ball...

Uh...maybe you get shot at so much because that mask is so easy to see. :D I know it sure made it easier for me to see you when I was trying to light you up at Fox River Paintball. As I recall...I saw you, but you didn't see me and my black mask. ;)

01-08-2002, 07:42 AM
We all forgot about webby :)

Orange/Yellow Fade E-Mag w/WarpFeed

01-08-2002, 07:44 AM
That's what they call a Tequila Fade isn't it?


01-08-2002, 08:22 AM
I thought Webby had a Tequila Sunrise fade, but I checked his profile, and thats what he had listed. Im quoting hte main himself, don't shoot the messenger :)

01-08-2002, 08:40 AM
Yes... like I said its debatable which one can be called that or even if both could be I suppose. They both meet the description of a Tequila Sunrise to some extent. So you could think of it this way: One is like the Top half of a Tequila Sunrise (Red to Orange) or the other is like the bottom half (Orange to Yellow. Hey! wouldn't a Red to Orange to yellow be more accurate and cool?

01-08-2002, 08:47 AM
Well I did some research. And here is Toms post and I had remembered it wrong. In here he introduces them together and as the first one shown is Red to Orange fade and he first calls it Tequila Fade and then the second one is the Orange to Yellow which he does not give the nick name too. So... as officialy as it can be, it is the Red to Orange that he designates the Tequila Fade as far as I can tell. But who cares huh? :D


yes...I have a Red to Orange Fade E-Mag, Warp left black body with a red warp feed, Flatline 68/3000 with a Black Rase cover on it and I use a Freak on it with a 10 inch tip.

01-08-2002, 09:06 AM
Hey, if you guys wanna see Tom in action with his blue Extreme Emag, get the Super Tour Video that 720 did. I beleive AGD has a bunch of 'em, and we've got a few at <a href="www.diehardpaint.com">www.diehardpaint.com</a>. You could also contact <a href="www.720video.com">720 Video</a> directly and get 'em. The end of the video has about 10 minutes of footage from Country Club Paintball with all the supertour guys and Tom and Kayle playing. It's a sweet video. :D


01-08-2002, 09:14 AM
I shoot a orange/yellow fade emag with warp and flatline tank..


01-08-2002, 09:15 AM
Let's all not forget Army's Pink mag, hehe =]

sharley look up...

01-08-2002, 09:18 AM
Thank you for asking. I do not consider myself a “big cheese” as was the topic for this Thread… but thanks anyway. I have said time and again that I am an “Industry Type” person, as opposed to a “Rec/Tourney Player”.

This will help people understand the answers to your questions… But to answer them correctly, as well as more honestly, I have to change the order just a bit.. I hope you don’t mind. And to answer them simply would give AO Members the wrong impression.. and too much of that has happened already.

How often do you play?
I have not played paintball personally in the last 4 years.

The reasons for this are obvious to those who know me, and my schedule. As well as adding that to having a large family, and other interests… besides paintball. I choose to spend my time helping other players, teams, and paintball businesses, help with promotional materials, special events, etc.…. As opposed to actually getting out on the field now days.

I find that *that* is more of a help to the sport than my actual *physical* participation in the game at this point in time. Maybe if things calm down a bit, I can get out and shoot a few balls.. I was hoping to do that a bit this summer… but I have some very large projects coming in that may prohibit that as well… unfortunately. But I don’t think it would be a shock to my system being on the field since I still keep myself in pretty good shape with weights and mountain biking. Thank God.

I also help moderate two other Paintball Forums (although quite a bit smaller than this one). My work chair makes me like a “paintball amputee”… it prevents me from getting out on the field (although it would not be strange to “see” me popping in on a game, just not playing.. again.. time restraints.), but NOT from participating and contributing in other ways. My clients and those who know me can vouch for that. But I have an open invitation from one of my clients (and one of New England’s largest Paintball Parks) to stop in and play any time….. so, who knows.

Some people have made mention that I tend to post a lot (understatement) and that my posts tend to be long (again, understatement.. LOL)… if you combine the information I just gave, with the fact that, I too, have at least 3 systems up and running at all times, and have fantastic Internet connection(s)… It allows me to keep one screen on AO (at least most of the time) and peck at replies between other work and send them off when they are finished. It is NOT that this is all I do. LOL Far from it.

