View Full Version : If Your Going to Buy an SFL Soon>>>

01-07-2002, 02:19 AM
Future SFL Owners,

With the fabulous reports from Kila many of you have expressed interest in purchasing SFL Emags. We want you to know that Kila's gun has a bored out breach so the barrel sits farther back closer to the ball drop. This has eliminated many ball in the barrel breaks for him.

We intend to update the breaches but since we are in the middle of testing right now there is a possibility that something could change and we would not want to do that.

Until we complete testing we won't modify those breaches so you should contemplate running an extra large bore barrel with the stock breach.

We are working on it stand by for more details as we get them.


01-07-2002, 02:22 AM
Wow Tom, you really must be working yourself hard. I think I'll thank you on the behalf of the real customers...:rolleyes: (arg, I need to play more paintball)

Load SM5
01-07-2002, 07:04 AM
Hhmmmm, well my SFL is on the way with my small bore boomstick so I guess I better see about finding a large bore barrel before next weekend. Thanks for the heads up.

Johnny Bravo
01-07-2002, 09:14 PM
Yes, Kila was talking to me about getting the breach on my SFL modified. Whereabouts could I go to get that done? Could AGD do that for me when I send my SFL in to get the ACE upgrade?

01-07-2002, 09:20 PM
Johnny- Read Tom's post again. They aren't going to modify any breeches until they get all testing done.

Load SM5
01-07-2002, 09:21 PM
Is this a problem for sure or an occasional thing? I planned on playing with my SFL for the first time this weekend with the boomer. The rest of my cash I have to save for Mardi Gras Open (see you there). Am I just setting myself up for a huge disappointment?

05-30-2003, 02:23 PM
question. has this problem been solved yet or is it still under development?

Load SM5
05-30-2003, 02:36 PM
It was found to be something else, mostly related to the old delrin superbolt, if I remember right. Have you been having issues?

05-30-2003, 02:51 PM
I've never had probs with my SFL breaking paint in the barrel, at least nothing that was noticably annoying (with the old bolt or LX). However I am using a Warp Breech over my SFL Vert. Warp Rules. All SFLers should go warp forever, heh. ALso eliminates that nasty SFL LX bolt only in the SFL Vert Breech, problem.

I think I'm gonna try and pick up a Vert Xmag Breech if i can, so i can use the Regular LX in it.

~da baller

05-30-2003, 04:05 PM
but can I get a link to the site selling the SFL? I'm interested in finally upgrading to an electro and it's a Mag or nuthin'.

Thanks in advance,

05-30-2003, 05:08 PM
holy thread resurection batman..

e mag
05-30-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by CMDane
but can I get a link to the site selling the SFL? I'm interested in finally upgrading to an electro and it's a Mag or nuthin'.

Thanks in advance,

they arent sold anymore, this thread is about a year and a half old.

05-30-2003, 05:57 PM
That's what I get for not looking at the post date. For some off the wall reason, I thought there was a second run being done and I was starting to get excited. My bad! :)

05-30-2003, 06:23 PM
Well... my SFL is having serious problems(chopping) If you guys could help me out then I would appreciate it. I already got the SFL bolt and it still chops. I got a regular warp breech and a regular lx bolt and it still chops. Im selling mine if I cant get it fixed soon.:mad: Help? Thanks!


05-30-2003, 07:17 PM
get lx..?

05-30-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by nato
I got a regular warp breech and a regular lx bolt and it still chops.



05-30-2003, 11:12 PM
Im still here!!! HEEEELLLLP!


06-01-2003, 03:18 PM
problems with LX? does it still chop with ace on?

06-01-2003, 04:32 PM
I just put the valve into a regualr mag body today and I did not get one chop after shooting an entire case.


06-01-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by nato
Im selling mine if I cant get it fixed soon.:mad: Help? Thanks!


well ill trade you my emag for it if you want :)

06-01-2003, 05:18 PM
if you would add $ i would be interested.


06-01-2003, 05:29 PM
pm me with a price and ill think about it(but lets keep this to pms now its getting off track from the original year old point;) )