View Full Version : Why left-handed feed?

05-30-2007, 04:00 PM
Okay, newbie-like question from an old-school veteran...back when they ONLY had right-hand feed for all of them ancient MECHANICAL markers...

Why are there so many left-hand feed automags (and other) out there?
Are you all lefties? Or is this the 'new' way for right-handers to position your hopper so you can sight down the RIGHT side of the hopper? Or do you aim at all anymore?! :eek:

I'm right-handed and want to buy a minimag or automag...do I want a left-handed feed?!

Thanks for some insight.

05-30-2007, 04:09 PM
The "new" way is centerfeed...

someone is over thinking the whole idea a wee bit..

I would assume you would want a left hand feed..I don't really know, I don't even remeber which my classic body is..which reminds me I have a classic body and rail for sale..cheap..lemme know i you want it.

05-30-2007, 05:03 PM
when i had a classic, i liked the powerfeed left because when i came out of the right side of my bunker the hopper would still be somewhat in the bunker, meaning less hopper hits. but then it hung way out on the left side. now i shoot a vert feed.

05-30-2007, 05:26 PM
dont get 10 year old technology :)

05-30-2007, 05:33 PM
CKY: overthinking? YES! That's because I'm a new dad and get to play once a year...the rest of the time, I just get to research and buy gear that I'm not going to use much 'til my young 'uns grow up! ;)

Misterbones: that answer makes sense to me. Maybe I'll go warpfeed and not deal with the 'problem' at all.

mostpeople: well, I've been given a warpfeed, does that count as new enough tech for you?

05-30-2007, 05:37 PM
no lol

get a centerfeed ULE

05-30-2007, 06:31 PM
^ Ewww, thats so spacegun. Go old school. Get a Left Power feed, (I'm right handed, so left pf) and if you get the warp, you can flip around the plug and have a warp body! and if your using a gravity hopper, the extra ball stack needs much less shaking. I had my choice of a PF body and ULE, i chose a polished PF, much more classy. And I'm not an old geezer either, i'm only 15 and still would take a PF > ULE

05-30-2007, 07:41 PM
^ Ewww, thats so spacegun. Go old school. Get a Left Power feed, (I'm right handed, so left pf) and if you get the warp, you can flip around the plug and have a warp body! and if your using a gravity hopper, the extra ball stack needs much less shaking. I had my choice of a PF body and ULE, i chose a polished PF, much more classy. And I'm not an old geezer either, i'm only 15 and still would take a PF > ULE

Define "spacegun".

/power feed body still for sale mudpie, oh and for cheap.

05-30-2007, 10:28 PM
I would say a power feed left is for right handers since it puts the hopper in front of your head, while you can sight down the centre of the gun. Since I am left handed with a left power feed the hopper sticks way out to the side of my head when I move to shoot out the left side of a buncker which gives more of a target to get hit.

I like the powerfeed left though since it allows me the option of having a right mounted warp since I am lefthanded :)

P.S. I hate centre feed since you can't sight properly :mad:

05-30-2007, 10:31 PM
^ Ewww, thats so spacegun. Go old school. Get a Left Power feed, (I'm right handed, so left pf) and if you get the warp, you can flip around the plug and have a warp body! and if your using a gravity hopper, the extra ball stack needs much less shaking. I had my choice of a PF body and ULE, i chose a polished PF, much more classy. And I'm not an old geezer either, i'm only 15 and still would take a PF > ULE

I assume you mean a right power feed since a left powerfeed would allow a warp to feed from the wrong side for a righty (from the right side of the gun) :bounce:

05-30-2007, 11:29 PM
I'm right-handed and want to buy a minimag or automag...do I want a left-handed feed?!

Thanks for some insight.

If you go old school with hopper on top I would say you want hopper left body. If you go new school with warp, I would say hopper left body. This would be better for the warp mount left[which is what you want being right handed] as far the the hose from the warp goes. The hose will go right into the power feed from the bottom using the long plug.

I am right hand and used hopper left power feed when I had no choice to get H.O.T.[Hopper Off Top] With either Power feed hopper left or right you can sight right down the top of the barrel thru the V that the power feed makes. With a center feed you have to sight down either side or some such. Never tried that old school center feed thing. I only shoot new school H.O.T. now

A warp will work with any mainbody. If you get a ULE warp main body you WILL have to notch the rail for the body to fit.

This place is like Radio Schack. You got questions we got answers.

05-31-2007, 11:24 AM
CKY, thanks, I'm looking for a marker that is almost ready-to-go. Don't have time to cobble together a working marker setup.

Everyone, thanks for the input. I'd have to say, sounds like centerfeed probably isn't for me. Powerfeed sounds good, giving me the option to attach a warp. Left or right, I'm still undecided but it sounds like either way will work, I'll just get used to whichever way, and each way has its slight benefit. :) Warp can be attached either way, just need that 90 degree elbow thingie if the powerfeed is on the 'wrong' side.

Nick E
05-31-2007, 11:29 AM
well, with centerfeed, it helps (or hinders, if you're just like that) how you shoot on both sides evenly. A hopper right will be nice to shoot out the left side of anything. however, it's a *POOF* trying to hide that hopper coming around the right side of anything. Centerfeed lets you tip the loader out of the way but makes you expose your grip frame on either side. But, if you're going warp, get the PF body. it looks better with a warp(unless you get a warp ule, lol)

05-31-2007, 11:32 AM
well, with centerfeed, it helps (or hinders, if you're just like that) how you shoot on both sides evenly. A hopper right will be nice to shoot out the left side of anything. however, it's a *POOF* trying to hide that hopper coming around the right side of anything. Centerfeed lets you tip the loader out of the way but makes you expose your grip frame on either side. But, if you're going warp, get the PF body. it looks better with a warp(unless you get a warp ule, lol)

how can center feed hinder you?

05-31-2007, 09:28 PM
Didn't you ^^^ know if you don't have x-ray goggles built into your mask you cant aim right and snipe fools with center feed. Gosh