View Full Version : Base images to work your Custom milling ideas on!

01-07-2002, 06:16 AM
Ok Guys here are some base images of a standard Extreme body the same as which we are using for a basis to machine from. You can use these to work your own custom ideas.

I've given as many views as possible so you can try and get an idea of the 3D shape and thus hopefully come up with ideas that are actually possible.

Feel free to mod these anyway you like. It doesn't have to a pretty visual image it can just be some lines done in paint or similiar.

The one thing you can not do is add material anywhere (duh :rolleyes:) and try not to cut into the middle tube deeply if you do not want the valve to be showing... there is only 1.5mm of material there, anything other than some surface work will go through.

Here you can see a front on view. You can see how narrow the front is and the 'strange' contours you need to work your design around. You can also see the barrel cavity, but don't be misled the cavity gets wider in the body than it is at the front for the barrel. You do not have as much material as it may look like there to work with...


Here is an iso picture so you can get an idea of the 3D shape. If you can work your images on this it would be ideal. You can also see the body cavity for the ring. Again this is actually smaller than the cavity behind it for the valve... You can see it is getting thinner. You can see a scoop out of the back behind the module, if you intend to cut into the body anymore than a mm or or so then it needs to be done below the top level of that scoop.


This shows you a view from the top and thus where you are limited to material. The Bike themed gun is machined in from the width of the body at the module to the width of the grip frame which is the same as the bit here in the module gap. That shows you just how much material was removed!



01-07-2002, 06:17 AM
These images are with the vert feed module in and would be ideal to use for any designs you work on.









That should do it...

If anyone wants specific areas or images for close ups etc then let me know.


01-07-2002, 09:09 AM
very nice manike! I made a template like that for when I was playing around with cocker milling ideas.

Very helpful!

01-07-2002, 09:26 AM
anyway to get that in a maya or 3dsmax format? would be extremely helpful

01-07-2002, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by DaXtremeist
anyway to get that in a maya or 3dsmax format? would be extremely helpful

hhm what is that a CAD or modeller package? I'm sorry but I am not allowed to actually release the CAD file.


01-07-2002, 09:50 AM
could you release the cad files if i sign some kind of non discloser or something i usually have to do that when i send things out at work, also are standard mag files ava,this would make my life eaiser cause i would like to know the exact profile of the body rail so i can get a quote on some 10-15 deg asa's

01-07-2002, 11:43 AM
no i don't want cad cuz i know the position on those files but you can export cad files out to 3dm,mb, or obj files none are cad and are for 3d programs wich i use. if ya can't i can use the reference pictures as a template and model them in maya,max etc.

01-07-2002, 11:49 AM
Dax, Sorry I don't think I can do that. I could make them as HPGL I guess... Does that help?

Dorksquad, Sorry but that is not my decision to make. If you want files of the Extreme speak to AGDE, if you want them of Current Mags ask AGD (Tom).


01-07-2002, 11:58 AM
what type of file is that? ive never heard of HPGL....

01-07-2002, 12:03 PM
It's what printers take :) When ever you 'print to file' it's what you make :)

We can import them as CAD line data and export them also :)


01-07-2002, 12:17 PM
HEres one of mine.. took less than 5 minutes so dont expect much.. renered in 3D Studio, but I onld gave u the left side cuase its all frigged up on the other side.

01-07-2002, 12:56 PM

01-07-2002, 01:01 PM
Vegeta great ideas, but if you don't mind I'll give a few pointers which will make it easier for me if I take these ideas into production.

I like the feed tube idea a lot. But if we mill right through (which would be cool) the middles of your letters would drop out :) You can see what that would be like by just blacking them out. I think it would still work. Or we could not mill so deep.

Very sharp lines right through are difficult because of the width of a cutter and how deep it needs to go. If you can try and have a little radius at the ends it would help, or we can 'smear' the design out from the surface and be quite sharp. It means the ends of your sharp bits would also be red (you could show it like in dave's drawing by the valve cut out by making a darker shaded area getting lighter as it gets to the tip of the point). But then it wouldn't be cut right through the body.

If you put radii on it then a 1.5mm rad is good. I don't really want to go much smaller than a 3 end mill as they tend to be a little delicate. We could do though if the design really required it :)

Keep up the good work.


01-07-2002, 01:03 PM
Vegeta we could take your idea and cut a splat shape out the back in a similar style (a splat would be much easier to machine and more cost effective).


01-07-2002, 01:04 PM
My pathetic try..I call it Stars and Stripes 9-11 Edition.

01-07-2002, 01:06 PM
Matty that is not pathetic. We are brainstorming here and there is no such thing. We are just looking for ideas. A flag on the side is very possible (I mentioned that to one of my Canadian friends from CanCon).

I bet it would go down well with the USA market.


01-07-2002, 02:56 PM
Manike, for some reason when I print out a body style it prints it slightly larger than the body is shown. It it a requirment to keep it at the same size for compatability with the CAD system? If that is the case, then I will keep looking for a way to print it out right.


01-07-2002, 03:02 PM
Size doesn't matter at all. I can just scale it. It's just so I have some reference points for when I start modelling it up.


