View Full Version : Rec Ball yesterday! You better look at this!

01-07-2002, 06:06 AM
Well there was a 5 man tournament in the tires yesterday. There was about 5 teams of 5 and one 10 man team. On an average there is about 150 people there. So we(recballers) go off to play game of bank(VERY SMALL FIELD). WE are just getting rdy to start when all the other players come to our side. So we had about 60 people in this little place and no one knew what was happening, and all of a sudden, they start the game. We were facing the ten man team! Everyone thought we were going to kill them. So me (defiant and warp) and my friend(impulse) run up to the middle bunker. Like 5000 balls come at us for 5 minutes straight, I popped out really fast and got this guy who was gonna bunker us, then i went back out and got hit in my mask 3 times. I stood up and got hit about 20 times, he gets hit in the mask as well. So we go to the sideline and watch. My entire team was standing behind the building where you start. So tourny team's front man runs up and did a barrel roll to the front the building, he snap shot into the building and hit every single person. It was sooo funny! 10people who had plenty of space beat 60 people with no space! I got the only elimination. What a day:)

SiLeNt X
01-07-2002, 10:30 AM
haha thats sad

01-07-2002, 10:34 AM
Hehe...I'm sure the tourney boys were a lot easier to hit the next game seeing how bigs their heads got. LOL! Just kidding! That's sweet that they kicked butt. Teamwork and communication...always a great combo.

01-07-2002, 11:52 AM
i got a simular situation. on december 29th i and a few friends organized a lot of people to show up at our field(speedball) and we had a good amount of people show about 10 players total showed wich for our field is good cuz we do it for fun and its free to play at. well i an another friend (both mag owners) decided to put on a little show for others that came to watch about 10 other people watching. and we challenged 6 on 2 well right away on the break my friend was taken quickly he took 1 out on the break. so i was like oh **** and well all i brought on the field was a hopper of 200 :( and well the result was me taking on the 5. what a rush that was but i guess experience does help alot. 7 years of play thank god i used my mag to : ) allways can rely on its acuracy, quietness, and durability.

01-07-2002, 09:34 PM
I play at hit and run and I play 3 on 10 1 on 7 stuff like that all the time like 4 weeks ago I played with me with a my cocker and no hopper or paint and 2 brothers with mags and we beat them bad. communication is the key.