I think many on AO have a misconception of who and what I am… some from simply not knowing me.. and others by misleading information put out by other members. Hopefully this will help clear up some of those misconceptions. I also do not use other people’s or business’ resources to assist the paintball community.. I use MY OWN resources, my own business’ resources, and my own time.

What type of marker do you use?
Well, since I don’t “play”, I don’t’ “use” any particular type. ;) I do push AGD Markers though.. that is quite obvious (and the WARP FEED). If a marker was to fall into my lap, and I could choose it.. it would be the SFL (pewter) with Warp Feed (Smoke), and black hopper (brand not important to me)… OR a similar setup using the “Black Magic”.

One other addition to this SFL setup I would do, is have custom grips made similar to the pewter skulls grips shown here on AO, but with the counter window cut into them. No, I am not all that worried about weight… I have said it before, if it makes THAT big of a difference, a good weight training program would help… I carried heavier weapons for much longer periods of time when in the service… it did not kill me.. I don’t think. ;)

Are you on a team?
Well.. LOL Since we have established a few facts above, I can say simply “no”. :D

I however, help teams, and even help sponsor teams. Again, the direction I have chosen to assist the sport of paintball has taken a different direction than most.. but I am comfortable with it. And it does not make my participation any less important than shooting off a few hundred balls every other weekend.. it actually allows me to help more people in the long run.

But I *do* keep in touch with regular players and talk about their needs, conceptions, opinions, etc… it would be hard to make smart business decisions and make reliable suggestions to my other clients if I didn’t. So just because I am not out on the fields playing at this time does not mean I am “out of the loop”. ;)

I hope this clears up a few issues floating around out there.. as well as answers your actual questions to your satisfactory. Oh.. and for those who think ALL I do is Graphics….. LOL Nope, sorry, far from it. :D

01-08-2002, 09:31 AM

Bummer, I thought you played more.

Ah well, since you haven't played in 4 years, which markers do you or have you owned?

I believe you have a WARP Feed from one of those contests you ran though =].

01-08-2002, 10:04 AM
I wonder how many other people there are that post here but do not actually play paintball. Quite a few I should think.

01-08-2002, 10:12 AM
Again, thank you for the interest….

Bummer, I thought you played more.
Well, things happen. But we deal with it. It does not kill me… like I said, I spend the time doing “other” paintball related things. And quite a few are happy that I do. :)

Ah well, since you haven't played in 4 years, which markers do you or have you owned?
I was never a Paintball Enthusiast. So I never got my OWN personal Marker. (Pool Cues are a different subject.. LOL But I will not get into that here on AO.. LOL)

My previous jobs also prevented me from getting too “into” the sport… Again just no time for it. My children actually played more than I did. So think of it as more your classic “Rec” interest. Only since I began getting Paintball Businesses as clients did I really jump back into it (so to speak). I took my previous knowledge (limited as it was), massive amounts of research, and classic business experience to then help others in the industry. Like I said, I am far from being out of the loop… I just run in a different “loop” than most players. :)

I think this also allows me to remain more objective on issues.. less personal bias.

(Note for younger folks who may read this…. 4 years may seem like a lot of time for someone below 20, but after you reach a certain age, it really isn’t…. time flies right by. Unfortunately.)

I believe you have a WARP Feed from one of those contests you ran though =].
Ahhh, now that is a tricky thing to comment on. I think it would be best to just say.. What people believe, and what is true is often not the same.

I have a couple questions now….. Is this an official interview? LOL I have been interviewed on more than one occasion and they look an awful lot like this. Or was it the 3rd Degree? And if it was the 3rd Degree.. did I pass? LOL

You are very correct. As well as those that play but do not own AGD markers. It does not make their input any less important, or less valuable. In fact, I personally feel that it adds TO the forums…. In many ways.

01-08-2002, 10:19 AM
I know one or two people that played, then stopped, then started again. It's called burn out. Maybe you will play again someday.

How long were you playing for before you quit? Did you play back in the pump days?

Didn't Tom stop playing and then start again?

01-08-2002, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by shartley
I was never a Paintball Enthusiast. So I never got my OWN personal Marker.