01-07-2002, 03:04 PM
no prob, got it:)


01-07-2002, 03:30 PM
I call the milling behind the feed " Toof-less " and the milling on the back " Lava Lamp Milling "

01-07-2002, 03:34 PM
Coffee you always make me smile...

We could mill a 'bite' mark into it :) that would be seriously funny.


01-07-2002, 03:41 PM
Then Sharky.....

01-07-2002, 03:46 PM
Now an animals head with it's mouth around the valve is really a very cool idea. What we need is STL files of animals from the net. Anyone got super finding abilities?


01-07-2002, 03:49 PM
Wooo Hooo!!! I am 8 posts away from 600!!!!!!! WWOOOOO
LOL. This is not a post whore :D , this is simply an UP post so everybody gets a chance to see my creation!!:cool:

01-07-2002, 03:58 PM
Hey no post whoring in this thread! ;) lol


01-07-2002, 04:10 PM
I can get max files of animal heads.. not STL.... What is STL? can stuff be imported into this file?

01-07-2002, 04:14 PM
stl is a form of rapid prototyping files. It is a very common format and used for RP to animations.

If you can get animal head files in any surface format I am sure we can find a way to convert it into my system

Maybe as .iges, or .step, or .dxf, or .dwg, or catia .model or .exp or .vda or... what other file formats can you do?

There will be a way :) A lions head would be perfect if you can...


01-07-2002, 04:29 PM
Hm... I don't think photoshop would a prototype for the extreme milling very well. Especially when you already generated a 3d image as a platform.

Does photoshop do rendering? Cuz if it does then I'll nm my comment.

01-07-2002, 05:05 PM
Ok this thing looks bad b/c i couldnt fade the colors and whatnot. The module would be blue and the feed tube would be chrome with the detent. I've always loved fishbone milling so i added it.The EXTREME part would be indented with blue added. This was just a small thing that took me 15 minutes. Dont flame me please!!! LOL. Here she is

01-07-2002, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Vegeta
I can get max files of animal heads.. not STL.... What is STL? can stuff be imported into this file?

Vegeta what is the file extension? is it .max?

Are you talking about a 3D studio max file?


01-07-2002, 05:53 PM
manike anyway you could post some ruff dims? Trying to make a basic 3d solid to play with. Mainly just overall length and width at widest point. I understand if you can't do this.

01-07-2002, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Gecko
manike anyway you could post some ruff dims? Trying to make a basic 3d solid to play with. Mainly just overall length and width at widest point. I understand if you can't do this.

It's roughly about 230mm long 44mm high, 32mm wide at it's thickest and 20mm thick at the rail. Is that enough for you?


01-07-2002, 06:01 PM
Yes, 3D Studio MAX files.. I can get .max, .3ds, and .dxf files easily. I sometiems have trouble convertign the dxf files though, Every now and then I get face loss.

I'll try and find a lion..

01-07-2002, 06:05 PM
Vegeta if you can convert to .iges (also known as .igs) that would be best if not I'm working on other conversion processes.

Let us know what kind of stuff you can find. A dino would also be hella cool... huh Tom ;)


01-07-2002, 06:43 PM
Did this in 5 minutes. Have to run off to eat dinner, but tell me what you think.

01-08-2002, 05:42 AM
Hey Arman,

That could be done very easily. As could the module machining but I think it still needs to be taken further. This is after all for the Extreme! We want designs to stand out as being different and 'extreme'.


01-08-2002, 06:40 AM
A few months back, when you first posted the Modular Mag CGI pix, I had a play around with them to see what could look cool.

I posted them in a thread here, but no one seemed to see them, so I'll post them again here.

Dark Extreme Mag. Based on the V1 Dark angels; everyone I know thinks these were the best looking angels ever.

Concentric circles milled into the body. (More smoothly than I've drawn here.)

Another play on the 'stripes' theme. I like this interpolation effect; makes it look like it's fast!

I love this one. It reminds me of the cool Ripper Milling. Mmmmmm Nice.

My original GigerMag idea. This is the one that evolved into my Fantasy Mag submission.

Anyway, lemmy know what you think Simon!



PS. Did you get the PM I sent to Sostas account?

01-08-2002, 06:49 AM
Jan I didn't get any PM's sent to Sosta's account. I wouldn't have even looked at them because I wouldn't have expected them to be for me.

If Warped Sportz decided to do a Dark Extreme then I would write the programs for the top one, but unless they sanction it I will not.

The one with the curves that reminds you of the ripper is cool. Again I do not want to do something that looks too much like someone elses intellectual property (idea). We could do such sweeping curves into the body but in a manner like the fishbone milling... hmm that would be cool... It's like an Idea that John Sosta wanted to try.

The Geiger mag is possible if you can find some surfaces or a scan file of such work in 3D... or if you have a 3D part like that I could get it scanned...


01-09-2002, 01:37 PM
Here is the original X-Mag design, as you requested, from the side. Sorry about all the erased lines here and there, but after trial and error, I was finally happy with the version you see here as it most closely resembles what I am seeing in my mind. I will be working on a battery pack soon. Also, if I need to email you, could you put down your address? Thanks, and enjoy!


