View Full Version : Sfl Emag Or Extreme?

01-07-2002, 09:34 AM
I'm a little confused with people calling the new emag different things. Are there two new types of emags coming out or are they the same thing? I've been looking all over for at least an hour to find posts that explain but can't find one so any help is appreciated. What are the differences between the SFL and Extreme Emag (or are they the same thing?(is one aluminum and one not? (definately gonna want a blue one to replace my RT PRO)....Also when is the projected release for them now that the superbolt was downgraded to and upgrade :) .

01-07-2002, 09:35 AM
The Extreme body is the new aluminum body designed by AGD Europe.

The SFL is a milled Extreme body done by Shocktech.

As for release on teh Extreme, I don't know. You can call Shocktech for an SFL, though, apparently. $1450, I believe.

01-07-2002, 09:36 AM
The SFL is an Extreme E-mag with more milling done by BBT the guys who do Shockteck stuff. They are both Aluminium.


01-07-2002, 07:04 PM
Thx for the reply. In that case I'm gonna get an SFL simply because it sounds to me like an SFL is a souped up extreme. I want a blue one though :)....And I'll probably wait until the ACE is incorporated into the marker. But we'll see. I may put my RT PRO up on this sight shortly. If anyones interested let me know. It is a black hopper right RT Pro with intelliframe and I'll throw in a blue revolution hopper. Don't respond email me at hysperion@outgun.com. Oh and sorry if posting selling stuff violates the rules :(.....

01-07-2002, 07:08 PM
Hysperion that is exactly what an SFL is :)

AGDE are also working on some other souped up versions of the extreme. See the 'hot off the mill' threads for some of the prototypes.