My previous jobs also prevented me from getting too “into” the sport… Again just no time for it. My children actually played more than I did.

You say that you were never an enthusiast but you have played right? More than once?

01-08-2002, 11:01 AM

I was just wondering since I see your posts on almost every thread and never seen you mention anything about the type of marker you use. =]

And again, I thought you would fit under this category since your posts are everywhere. :p

And yep, you passed the interview. Expect a follow-up in a few weeks. hehe

01-08-2002, 11:19 AM
Problem solved...:cool:

01-08-2002, 05:37 PM
I havn't actually played since last Memorial Day. There's a lot of reasons for it, like not having the field right by the University anymore, moving and not taking the time to find new fields in the area, but mostly because I just don't have time with all the OTHER paintball stuff I do. I have been to two tournaments (WPF Masters and NCPA MICT fall college tourny) since then, but talked to people/organized instead of played. I did bring my new emag (that's right, I havn't played since Memorial Day but just bought an emag) to CPX over Thanksgiving break, but ended up talking to Forest for three hours and wasn't feeling terribly motivated to go out in the rather cold, wet weather anyway. I was also set to go play the weekend before that, but woke up to find out all the fields were closed due to hunting season. Frustrating. I also do things like take a day to testify in front of Wisconsin legislative committees instead of playing as well. ;)

But mostly, working a full-time job during the week, I need weekends to get NCPA stuff done as well as, you know, get groceries and the like, heh. That and I havn't given up on the concept of a social life just yet either. ;) But paintball play does fall kinda low on the priority list.

I *AM*, however, planning on playing Skyball this year, and practicing for it as well. Thank goodness they added a year onto the Novice class because I'm going to be rusty as all hell.

So yeah, unfortunately, there gets to be a point where as you get more and more involved in promoting the sport from an organizational level, there's less and less time to just be a player. (Warning: A "I do more for paintball than you do" ego comment to follow ;) ) While playing paintball a lot may show someone likes the sport, it's when they're willing to give up the time and money they used spend playing to promote the sport instead that you know they truly believe in it.

Really, I just need to figure out how people like Tom find a way to do both. Hrm... anyone want to give me a paintball company? ;)

- Chris

01-08-2002, 06:08 PM
A great post Raehl.

Originally posted by raehl
While playing paintball a lot may show someone likes the sport, it's when they're willing to give up the time and money they used spend playing to promote the sport instead that you know they truly believe in it.

This is soo true! And is one reason I have such huge respect for what Bill and Dawn Mills do with Warpig. They give up a huge amount of time and their own money to promote paintball. They don't make money from it but spend their money to promote what they love and believe in. They are working hard and making everything go right at many major events (the behind the scenes work they did at the World Cup was vital to it's running so smoothly!) and you can see them working hard at events where everyone else is relaxed and enjoying themselves (I'm sure they enjoy them also but it can get a little stressful for them occasionaly ;) )

Another person who falls under this category is Laurent Hamet who runs the millenium series, the personal effort that he has put into paintball has been an inspiration not just for Europe but also for the USA now that he is involved with the NPPL.

These people inspire me, I have for some time been so commited to work that I have been unable to play with a regular team (I still play regularly just can't commit to practices or events). I miss it but instead play with lots of guest teams at events all around the world. Since not on a regular team that will always attend Millenium events I took to voluntarily writing articles for warpig on the Millenium series so that everyone could see what happens over here. It costs almost as much as playing and in many ways it is almost as satisfying. Seeing the sport grow and having people grateful for what you are doing is a great thing.

I just love being involved in this sport. Wether I am posting, playing, designing, marshalling or reporting I am always passionate about it :)


the JoKeR
01-09-2002, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by AGD
The other reason to wear the extra coverage is because people are out to get me when I play ball

Uh oh, sounds like paranoia! Don't listen to all those extra voices in your head! Except for the one telling you to send me a new E-Mag Extreem, that is!;)

01-09-2002, 02:11 PM
Like Chaotic said, I had a PF+Hyperframe which I sold to get my Blue EMag. RT Pro inbound hopefully... let my sister and friends use it. When I'm not shooting an AGD gun, I shoot my mouth. :p