01-09-2002, 01:40 PM
I'm sorry, for some reason it told me the image was too big at the exact size it needed to be, so i had to scale it down an inch or so. Let me explain a few things. You see some littles 'X's on the picture. All those do is to distinguish the raised up parts of the mill from the sunken in parts. Also, I did this drawing right over an unmilled X-treme body, so it should be very accurate. If you have any comments or questions, maybe you'd like to see me change something on it, just let me know:)


01-09-2002, 01:59 PM
I drew this one in a hurry, but this is what it kinda looks like to have the 'X' on the back of the gun instead of the module.


01-09-2002, 02:05 PM
Also, it was curious to hear people talking about milling animals onto the X-treme, and I thought about it for a while, and when we were doing our monthly drive down to the base to get groceries, I was drawing some pictures, and I drew one that had actually been in my mind for a while, an Eagle! Its hilarious to think about but to me, it looks like the coolest thing ever, its so different. I'll try and do a nice drawing of it and stick it up here:)


01-09-2002, 02:07 PM
Also someone should do a lion, like one the AGD logo. I'd like to see Dave do it, but I don't wanna overwork him.

01-09-2002, 02:51 PM
Ok , what if you bored the back where the valve goes 1/8" larger and slide a 1/16" walled tube in it . This way the tube could be personalized with color or text without changeing the whole gun. It would be kinda like the freak sleaves.

01-10-2002, 10:33 AM
First up, Dave I love what you are doing, the concept is fantastic and the shape flows beautifully. It's a lovely smooth ergonomic look to it. We may need to just do a few iterations to make it very viable. At the moment there is not an outstandingly large amount of material around the vert feed tube. Also unless we mill the modules before adding the tube we need to be careful about machining into the tube. This may mean we need to leave a slight border of unmilled metal around where the tube is... I may be actually be able to get it to mill right upto it but it depends on tool size and clearance and set up. We are still working on the jigs. Hang with me and I'll look at that as soon as I can. The concept is great!

Originally posted by Bluntman
Also someone should do a lion, like one the AGD logo. I'd like to see Dave do it, but I don't wanna overwork him.

I've been asking people to try and find surface or stl files of such things. If they can we will look to do it. We are trying to get one of a dinosaur to mill for Tom, but shhh don't tell him ;) A lion would be cool too! I would need a surface file of such a creature though. I don't have time to model one up. I can fit it to the body but not scratch model it.

Originally posted by KayleAGD
Ok , what if you bored the back where the valve goes 1/8" larger and slide a 1/16" walled tube in it . This way the tube could be personalized with color or text without changeing the whole gun. It would be kinda like the freak sleaves.

Way ahead of you Kayle, but great idea :) We have talked about reaming the body hole out further and having annodised valves or sleeves inside. The gun I am working on for myself (and Bill from Warpig) will actually be like this. The one from the Cup if you remember? I'll post a pic once I have it modelled up to an extent that I am happy with it. I think my gun is going to be dust blue with shiney black valve inside and shiney black accessories :)


01-10-2002, 10:42 AM
manike do you have access to a wire edm? I have some stuff I'm working on that would pretty much require it.

01-10-2002, 10:45 AM
hhm not really. What are you trying to do? Thin sharp detail?


01-10-2002, 10:48 AM
Cutouts with high detail over the power chamber. Wire edm would be prefect, but if I lover the detail a bit it would be millable. I'm just wondering so I can get the angle right. I was thinking of mirroring and making the cut through the center axis (trivial on a wire edm). Instead I'll make the cuts from the side straight on, which will be easier for a mill.

01-10-2002, 11:00 AM
The jig I am designing will allow us to mill the bodies from above as well, not just both sides.


01-10-2002, 12:55 PM
How about instead of designs being milled into the body of a mag, they be lazer ingraved?

This may not get rid of much weight but I suppose the designs could be a lot more intricate and detailed. Maybe a combination of the two would mean lightweight nice designs.

06-01-2003, 12:46 AM
Sorry to bring up an OLD thread.

I had a project going that requred drawing up an Xmag. Project was cancelled and so I stopped.

Heres a Xmag drawn up in pro/e. Its rough, not everything is perfect and the demensions are off, but the ratio is there. Oh yeh... And a few hadn't gotten to a few things, like the angled cut on the front lower section.

Just thought I'd post it incase anyone needs it for anything:).

If AGD cares, feel free to take it down, although I dont see why you would.

BTW, the main hole is small because I was just using it as an axis and was going to take the specs off a slug for the insides.

06-01-2003, 12:50 AM
Hm, wasn't thinking... file type isn't supported. If you want it email me, [email protected] or I'll see about zipping it.

06-01-2003, 01:05 AM
.prt but can export to others

Toxic Dave
06-01-2003, 12:56 PM

You could get the sharp jagged cuts on that one design if you used a wire-edm machine. I know it's another opration, and a pain, but the design isn't out of the question.

dave/ toxic/ gz