View Full Version : Flatline

05-30-2007, 10:00 PM
I was wondering if some of you guys and gals can post pics of your flatlines with all angles and tell me how you like it. Thinking about getting one or two. :cheers:

05-30-2007, 10:25 PM
Actually I have to say I am not a big fan simply because it isn't a screw in tank. If I have an issue where my gun won't shoot I can't easily disconect the air supply to dissassemble the gun (if you turn the flatline off there is still air in the line). Basically I need to coax the gun in firing since the quick disconnect won't disconnect until there is only 400psi or so in the line.

I bought it to sustain higher rates of fire with my mag in big games (30bps full auto sorta thing :P). I tried increased pressure for more reactivity in my x mag, but it didn't make a worth while difference. I will try it with just a standard RT when I get the RT fixed.

Also if you have a warp it is hard to read the guage on one side. Also it is hard to tighten it to the flatline drop forward so that the tank doesn't wiggle around.

Dark Side
05-30-2007, 11:12 PM
I use the adapter and a normal drop with my warp. I can see the gauges by turning the gun up on it's side.

Tao is right about the pressure. However, I've never had problems with mine so I never needed to pull it off mid day.

05-30-2007, 11:14 PM
I exclusively use flatlines. Mainly because i use both high and low pressure markers, and it is convenient to be able to use the same tank on all. If you have an issue with not being able to easily disconnect your marker invest in staubli pro connect and boom problem solved. They are very consistent tanks, and I personally love them. Don't know if this helped you at all but i tried.

05-31-2007, 01:35 AM
I was wondering if some of you guys and gals can post pics of your flatlines with all angles and tell me how you like it. Thinking about getting one or two. :cheers:


I like it cause it aint a screw in, is adjustable has good performance and has a built in safty[The first in the industry] and last I saw was in the top three for recharge rate. Generally speaking a screw in is not the best idea for our application. I dont dive with my gun but if I did the Flatline 4500 is one of two that I know of that has a blow off safty, Just in case the reg breaks, the pressure vessel wont become an uncontrolled missile. Weird the other one is a screw in.

05-31-2007, 04:54 PM
Thanks guy but i was hopping for some real world pics of the Flatline. I wanted to see them on markers. :)

05-31-2007, 05:27 PM
damn, that gauge looks funny (since replaced)



Empyreal Rogue
05-31-2007, 05:42 PM
Thanks guy but i was hopping for some real world pics of the Flatline. I wanted to see them on markers. :)


I, too, exclusively use Flatlines. Granted I only have 1 marker right now but when my E-Mag project is done I will be in the market for another 68/45 Flatline for it. AGD pride!

I'm going to put a newer photo up in the pic. thread later tonight I think. It'll be worth checking out! ;p

05-31-2007, 05:47 PM
I keep two markers. My main one, the MiniTac Pro, has a Flatline and I love it. I am going to upgrade my second marker to a Flatline as well.

I talk about the Flatline a good bit in my Chronicles (which includes a picture of the MiniTac Pro):



06-01-2007, 03:08 AM

That's on a Macdev rail, with Macdev gauges.

06-03-2007, 10:13 PM
so the 1st gadge tells you how much psi is going into the mag??? Nice... thanks guys!!!! :D

06-03-2007, 10:53 PM
There are two gauges, one for the tank, one for the output. The gauge closest to the tank is the tank pressure.