View Full Version : Is my nitroduck tank leaking?

01-07-2002, 03:51 AM
Before I came home from the field yesterday, I made sure to leave some air inside my tank to keep anything from getting inside the tank. the gauge read 1000 psi before I left the field, but when I checked on it today the gauge says there is no air at all. when I first got my tank filled the guy told me it was leaking from the fill nipple, but it went away after a dry firing it a few times. I'm not sure if its completely empty because the pin does not easily go in like if it was empty. can anyone help me out? :confused:

01-07-2002, 06:16 AM
Turn it on quickley to see if any air comes out.
Just completley drain the tank, and replace the fill nipple (probably has a slow leak). You would probably be better off takeing it to the store and letting them do it.

01-07-2002, 08:42 AM
Leaks on tanks are funny. Most high-pressure leaks will only leak when the tank pressure is over a certain PSI, and then the leak will seal itself as the pressure goes down below a certain level. For example, if you had a 2400PSI leak, the tank would leak from >2400PSI, but at 2400PSI or under, the leak will stop. Also, leak speed matters. If you are bleeding off 50 PSI an hour, thats one thing. 50 PSI every 10 minutes is a little worse. The first leak won't effect you unless you store air in the tank for longer than fill station to field.

In any case, if you pick up some LocTite 545, it's an easy fix. Fill your air tank, then fill a glass with water. Dunk the reg in the glass of water, and look for bubbles. Now you know where the leak is coming from :) Probably the fill nipple or guage. Now empty out your tank fully, and use an adjustable wrench to take off the part that was leaking. Squirt some loctite 545 on the threads, be careful not to get any in the nipple/guage itself, and screw the part back in tightly. Don't keep wrenching until you break the part, but make sure it is in tight. Don't fill the tank for at least 24 hours while the loctite dries. Now the leak should be gone. If not, you can always try again. If you can't fix the leak on 2 tries, then send it in. Also, you can check the threads for damage while you have the part unscrewed.

One place I wouldn't reccomend trying to fix a leak yourself would be if its leaking from the bottle neck, where the reg screws in. If that's the case, then send it in for repair.

01-07-2002, 12:49 PM
Thanks guys. AO is the best. anyways would the pressure be too high to use teflon tape? because I have some loctite but don't know if it is permanent or not. the loctite is color blue.

01-07-2002, 12:54 PM
You can use the high pressure teflon, I suppose. I think its pink.

But I would reccoment Loctite. However, if you use loctite, its important that you use the right kind. Loctite 545 is the proper type. Its sorta purplish.